Da Gama, Vasco, 172:30
Dacotah (US Navy steamer), 152:24
Dacres, James, 134:13
Dahl, Johan Christian (artist), 182:48, 182:48
Dahlgren, John A., 120:34, 120:34, 156:20–25, 156:20, 157:5, 166:34, 166:37
defense of the Capital, 156:22–24
development of the “soda-water bottle gun,” 156:20–22
failure to take Charleston, 156:25
sea command, 156:24–25
Dahlgren guns, 156:20–22, 156:21, 156:24
Dahlmer, Laurence, 6:7
Dainty, HMS (destroyer), 31:2
Daisy (brig), 10:26
Dallas, USCGC (USRC), 139:29, 173:22, 174:6–7
Dalles City (sternwheeler), 176:25–26
Daly, Bill, 108:6
Daly, Peter H., 164:8, 164:11, 164:15, 164:15, 165:9, 165:9
Daly, Thomas F., 115:6, 117:8, 140:20, 141:8, 141:8, 153:51, 153:51, 172:12
Dalzell, F. Briggs, 49:12, 109:7
Dalzellance (tugboat), 25:17, 76:0, 76:19
D’Ambrosi, Jasper, 46:25
Dana, Charles, 156:33
Dana, Richard Henry Jr., 38:9, 121:10–11, 121:10, 144:29, 171:41
Dana (ex-Volo; ex-Cito; ex-Turo; renamed New Endeavour) (three-masted topsail schooner), 3:8, 4:18, 10:21
Dana (Baltic ketch), 3:10
Danby, Kenneth, 167:14, 167:15–16, 167:16
“Dangerous Voyage: Underway in ‘The Time of the Submarine,’ 1942,” 113:10–15
Danica White (cargo ship), 120:44
Daniel, Dawna
“The Sea World of Christopher Blossom,” 82:26–28
Daniel, William (artist), 164:41
Daniel Adamson (ex-Ralph Brocklebank) (tugboat), 25:18
Daniel Drew (Hudson River steamer), 10:6, 58:25
Daniel K. Inouye, SS (containership), 164:55
Daniel McAllister (diesel tugboat), 21:14, 161:0, 173:29
Daniel Tompkins (renamed Normandic) (Hudson River schooner), 84:3
Daniel Webster (packet ship), 183:36, 183:37
Daniel Wood (whaleship), 125:19
Daniels, Josephus, 157:18, 161:20, 171:23
Danielson, Hans, 65:18
“Danish Training Ship Georg Stage,” 82:10–11
Danmark, SV (Danish sail training full-rigged ship) 2:10, 4:10, 4:10, 4:12, 4:13, 5:4, 18:18–19, 21:32, 35:29, 36:22–23, 37:33, 38:30, 39:34, 40:11, 42:29, 58:30, 63:9, 70:21, 88:32, 90:18, 90:18, 90:19, 91:2–3, 92:4, 91:6, 91:6, 93:32, 136:8, 136:9, 157:31
a word from the Captain, 90:19
Danzig (Hanseatic League cargo carrier), ivory model, 78:23
Dar Młodziezy (three–masted full-rigged sail training ship), 5:20, 15:50, 20:30, 26:30, 27:37, 33:32, 49:4, 61:38, 62:21–22, 62:21, 62:25, 71:40, 73:33
Dar Pomorza (ex-Prinzess Eitel Friedrich) (Polish full-rigged sail training ship), 2:10, 4:11, 17:12, 20:4, 20:30, 20:30, 26:30, 38:30, 52:46, 62:21, 70:20
Darden, Genevieve, compiler
“Whaling Letters,” 109:8–11
Darien Historical Society, 9:17
Darle (wooden-hulled fishing trawler), 84:54
Darling, Lois, 54:36
“HMS Beagle, 1820–1870: Voyages Summarized, Research and Reconstruction,” 31:27–38
Darnell (deadrise), 127:0, 127:31
Darrach, Susan, 49:30, 31
Darragh, Thomas, 169:18, 169:20–22
Dart (sloop), 40:44, 40:45, 40:46, 139:13, 139:13
Dartmoor Mutiny, 165:20–21
Dartmoor Prison, 165:18–21
Darwin, Charles, 165:40–41, 181:44–45
Dashing Wave (troopship), 84:15
“Dauber’s Lucky Brother: Charles Robert Patterson,” 114:12–16
Daughan, George, 144:56
Dauntless, 36:46
Dauntless (schooner), 18:26, 89:26, 182:17
Dauntless (tugboat), 10:23, 10:23
Dauntless (yacht), 36:46–47, 36:47, 98:23
Dauntless, USCG cutter, 167:28–31, 167:29–30
Dauntless, USS (gunboat), 17:33
Davenport (Thames spritsail), 34:21
David, Albert L., 38:3
“David Bareford,” 98:26–29
“David Dixon Porter Jr.: A Warrior Uncomfortable with Peace,” 129:16–20
David M. Milton Charitable Trust, 101:6
David R. Ray, USS (destroyer), 162:26
“David Steel’s The Art of Sailmaking & HMS Victory’s Fore Topsail,” 111:10–13
“David Stodder—Shipbuilder and Patriot in Post-Revolutionary Baltimore,” 128:12–15
David (tugboat), 21:10
David Crockett (full rigged ship), 183:12
David R. Ray, USS (destroyer), 162:26
David Thompson (research vessel), 166:27
David Warther Carving Museum, 70:28
Davidson, Arthur, 147:5
Davidson, Joan, 164:13
Davidson, Julian O. (artist), 42:26, 43:24–26, 43:26
Davidson, Laurie, 119:40
Davidson, Pete, 180:5
Davies, Joseph E., 131:17, 131:19
Davies, Tony, 62:18, 62:20, 100:31–32
Davies, William, 173:22
Davis, Charles, 163:38
Davis, Charles Henry, 120:33, 120:34
Davis, Darrel (artist), 171:38
Davis, Howard, 5:6
Davis, Jim, 97:13
Davis, Robert P. (artist), 102:24–25
Davis, Thomas B., 57:34
Davis, Tony, 159:30, 159:30–31
Davis, William C., 142:24
Davis, William M. (artist), 50:0, 50:24–26
Davis, William Morris, 164:40–41
Davis, William R., 169:38
Davis, USS (destroyer), 161:20
Davis Ridge, 98:15–18
Davison, Ann, 169:48–49, 169:48
Davy Jones’s locker, 122:39
Dawn (whaleship), 74:20
Dawn, SS, 136:40
Dawson, Montague (artist), 78:0, 79:27
Day, Ashley, 51:12
Day, Thomas Fleming, 50:16–17, 115:26, 115:28, 115:29, 131:28, 131:28
“A Day in the Life of a Bequian Whaler,” 40:44–46
Day Peckinpaugh, MV (New York Barge Canal motorship), 72:35
daybeacons, 126:36
Daylight (four-masted barque), 15:52
Dayspring (topsail schooner), 32:42
Daystar (nobby), 12:36
Dayton, Scottie
“A History in Ivory,” 78:22–23
“Dazzle and Drab,” 98:32–33
dazzle painting, 98:32
American Blockships at, 69:17–19
anniversary observations, 70:16–19, 148:10–11
Gold beach, 69:12, 69:14, 69:17
Gooseberries, 69:18–19
and LCT 7074, 150:34–35
Mulberry harbors, 69:17–19
Omaha beach, 69:12, 69:14–16, 69:17, 69:18, 70:7, 96:37, 100:17
planning for, 69:10–11
training for, 166:28–32
and the US Navy, 167:22–26
Utah beach, 69:12, 69:14–15, 69:22–23, 96:37
“D-Day: A Defining Moment in a Century of Conflict,” 69:8
De Braak, HMS (British naval brig), 48:38, 85:22
De Clerck, Aristidius (artist), 64:30–31
de Cloux, Ruben, 91:11
de Colmont family, 180:25
de Colmont, Patrick, 180:23
De Grasse, 30:10
De Haven, Edwin J., 156:32
de la Motte, Charles, 35:13
De Leon, Ava
“S.E.A. and the History of Ocean Plastic Research,” 182:30–35
de Onis, Luis, 164:20
De Pere (steamer), 181:22, 181:22
De Ruyter, HMNLS, 30:10, 158:48, 158:48
de Salaberry, Charles, 136:12
De Seven Provincien, 30:10
De Simone, Antonio (artist), 68:25–27
De Simone, Tommaso (artist), 68:24–27
De Tukker (schooner; ex-Entreios; ex-Albatross; ex-Elita; ex-Selma Borries; ex-Harle Tief), 178:52, 178:52
De Wadden (three-masted schooner), 60:47, 60:47, 64:37
De Wert, USS, 145:52
De Witt Clinton (packet), 168:29
Dead Horse ceremony, 173:37, 173:39
“Dead Horse Festival,” 173:38
“Dead Horse Halyard Shanty,” 173:37, 173:37
“A Dead Man’s Tale: A Pirate’s Pardon and a Customs Collector’s Collusion,” 173:20–23
dead reckoning, 150:46
Dean, Dee Beard (artist), 163:33, 166:4, 166:4
Dean, Eugenia, 152:30
Dean, Love
“First Light on the Reefs,” 39:15–16
Dean, Martin
“Archaeology—All At Sea?” 39:11
Dean, Nicholas, 162:33
Dean, Sid, 64:9
Dean, Silas, 172:46
Dean, Stewart, 87:12, 87:28, 87:31
Deane, Silas, 152:37
Deane (frigate), 142:36
Dearborn, Henry, 134:10, 134:12
Deary, William P.
“Defending the Lower Hudson River in 1776,” 98:7–10
“Death in the Ice: The Franklin Expedition Revealed” (Buckhorn), 166:22–27
Death on the Ice exhibit, 166:26–27
DeBaise, Ralph (artist), 178:6
Debenham, Frank, 22:36
Decaro, Alexander, 168:49
Decatur, Stephen Jr., 59:26, 105:12, 105:13, 110:30, 112:15, 114:26, 116:10–14, 134:14, 135:10–14, 150:20–21
(pictures), 105:12, 110:30, 116:11, 133:11, 134:14, 135:10, 135:14, 150:20
gravesite, 117:5
letters exchanged with Barron, 118:16–19
Decatur (privateer), 48:30, 48:30
Decatur, USS (Torpedo-Boat Destroyer No. 5), 100:15
Decca Recorder (survey vessel), 12:25
deck officer, US Merchant Marine, 163:42
Deckelman, Dwight, 163:24, 181:47
Decker, Tom, 10:23
Decker’s Tug (Tanker 2), 133:0
“Decorative Carvings on Dredge Boats of Chesapeake Bay,” 86:24–27
Decoy (renamed Ferre) (destroyer), 31:2
Dedalo (ex-USS Cabot) (CVL 28; light aircraft carrier), 50:34, 51:36, 59:35, 72:34, 72:34, 73:5, 73:17, 74:35, 76:36, 76:36, 80:36, 96:32, 97:4
Dede (catboat), 171:34
Deep Drone (unmanned undersea vehicle), 44:33
Deep Sea Research, Inc., 82:38
Deepwater Horizon (offshore oil rig), 167:18, 167:20, 167:20, 179:33
Deer (steamer, blockade runner), 176:17
Deering, Ray S., 171:34
Defence (Revolutionary War privateer), 11:34, 12:35, 13:27, 20, 37, 153:32
“Defence of McHenry” (Francis Scott Key), 140:18, 140:32
Defender (yacht), 76:26, 98:24, 116:21, 158:23
“Defending the Lower Hudson River in 1776,” 98:7–10
Defense (frigate), 103:15
Defense (privateer brig), 8:25
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 149:15
Deffaudis, Antoine-Louis, 174:27
Defiance (yacht), 116:22
Defiant (yacht), 89:18
Deford, T. M. (Mac), 101:36
Deigman, Osborn, 155:35
DeKalb, USS (ex-Prinz Eitel Friedrich), 161:18, 161:21, 161:22
Delano, John, 176:35
Delano, Joseph Clement, 176:35, 176:35
Delano, Paul, 164:20
Delanty, Hugh, 83:40–41
Delaportas, Caterina, 100:41
Delaware (ex-Piscataque), 124:19
Delaware (lightship), 5:30
Delaware (schooner), 13:4, 13:4
Delaware (tugboat), 67:36, 70:39, 122:18, 137:43–44, 137:44
Delaware, USS (frigate), 103:14, 103:16, 153:34
figurehead, 104:19
Delaware Art Museum, 96:26
Delaware Bay Schooner Project, 76:36, 77:41, 97:36
Delaware River (river tugboat), 165:42
Delgado, James P., 54:9, 54:9, 81:44–45, 108:4, 108:4, 133:45, 164:55, 165:32, 168:48, 171:13, 179:38, 179:40
“Diving into the Wreck of Vicar of Bray,” 162:30–35
“‘Fishing for a Living’ at the Vancouver Maritime Museum,” 82:18–19
“Maritime Archaeology in the 21st Century,” 153:16–22, 179:4
“The Niantic: Participant in Creating a New California,” 15:44–46
“Rediscovering Julius Kroehl,” 165:44–45
“The Rediscovery of the US Brig Somers,” 75:31–32
“The Search for the Slaveship Clotilda,” 168:48–49
“Taking the Initiative: Six Years of Gains in the Cause of Maritime Preservation,” 60:16–18
Delgado, Robert, 162:34
Delicia (brig; slave ship), 132:12–13
Deliverance (Jamestown ship), 95:31
Deliverance (Jamestown ship replica), 17:28
Deliverance (salvage vessel), 127:24
Deliverance (schooner), 25:43, 52:0, 125:16
“Delivering the Goods to the Normandy Beaches in 1944,” 35:46–47
Della Porta, Douglas, 44:35
Della Porta, Kathy, 44:35
Del-Mar-Va (now Cape May), 11:8
DeLoach, Jay, 134:4
Delson, Roberta M.
“The American Flag at Sea: Early Activities of the US Merchant Marine in Latin America,” 83:8–9
Delta King (riverboat), 5:3, 39:36, 39:36
Delta Queen (sternwheel steamer), 4:18, 5:3, 5:29, 8:22, 10:20, 10:26, 20:42, 24:3, 28:34, 39:4, 39:36, 43:14–16, 53:36–38, 53:37, 53:42, 57:26, 57:27, 57:28–29, 59:37, 60:17, 64:34, 74:18, 102:38, 106:39, 122:47, 122:47
original paddlewheel from, 74:19
“Delta Queen Comes to the Mississippi,” 53:36–38
Delta Queen Steamship Company, 8:23
Deltaville Maritime Museum, 148:51, 159:39
Deluge (fireboat), 60:17
DeMars, Bruce, 135:8, 135:8, 138:10, 138:10, 139:8
Demers, Don (artist), 54:27, 129:38, 131:0, 131:26, 147:34, 148:0, 148:44, 156:0, 169:6, 169:38, 171:0, 171:4, 172:7, 172:35, 172:35, 174:15
Deming, Thomas, 36:13
Demmy, George, 29:5
Democracy, TFL (container ship), 29:30
Demologos (renamed Fulton I) (steamship), 64:14, 164:18
Demon, HMS, 83:51
Dempsey, Deb, 170:11
DeMuccio, Joseph P., 80:4, 80:4, 81:46
Den Store Bjorn (three-masted schooner), 28:30, 75:17
Denbigh (paddle steamer), 85:54, 94:40
Denby, Edwin, 165:43
Denis Sullivan, S/V (cargo schooner reproduction), 94:39, 119:40, 119:40, 145:55, 164:30, 166:44, 166:45, 181:46–48, 181:46
Denman, William, 158:29
Dennis, Ed
“The Oldest Ship in the War,” 44:7
“Petrol for the Navy PTs,” 59:44–47
Dennis (destroyer escort), 71:16
Dennis Wood Abstracts of Whaling Voyages, 179:49
Denny, 101:13
Dent, George, 153:29
Department of Culture and Heritage (Nunavut, Canada), 159:40
Department of Miscellaneous Weapon Development (DMWD), 71:5
Deptford, HMS, 66:22
“Derek Gardner, Marine Artist,” 56:26–28
Derg (ex-Western Monarch) (full-rigged ship), 2:8
Des Moines, USS (heavy cruiser), 80:36, 94:21, 110:38–39, 110:39, 111:3
Desaix, 102:38
Desdemona, 36:15
Desire (brig), 156:39
Desmond, Thomas, 169:20–21
d’Estang, Nancy
“Primary Research at Its Height: The Monumental Work of Ed Bosley on Gloucester Fishing Schooners,” 78:14–15
Destouches, Chevalier, 132:22–26
Destroyer Escort Historical Foundation (DEHF), 67:35
Destroyer Escort Historical Museum (DEHM), 173:41
Destroyer Escort Sailors Association, 65:38
destroyers, 66:10, 148:29, 175:50–51
Allen M. Sumner-class, 100:16, 100:17
American, 100:15–18
Arleigh Burke-class, 100:18, 118:13
Belknap-class, 100:18
Charles F. Adams-class, 100:17, 100:18
Farragut-class, 100:18
Fletcher-class, 100:16, 157:16, 179:10
Forrest Sherman-class, 100:17
Gearing-class, 100:16, 100:17, 101:4
Hamburg-class, 30:10
Leahy-class, 100:18
Mitscher-class, 100:17
Spruance-class, 100:18
Sumner-class, 101:4
destroyers, American
USS Anthony (DD-172), 144:30
USS Anthony (DD-515), 144:30
USS Arleigh Burke, 100:18
USS Baldwin, 167:24–25
USS Belknap, 100:18
USS Carmick, 167:24
USS Cassin (DD-43), 99:9
USS Cassin Young (DD-793), 5:32, 14:4, 14:7, 15:5, 19:23, 73:17
USS Charles Ausburne, 100:17
USS Charles F. Adams, 94:21, 181:49
USS Cole, 100:18, 154:45, 164:15
USS Conyngham, 161:20
USS Cory, 69:13
USS David R. Ray, 162:26
USS Davis, 161:20
USS Decatur, 100:15
USS Doyle, 167:24
USS Dunlap (DD–384), 174:48–49, 174:49
USS Dupont, 87:36
USS Emmons, 167:24–25
USS Ericsson, 175:32
USS Eugene A. Greene, 65:11, 93:11
USS Fletcher, 100:17
USS Gainard (DD-706). 159:14, 160:5
USS Gearing, 100:16
USS Greer, 87:35–36
USS Gyatt, 100:17
USS Harding, 167:24–25
USS Hopper, 168:24
USS Isaac C. Kidd, 35:27, 35:27
USS John S. McCain, 145:52
USS Johnston 175:50
USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., 5:29, 12:28, 73:17, 85:52
USS Kidd, 73:17, 148:29, 179:10
USS Laffey, 73:14–16, 73:17, 73:35, 133:21, 133:21, 148:29, 148:29, 156:9
USS Leahy, 100:18
USS Leary, 143:27
USS Mason, 100:20, 118:13, 120:6
USS McCook, 167:24–25
USS Monssen, 87:35
USS Nicholson, 100:16
USS O’Brien, 162:16
USS Orleck, 94:21, 114:7, 114:7, 117:38, 117:38
USS Porter, 161:20
USS Schenck, 143:27
USS Reid, 114:14–15
USS Reuben James, 87:34–35, 87:36, 87:37, 145:6–7
USS Roosevelt, 100:15
USS Russell, 164:15
USS Sampson, 56:45
USS Satterlee, 167:24
USS Slater, 180:12
USS Somers, 76:40
USS Stringham, 166:29
USS The Sullivans, 12:28, 16:47, 16:49, 73:17, 145:52, 168:52, 175:51–52, 175:51, 179:48, 179:48
USS Thompson, 167:24–25
USS Wadsworth, 34:25, 99:8, 125:45, 161:20
USS Wainwright, 161:20
USS Winston Churchill, 100:15
USS Woodbury, 109:4
USS Zumwalt, 145:51–52, 145:51, 146:5
destroyers, British
HM Carysfort, 71:33
HMS Dainty, 31:2
HMS Exmouth, 100:44
HMS Highlander, 29:7
HMS Volunteer, 29:7
destroyers, other countries
BAP Ferre (ex-Decoy), 31:2
Berc I Satwet, 74:8
Burza, 12:28
Diana (renamed Palacios), 31:2
Ferre (ex-Decoy), 31:2
Heermann, 71:16
Hoel, 71:16
Rommel, 30:10
Zhivuchi (ex-HMS Richmond; ex-USS Fairfax), 98:34–35
“The Destroyer’s Poor Relation,” 68:10–12
Destruction, 21:29
Desy, Margherita, 159:16–17
DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society (DRLPS), 112:36
DeTour Reef Lighthouse, 110:37, 112:36
Detroit, HMS (schooner), 43:25, 106:37, 128:8, 136:11, 138:31, 141:5, 144:14–15, 144:17–19, 144:22, 145:5
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company (D & C Line), 160:30, 169:31, 169:34, 169:34
Detroit Historical Society, 168:51–52
Detroit Institute of Arts, 104:26
Detroit Publishing Company (DPC), 172:22–29
Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority (DWCPA), 160:53
Deutsche Bucht (lightship), 29:30
Deutschland (German liner, 1923), 103:3
Deutschland (German merchant submarine), 55:44, 161:39
Deutschland (HAPAG, 1900), 95:12
Deutschland (renamed Lutzow) (battleship), 30:8, 64:47, 159:11, 159:11, 159:14
Deux Amis (French privateer), 129:17
deVall, Norman, 102:34
Devin Galleries (Coeur d’Alene, ID), 135:32
Devine, George Thomas Frederick, 162:23, 162:25, 162:26
Devonshire, HMS (Royal Navy cruiser), 142:16
Devotion (film), 175:54–55, 175:54
Devoy, John, 169:19
Dewaruci (Indonesian barquentine), 94:28
Dewarutji (barquentine), 3:6, 3:7, 40:11
Dewey, Colin, 136:45, 154:30–33
Dewey, George, 86:17–18, 94:10, 94:12, 122:20–22, 125:44, 135:4–5, 135:5, 147:41, 170:21, 170:22, 170:22, 170:23
dhangis, 43:31
dhows, 43:32, 89:15–16, 91:12, 154:16–20
Jeddah bumboat, 173:13
pearling, 33:13, 33:14, 100:38
Diamantha (steamship), 23:27
Diamond (brig), 175:17
Diamond (schooner), 181:38
Diamond Shoals lightship, No. 71, 161:38–41, 161:38
Diamond Shoals lightship, No. 105, 161:41
Diamond Shoals Lightship No. 189, 69:37, 82:34, 161:41
“Diamond Shoals No. 71: The Only US Lightship Sunk by Enemy Action,” 161:38–41
Diana (East Indiaman), 72:36
Diana (renamed Palacios) (destroyer), 31:2
Diana (renamed USS Hamilton) (schooner), 8:24, 19:38, 22:6, 22:37–38, 24:34, 138:23
Diana (steamer), 155:38
Diana (whaler), 25:43
Diana E. Banks (electric steam launch), 30:40
Diane (Cape Verde packet), 8:19
Diane (tugboat), 80:21
Diane Chris (ex-Handel; renamed Sagamore), 40:2–3, 42:35
“A Diary from Sea, 1896–97,” 106:23–25
Dias, Bartolemeu, 54:18
Diaz de Lassaga, Luis, 92:46–47
Dickens, Charles, 74:14–16
Dickerson, Jack, 49:12
Dickerson, USS (DD-157), 161:40
Dickeson, Brittingham, 128:13
Dietrichson, Lief 177:14
Digges, Dudley, 176:21
Diligence, USCG cutter, 139:28, 151:24–25
Diligence (schooner), 170:26
Diligence (schooner model), 170:26, 170:27, 170:27
Dillard Rech, Lori, 123:46
Dilling, James C. Jr., 123:5
Dillingham Commission, 164:48
Dingemans, Timothy G.
“An Elizabethan-Era Wreck in the Channel Islands,” 78:19–21
“Oxford’s Nautical Archaeology Team: The First Ten Years of MARE,” 57:20–22
“Search for the Etruscan Wreck of Giglio Island,” 67:16–20
dinoflagellates, 125:39
Dinorwic (slate carrier), 59:20
Diomed, SS (British merchantman), 144:30, 161:40
Dione, USCGC, 142:18
Dionysus (Liberty Ship), 15:50
“Diplomacy Averts War over Nootka Sound in 1790,” 88:16–18
Dirst, Charles, 167:24
Dirst, Dale K., 167:24
Disability History Museum 168:46
Disabled Sailors Association, 168:46
Discovering Amistad Leadership Academy, 172:4
“Discovering Bermuda’s Maritime History,” 95:29
“Discovering Sea History in the Detroit Publishing Co. Collection,” 172:22–29
Discovery (Cook’s ship), 83:17, 86:8–9, 144:42
Discovery (full-rigged ship recreation) 60:38–39
Discovery (Hudson’s ship), 129:23, 144:42
Discovery (Jamestown ship), 170:44
Discovery (Jamestown ship recreation), 7:11, 8:17, 11:35, 14:23, 14:23, 17:25, 17:28, 17:28, 68:30, 68:30, 76:22, 77:41, 95:36, 108:40, 118:39–40, 119:18, 119:19, 119:19, 121:4, 131:36, 147:28, 157:14
Discovery (Mohawk River batteau replica), 64:37
Discovery (space shuttle), 144:42
Discovery (Vancouver’s ship), 51:21, 61:17–18, 88:17
Discovery, HMS (Arctic exploration ship; steam barque), 2:12, 11:12, 11:15, 11:31, 12:36, 17:34, 20:32, 26:28, 31:53, 38:32, 40:33, 40:33, 61:32–33, 61:32, 76:38, 88:18, 144:42, 172:45
Discovery, RSS (Royal Research Ship), 18:47, 43:49, 142:30, 142:30
Discovery Harbor, 69:34
“Discovery of the Columbia River Recorded,” 43:20–21
Discovery Reenactment ’92, 51:0, 51:21, 52:5, 53:4
“Discovery Reenactment ’92: ‘She Had Always Brought Me Safely Home,’” 51:21
Discovery Reenactment Society, 51:21
D’Isernia, Brian, 160:10–11, 160:10–11, 161:10, 161:10
Dispatch (speedboat), 121:4
Displaced Persons Act, 177:26
displacement measurement, 58:10–11
displacement tonnage, 58:10–11
District of Columbia (renamed Provincetown) (steamer), 10:13, 11:8
“Diving: A Look Below the Surface,” 174:46
“Diving into the Wreck of Vicar of Bray,” 162:30–35
Diving With a Purpose (DWP), 153:18, 164:50, 179:52, 179:53
Divis (coasting schooner), 36:32
Dixie, 168:12
Dixie (destroyer tender), 99:9
Dixie Arrow (oil tanker), 179:16
Dixon, George, 99:39, 158:18, 158:19–20, 158:21
Dixon Hill Lighthouse, 20:33, 20:33
“Dixon’s Return,” 11:46–48
“Do Sperm Whales Bite?” 40–41
Djinn (cutter), 47:9
“Do What’s Best for the Ship,” 50:31
Dobbin, James C., 31:43
Dobbin (topsail schooner), 114:6, 136:21
Dobbins, Daniel, 138:24, 138:24
Dobson, Clarence, 154:24–25
Dock Elbe 17 (drydock), 135:23
Dockyard IX (tugboat), 25:19
Dockyard V (tugboat), 25:19
Dodd, Christopher J., 96:13, 96:15, 139:8
“Our Historic Ships: Nor Just a Hobby—an Urgent Priority,” 96:14
Dodd, Henry, 34:24
Dodge, Ernest S., 17:35, 17:35
Doenitz, Karl. See Dönitz, Karl
Doerfeld, John Lewis, 153:38–40, 153:41
Doerflinger, William Main, 29:20
“Sea Music at Mystic,” 51:33
dogbodies, 49:14
“Dogger Bank Incident,” 31:25
dogs aboard ships, 110:22
Doherty, Bill
“Tamaroa Slugs Her Way Through History,” 122:34–37
Doherty, Judi
“Tamaroa Slugs Her Way Through History,” 122:34–37
Dolde, Jennifer
“Fleshing Out a Disconcerting History: The Hidden Years of the Ship Katherine Jackson,” 165:22–23
doldrums, 134:36
Dolin, Eric Jay
“Franklin’s Privateers,” 180:18–21
“A Furious Sky––The Great Hurricane of 1635,” 174:16–18
Dolittle, Dan (artist), 97:25
Doll, Skip, 108:6
Dollar, Robert, 117:25
Dolly (steam launch), 65:38
Dolmar. See Picton Castle (ex-Dolmar)
Dolomite (ex-Rogers City; renamed Chippewa) (tugboat), 25:28, 26:30
Dolores (ex-Hinemoa, ex-Joyfarer, renamed Amphitrite) (barquentine), 3:5
Dolphin (cutter), 142:36
Dolphin (ex-HMS Dolphin) (1882) (former barque, former steam gunboat), 2:12
Dolphin (Greek submarine), 74:8
Dolphin, USS (brig), 162:16
Dolphin (1799) (three-masted ship), 128:15
Dolphin, HMS (Samuel Wallis’s ship), 83:13, 83:14
Dolphin, HMS (cruising gunboat), 12:28, 110:11
Dolphin, HMS (submarine base), 13:6
Dolphin, USS (Civil War era) 93:35
Dolphin, USS (Revolutionary War era), 152:38
Dolphin, USS (Spanish-American War era), 157:18
Dolphin, USS (AGSS-555) (research submarine), 120:16, 123:44, 127:43, 127:43
dolphin fish, 119:24–25
Dolphin Sailing Barge Museum, 34:22
Dom Fernando II e Gloria (Portuguese frigate), 72:36, 83:52–53
Domino Effect (ex-Edwin & Maud; ex-Victory Chimes) (three-masted ram schooner), 5:28, 23:4, 33:3, 43:41, 48:32, 53:43, 92:13, 92:13, 93:20–22, 93:21, 93:22, 95:3, 146:12
Domm, Steve, 121:25
Don Ariano N. See Wavertree (ex-Don Ariano N; ex-Southgate) (full-rigged ship)
“Don Demers and A. D. Blake Take on the Great Ocean Races,” 131:22–26
Don Juan de Austria (renamed Esmeralda) (Chilean four-masted barquentine training ship), 3:6, 3:8, 3:8, 4:13, 5:12, 6:29, 12:41, 25:53, 26:41, 38:30, 39:34, 40:11, 42:28, 55:34, 56:29, 63:35, 63:36, 70:21, 88:31, 93:10, 94:16–17
Don Juan V (ex-Professor Koch) (river barge), 20:19
Don Quixote, 101:16
Donald C. Hannah, MV (Hannah Marine Corp. vessel), 100:45
Donald McKay Festival, 31:55
Donaldson, Jim, 14:33
Dönitz, Karl, 66:9, 66:9, 68:5, 69:9, 142:18, 143:27, 143:28, 155:26, 155:26, 175:32, 175:35
Donna (ex-Albatross; ex-Dorothea; renamed Miranda; trawler support ship), 18:47, 22:36
Donnell, William R. II, 169:51
Donnison, Lawrence (artist), 39:30
Donohue, Jessica, 182:34
Donovan, John J. Jr., 130:23
Donovan (Pacific steam schooner), 83:41
Door County Maritime Museum (DCMM), 81:44, 84:54, 167:54, 169:52, 172:49
Dora (steamer), 22:10
Dorade (schooner yacht), 24:5, 47:9, 160:54, 160:54, 164:26, 168:0, 168:4, 168:10, 168:10, 168:11, 169:8
Dorchester, SS (steamer), 14:12, 65:18, 65:18
Doric (White Star liner), 65:20
Doris (bawley), 29:47
Doris Hamlin (four-masted schooner), 26:4
Doris Miller, USS, 170:52
Dorjun (sailing vessel), 82:36
Dorn, Tom, 69:21
Dorothea (ex-Albatross; ex-Donna; renamed Miranda) (trawler support ship), 18:47, 22:36
Dorothy (ex-Janet S.; ex-Jesse Jr.) (tugboat), 5:30, 8:14, 25:18
Dorothy Parsons (bugeye freighter), 5:6, 5:29, 11:2
Dorothy Snow (renamed Maria Sony) (Cape Verde schooner), 9:29, 30
dory fishing, 112:0
dory racing, 140:46
dory trawlers, 49:14, 57:17, 140:46
Dossin Great Lakes Museum, 21:35, 168:51–52
Doswell, John W., 150:55, 150:55
Doughty, Thomas, 80:9–10, 143:16–17
“The Doughty Steam Tug Mathilda Comes to Kingston,” 30:28
Douglas, Archibald, 178:32
Douglas, Bob, 131:12
Douglas, George B. (modelmaker), 56:8–11
Douglas, Michael, 144:39
Douglas, Robert, “Sailing Shenandoah,” 42:15
Douglas, Scott, 138:42
Douglass, Frederick, 10:27, 97:17–18, 97:18, 172:20, 181:42, 181:42
Douglass Gregory (schooner), 50:7
Dove (pinnace), 11:35, 14:20, 15:4, 17:25, 57:36, 180:42
Dove (pinnace replica), 14:20–21, 14:21, 17:27
Dovenby (steel bark), 20:46
Dowell, William Gerald, 20:47
Dowlin, Patrick, 180:20
Dowling, Robert, 154:26
Dowman, Wilfred, 120:13
“Down Channel in the Vivette,” 57:47
Down Docks Museum, 25:43
Down Easters, 30:0
Down Jersey Marine Historical Society, 12:39
“Down the Sound in an Old Two-Sticker,” 50:45–48
“Down to the Sea with Irving Johnson,” 49:7–9
“Down to the Sea—On Stamps,” 59:30–31
Downer, Martyn, 169:52
Downes, John, 156:30
Downes (USCG cutter), 169:45
Downie, George, 137:12, 148:21, 148:22
Downie, Robert, 138:26
Downing, Andrew Jackson, 144:28, 1:31
Downing, Sandford B., 6:25
Downing, Will, 181:49
Downtown Waterfront (City of Duluth), 69:35
Doyle, Michael, 144:36
Doyle, S.H.R. “Stiffy,” 178:27–28
Doyle, William, 161:7–8
Doyle, USS (destroyer), 167:24
“Dr. Charles Webster, Ship’s Surgeon,” 106:22
Dr. Robert Semo (expedition boat), 74:7, 75:4
Dragens Vinge (Viking replica ship), 157:23
Dragon, HMS, 110:29, 137:13–14, 147:20
“Dragon Racing: A 2000-Year-Old Tradition Flourishes in Hong Kong,” 50:36–37
Drake, Francis, 11:10, 15:25, 15:26, 38:9, 80:8–13, 81:12–15, 84:12–13, 85:11, 88:18, 97:16, 106:10–12, 119:12, 126:6, 127:7, 143:14–18
(pictures), 15:25, 48:22, 119:12, 143:15
at Cape Horn, 80:11
maps of, 80:12–13
Drake, HMS (sloop of war), 12:0, 12:19
Drake, 30:8
Drake (British ship), 100:12
Drake (now Resolution; collier), 11:12, 11:14–15, 11:14, 11:15, 20:46, 34:31, 61:24, 68:5, 83:17, 85:37, 85:38, 85:39, 85:39, 86:8–9
Drake (sloop), 86:9
Drake Navigators Guild, 106:12
Draken Harald Hårfagre (Viking ship replica), 157:22–25, 157:22–25, 158:5–6, 158:6
Drakenlordh, Rikard
“Trade vs. Diplomacy: The Problem of the Free Port Marstrand During the American Revolution,” 153:38–41
Drakos, Peter, 117:8
Dramatic Line, 154:39–40
“Drawn to the Water,” 135:28–30
Dreadnaught (packet ship), 12:54–55
Dreadnought (ex-Kurt; renamed Moshulu). See Moshulu (ex-Dreadnought; ex-Kurt; renamed Oplag) (four-masted barque)
Dreadnought, HMS (battleship), 30:9, 31:9–10, 65:32, 136:16, 136:16
“The Dream: A Tall Ship for Galveston,” 15:15
“The Dream of a People: Building a Basque Fishing Trainera,” 85:46–47
dredge boats, decorative carvings on, 86:24–27
Dresen, Urmas, 169:4
Drevitson, Neil, 129:38
Drezki (torpedo boat), 12:28
Driftmaster (catamaran), 33:18
Dring, Harrison J. “Harry,” 8:12, 12:41, 46:15, 49:34, 91:25–26, 142:11
Driscoll, Jeremiah Timothy, 69:40–41
Driver (clipper ship), 165:12
Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter (DASH), 100:17
Drown, James, 169:52
Droze, Kim, “OpSail 2000 Miami,” 85:19
Druett, Joan
“Rough Justice,” 105:15–17
“The Sailor’s Wife Ashore,” 85:42–45
“Whaling Wives, Sister Sailors”, 74:20–22
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 167:29
Drum, USS (submarine), 5:28, 12:28, 73:17
Drumeltan (four-masted bark), 8:6
Drummes, Daniel C.
“Ship Portraits: 150 Years of Ship’s China,” 64:32–33
Drummond, Maldwin, 19:19, 19:19
Druzhba (Soviet Merchant Marine square rigger), 55:7, 55:31, 55:31, 62:21, 62:22
“Druzhba Brings US-Soviet Crew ‘Back to the Basics’”, 55:31
dry dock, 160:45
Du Fau, Lorenzo, 100:19–20, 100:20, 101:2–3
du Moulin, Edward, 115:40
du Moulin, Gary C.
“Sailing for All: Joe Lee and American’s First Public Community Sailing Program,” 130:20–25
Du Moulin, Richard T., 95:5, 99:5, 104:32, 104:34, 107:6, 113:6, 117:8, 117:8, 125:12, 133:8, 133:8, 141:8, 141:9, 157:8, 161:10, 161:10, 161:11, 165:9, 165:9, 168:13, 169:8, 169:8, 169:9, 172:10, 180:10, 180:10, 181:8, 181:9
“A Look Astern and the Course Ahead: A Conversation with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston,” 125:10–12
Duarry John, 165:22
Duarte, Augusto, 18:14
Dubai (yacht), 135:22
Dubloom, 12:41
DuBois, Lewis, 98:12
Dubois, Nancy K., 169:53
Dubose, John, 152:32
Dubuque, Iowa, 43:8–10
Dubuque River Museum, 68:32
Duc D’Aquitaine (French East Indiaman), 11:13
Duc de Bourgogne (French flagship), 132:23, 132:25
Duc de Duras. See Bonhomme Richard
Duchess (ex-City of Wilmington) (passenger steamer), 11:8, 13:47
Duchess of Albany (iron ship), 16:11, 16:34
Duchess of Richmond (Canadian liner), 65:20
Duchesse Anne (ex-Grossherzogin Elisabeth) (German full–rigged sail training ship), 2:10, 16:17, 16:17, 16:28, 48:16, 98:36, 98:36
Duckers (speedboat), 121:4
Duckworth, Barry, 41:36
Dudley, Thomas H., 171:29, 171:29
Dudley, William Sheldon, 76:37, 111:2, 135:8, 136:42, 138:44, 139:8, 143:44, 149:12, 163:47, 169:41, 176:8, 179:6
“The American Neptune: Quo Vadis or R.I.P.?” 114:5
“The Navy’s D-Day,” 167:22–26
“The Plight of the Chesapeake Mill,” 107:14
Dudley Docker (lifeboat), 142:32
Duemmer, Karl O., 46:9
Duet (gaff yawl), 71:40
Dufek, George, 7:33
Duffy, Francis James, 8:22–23, 11:19
Duffy, William P. (artist), 91:19
Duggan, Charles, 38:14–15
dugout canoes, 30:32–33, 61:16, 61:20–22, 177:44, 177:44. See also canoes
replicas of, 61:19
Duguay Trouin (renamed HMS Implacable) (two-decker line-of-battle ship), 7:16–18, 7:17, 7:18, 16:9, 83:51
Duhnen (renamed Yankee). See Yankee (ex-Duhnen) (Irving Johnson’s brigantine)
Duke, Anthony Drexel, 182:38
Duke, Charles L., 169:42, 169:42, 169:43–45
Duke, Oliver, 154:25
Duke de Chartres, 27:44
Duke of Atholl (RN lifeboat), 54:38
Duke of Edinburgh, HMS, 81:29
Duke of York, HMS (battleship), 27:8
DUKW amphibious vehices, 167:24
Dulles, John Foster, 177:29
Dummer’s War, 178:36, 178:38, 178:39
Dunay (ex-Cristoforo Colombo) (full-rigged ship), 2:10
Dunbar-Nasmith, David, 76:38
Dunbaugh, Edwin L., 20:9–14
Dunboyne (ex-G. D. Kennedy; renamed AF Chapman) (full-rigged merchant vessel), 2:7
Dunbrody (three-masted barque), 88:21–23, 88:21–23
Dunbrody (three-masted barque replica), 88:23, 98:36
“Dunbrody and the Spirit of Ireland,” 88:20
Duncan, Ben, 180:52
Duncan, Charles C., 33:35, 62:5
Duncan, Robert, 102:34
Duncrag (freighter), 26:4
Duncraig, 26:4
Dunkirk Little Ships Association, 69:37
“Dunkirk Revisited,” 55:12
Dunkirk’s Little Ships, 54:38, 55:0, 55:10–11, 55:12, 70:19, 162:43–45
Dunlap, Robert H., 176:49
Dunlap, USS (DD-384) (destroyer), 174:48–49, 174:49
Dunn, Belle V., 176:29
Dunn, Paul Henry, 49:12
Dunn, Robert, 132:8
Dunne, William M. P., 77:40
“Tommaso & Antonio De Simone: A Neapolitan Niche in Americana,” 68:24–27
Dunsyre, 15:52
Dunton (fishing schooner/Gloucesterman). See L. A. Dunton (Gloucester fishing schooner)
Duplessis, Paul, 163:29
Duplex Drive (DD) tanks, 69:11–12
DuPont, Pete, 47:9
DuPont, Reesey, 156:44
DuPont, Samuel F., 156:24
Dupont, USS (four-piper destroyer), 87:36
Durand, Asher B. (artist) 177:37
Durgin, Calvin T., 71:18
Durrell, David, 4:33–35
Dutch East India Company, 101:38, 102:14–15, 129:22–23
Dutch flatboats, 128:4
Dutch Herring Fleet, 174:32, 174:33
Dutch settlers, 164:32
Dutchess (ex-City of Wilmington; ex-Bay Belle) (steamer), 10:13, 11:8
Duwamish (fireboat), 95:40, 109:31, 109:31
Duyfken (Dutch jacht replica), 89:41, 102:0, 102:16–20, 102:16–20
Duyfken Replica Project, 102:16–20
“The Duyfken Replica,” 102:16–20
Dwyer, Austin (artist) 156:39, 156:39, 157:18–19, 163:33, 167:0, 167:14–16, 176:40, 176:43
Dwyer, Austin
“Turmoil at Sea,” 167:14–16
Dyer, Joe, 182:28
Dyer, Michael, 169:26
Dyer, Patience Allen, 172:16
Dyer, Sampson, 172:16
Dynaship Corporation, 20:36
DZ-9 ships, 16:21