Trafalgar Chronicle 2022 Call for Papers
June 20, 2021 - September 1, 2021
For three decades, the Trafalgar Chronicle has been the scholarly flagship publication of The 1805 Club, a non-profit organisation with an international membership of scholars and enthusiasts of the Georgian maritime era. The 1805 Club takes its name from the iconic Battle of Trafalgar which gave Nelson his acclaimed place in history and confirmed the role of the Royal Navy in asserting Britain’s sea power.
Through our programme of commemorative initiatives, publications, research and education, we are building a global community open to naval historians from all backgrounds. We recognise the role of the world’s sailing navies of the Georgian period and promote their legacy into the modern seafaring age. The Trafalgar Chronicle is an essential component of that mission. It is published annually by Seaforth Publishing, which maintains a global readership.
For the 2022 edition, the editors seek carefully-researched articles on ‘Scientific and technological advances in the navies of the Georgian Era’. We want research and analysis of scientific discoveries and new technologies that changed maritime and naval operations during the Georgian Era, in terms of ship construction, armament, navigation, sea battles, communication, naval medicine, logistics, governance, and day-to-day life aboard a sailing ship.
Additional Topics: We also seek general interest articles with some unique perspective on the maritime and naval history of the Georgian era. We invite biographical portraits, articles about battles at sea, maritime economics, exploration of foreign shores, foreign relations, politics, etc. We also welcome well-documented reports on preservation efforts regarding the artefacts, graves, memorials, and monuments of the Nelson era.
Proposal Submission Guidelines: Please submit a proposal/abstract of no more than 500 words and a paragraph about your background (a biographical sketch). Proposals are due by 1 September 2021. Applicants will be notified of acceptance status by 1 October 2021. Submit all proposals and inquiries to Detailed author guidelines are available upon request and will be sent to each author in any case when a proposal is accepted.
Article Guidelines: Articles should be 2000 to 5000 words long in MSWORD (unprotected). Authors are advised to use Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) format. Accepted articles are due 1 February 2022, at which point they will be edited and, in some cases, submitted to peer review. Articles will be returned to authors for revisions by 1 March 2022. Revised articles are due 1 May 2022. Publication will be Fall 2022.
All contributors should provide at least 1(but preferably at least one image per thousand words) high resolution illustration (photos, charts, graphs, reproductions of drawings and paintings). If possible, at least one illustration should be in colour and sufficiently high-res to be used in a centre colour block. Submit each image in an individual file, not embedded in the text. In the text, do indicate where each illustration should go. All illustrations should be accompanied by a caption, date, originator, and source. Captions should be in a single separate file. We have a small budget if you need to pay an archive for the rights to an illustration. Be sure you have permission if your reproductions are not in public domain.
While we do not pay our contributors, each author who is a member of The 1805 Club will receive a copy of the Trafalgar Chronicle upon publication. All authors will also receive a PDF of their published article for their portfolio, reprint requests, or to feature on a website or a blog. To join The 1805 Club, submit a membership application at
Our Contributors: We welcome articles from members of The 1805 Club and anyone with an interest in the history of the Georgian Navy and other navies of the period. Our articles have come from writers of varied backgrounds: historians, journalists, university students, military personnel, preservationists, and novelists. Please contact us with for additional information.
Journal: Trafalgar Chronicle
Sponsoring Organization: The 1805 Club, London, UK
Publisher: Seaforth Publications, Barnsley, UK
Readership: International – Historians and enthusiasts of the Georgian Era of the Royal Navy
Editors: Dr. Judith E. Pearson, freelance writer/copyeditor, Virginia
Dr. Sean Heuvel, professor, Christopher Newport University, Virginia
Captain John Rodgaard, naval historian, Chair of The 1805 Club, US Navy Retired, Florida
- This event has passed.