The National Maritime Historical Society seeks to inform Americans, especially our youth, about the nation’s extraordinary maritime accomplishments and the continuing relevance of ships, seafaring and the knowledge and experiences of the past for the national prosperity and cultural vitality of our future.

Our educational focus is on encouraging exploration of our nation’s maritime heritage, supporting first-hand experiences aboard seagoing vessels and with sail training groups, as well as highlighting the important role publications play in preserving maritime heritage, and encouraging the public to visit maritime museums. The Society collaborates with other maritime organizations, is an active sponsor of the Maritime Heritage Conferences, and is a member of the Council of American Maritime Museums.

parrot silhouette
Animals »


By Richard King In Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Treasure Island (1883), Long JohnSilver shows young Hawkins his pee parrot in a cage. Silver’s female bird, which he gives sugar snacks and calls Cap’n Flint, not only swears and barks sailing orders but repeatedly shrieks “Pieces of eight!” Silver explains: Now, chat bird … is, maybe,…


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