CBMM Announces Boat Auction
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) is holding its very first sealed-bid boat auction. Due to a large number of recent boat donations, up to 20 in-the-water boats—ranging in size and performance from cabin cruisers and sport fisherman to sailing yachts—will be auctioned off to each boat’s highest bidder. The boats will be available to preview at CBMM beginning on Thursday, April 28 and continuing during museum hours until all sealed bids are due at noon on Sunday, May 1.
A suggested value will be provided for each boat; sealed bids will be opened on Monday, May 2, with all successful bidders then notified of their purchases. Auctioned boats are sold as is, and must be removed from CBMM’s docks no later than 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 7. The museum will process all taxes and the transfer of title and registration for each successful bidder.
The spring overstock auction is in addition to CBMM’s annual Labor Day weekend live auction on Saturday, September 3, when more than 100 boats will be on land and in the water for the highest bidders to take home. Proceeds from both events benefit the children and adults served by the non-profit museum.
Through a generous grant from the Miles River Yacht Club Foundation, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum will be addressing boater safety at the overstock sealed-bid auction by providing a 4-pack of life jackets with each boat auctioned off at the event.
Full details can be found here.