Ronald L. Oswald


Board of Trustees

Ronald L. Oswald, NMHS Chairman Emeritus and recipient of the 2015 David A. O’Neil Sheet Anchor Award, is a retired computer systems project manager who began his career working on computer simulations at Bell Telephone Laboratories for NASA’s Saturn/Apollo lunar landing project. He later worked in various marketing and technical support positions for a major computer manufacturer. An honors graduate of St. Peter’s College with a BS in physics, he also holds an MS in applied mathematics from Stevens Institute of Technology.

His lifelong interest in maritime history and art eventually led him to NMHS and its Saturday seminar program which not only helped fuel that interest but also introduced him to a dedicated group of individuals with like interests.

RonsiteHe is a member of numerous museums and organizations, including the American Canal Society, American Revolution Round Table, Canal Society of New Jersey, Canal Society of New York State, The Center for Wooden Boats, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Connecticut River Museum, Delaware & Hudson Canal Historical Society, Fort Montgomery Battlesite Association, Friends of the Long Pond Iron Works, Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center, Hampton Roads Naval Museum, Historic Naval Ships Association, Hudson River Maritime Museum, Independence Seaport Museum, John A. Noble Collection, Mariners’ Museum, Maritime Museum of San Diego, Mount Vernon, Mystic Seaport, National Canal Museum, Nautical Research Guild, Neversink Valley Area Museum, New Jersey Historic Divers Association, Naval Historical Foundation, Navy League of the United States, North American Society for Oceanic History, North Jersey Highlands Historical Society, Pennsylvania Canal Society, SS United States Conservancy, Save Our Ships New York, US Naval Institute, USS ConstitutionMuseum, Washington Association of New Jersey, and the Working Harbor Committee.

A 32nd Degree Mason, Mr. Oswald is a Past Master of Mountain View Lodge in New Jersey and currently serves as lodge historian. For many years he was actively involved in amateur sports-car racing, both as a driver and as a race mechanic. He also is an avid sailor.