The Howard Slotnick Leadership Fund: Celebrate Howard’s Legacy with a Gift
In April 2020 with heavy hearts we shared the sad news that Howard Slotnick, our dear friend, shipmate, chairman emeritus, treasurer and trustee since 1976, had died on 31 March from COVID-19. Howard was a true gift to the National Maritime Historical Society and to the entire maritime heritage community. We miss him dearly and will strive to honor his legacy for generations to come. Please take a moment to read our remembrance of Howard and to watch this short film produced by NMHS Vice Chairman Richardo Lopes, as we share with you a little about Howard’s life, in his own words.
Howard Slotnick dedicated much of his life to the success and financial stability of the National Maritime Historical Society that he so loved, and his daughter Sharon asked us to create a fund in his name to further his legacy. Please join us in supporting the Howard Slotnick Leadership Fund, chaired by his dear friend and shipmate, NMHS trustee and 24th Commandant of the US Coast Guard, Admiral Robert J. Papp Jr., to carry forward the work that meant so much to Howard.
We are grateful to announce that an anonymous friend of Howard and the Society has provided NMHS with a $50,000 matching gift, challenging supporters and members to raise an additional $50,000 to match his generosity. This is an incredible offer that doubles the impact of any gift and provides enduring support for Sea History magazine, the NMHS website, and the Society’s educational initiatives.
Contributing to the Howard Slotnick Leadership Fund both honors Howard and ensures that the National Maritime Historical Society’s mission, serving as America’s voice for our maritime heritage, continues. In order for your support to be doubled up to $50,000 in matching funds, donate online today. If you would prefer to mail in your donation, please send a check payable to “NMHS” to the National Maritime Historical Society, 1000 N. Division Street, Suite #4, PO Box 68, Peekskill, NY 10566, and write “Howard Slotnick Leadership Fund” on the memo line. For wire instructions, please email [email protected]. Thank you!