F. B. Thurber (steam canaler), 76:15
F. Laeisz Lines, See Laeisz Lines
Fabia (trawler), 101:11
Faerie Queen, 101:15
Fagan, Linda L., 179:54, 179:54
Fair Jeanne (1980) (steel-hulled brigantine), 67:34, 67:34, 73:32, 74:36, 74:36, 95:34, 164:30, 166:45
Fair Labor Standards Act, 160:30
Fair Lady (sailing vessel), 36:37
“Fair Wind and Plenty of It,” 111:14–17
Fairfax, Donald M., 98:34, 132:13
Fairfax (transport ship), 101:12, 101:13
Fairfax, USS (ex-HMS Richmond; renamed Zhivuchi) (destroyer), 98:34–35, 100:16
Fairhaven (three-masted schooner), 9:27
Fairport, SS, 65:15
Fairweather (NOAA Coast survey ship), 151:5
Fairy (side-wheeler), 14:40
Faith P. Hanlon (log canoe), 32:11, 32:11
Falado von Rhodos (brigantine), 3:6
Falconer, William, 99:30–32
Fales, DeCoursey, 47:8
Falken (Swedish navy sail training schooner), 26:35, 37:33, 63:34, 83:50
Falkenburg, John O., 124:16–19
Falkland Islands Foundation, 34:36
Falkland Islands Museum, 76:38
Falkland Islands research project, 9:18
Falkland Maritime Heritage Trust, 179:41
Fall River Line/Liners, 20:9–10, 21:2–3, 169:32
Fall River Maritime Charter Public School, 109:37, 117:39
Fallon, William J., 158:10, 158:10, 159:8
Falls of Clyde (four-masted full-rigged ship), 2:8, 5:5, 5:19, 5:28, 6:38, 7:1, 8:28, 10:26, 13:25, 13:39, 15:13, 18:45, 19:4, 20:2, 20:31, 25:47, 27:38, 44:37, 46:15, 46:45, 52:16, 60:17, 68:5, 71:6, 76:7, 81:32, 81:34–35, 122:7, 123:4, 123:40–43, 124:4, 125:5, 125:48, 126:4, 132:5, 133:20, 133:37, 148:29, 150:6, 157:47, 160:48, 162:4, 164:53–54, 164:54, 166:52, 166:52, 167:4, 168:5, 177:4
(pictures), 16:46, 61:26, 81:34–35, 123:40–43, 124:4, 133:20, 157:47, 160:48, 162:4
figurehead, 8:27
Falmouth, USS (sloop-of-war), 162:16
Falmouth Historical Society, 169:24, 169:25, 169:28
Falmouth Maritime Museum, 23:21, 36:32
Falmouth Packet (schooner), 123:26
“False Economy, A: The Coast Guard’s Largest Single-handed Seizure During Prohibition,” 169:42–45
Falstaff (full-rigged ship), 2:8, 2:15, 13:39, 13:39
Fame (jigger schooner), 105:38, 159:19–20, 159:19–20
Fame (reproduction Salem schooner), 138:8
Fannie Daugherty (skipjack), 122:4
Fannie J. (ex-Rebecca) (steam tug/tow converted to diesel), 8:14, 8:16
Fannie M. (gundalow), 12:37
Fanning, USS (destroyer), 100:16
Fanny Bell Atwood (Cape Verde packet), 8:21
Fanny Dutard (schooner), 21:27, 22:12
Fano (ex-Lillebaelt; ex-Astrea; renamed Prince Louis) (three-masted schooner), 3:9
Fanshaw Bay, USS (aircraft carrier), 71:16
Fantome II (renamed Giorgio Cini) (renamed Belem) (barque), 2:6, 2:8, 10:29, 16:16–17, 16:16–17, 20:30, 20:35, 38:36, 39:34, 40:11, 42:29, 53:42
Fanucchi, Dennis, 102:41
Farabaugh, Sheri (artist), 172:34, 172:35
Faradym Sue, 49:31
Farber, Hannah, 181:30–33
Farfán, Cosme Rogríguez, 181:16
Fargo, Thomas B., 164:8, 164:8, 164:11
Farley, J. P., 180:28
Farnsworth, Bill (artist), 182:14
Farquhar, Connor, 160:42
Farr, Bruce K., 138:10, 138:10, 139:8
Farr, Edward “Joe,” 105:41
Farragut, David Glasgow, 40:34, 103:35, 129:19, 157:32, 157:33, 157:33, 174:27–29, 174:29, 176:28
Farrar, Frank F.
“Delivering the Goods to the Normandy Beaches in 1944,” 35:46–47
“Winter Alongside,” 42:44–46
Farrell, Billie J., 178:4, 182:11
Farrell, James A., 102:41, 103:38
Farrell Lines, 129:34
Farrer, John, 119:13–14
Farringford (electric paddle ship), 22:37
Farwell, Robert D., 18:41
Fasbach, Linda, 102:41
“Fast Convoy Duty,” 35:23
Fastnet race (1979), 164:24
Faujul, Maximo Jr. “Junior,” 79:4
Faulkner, Kevin, 135:44
Faunce, John, 163:17–18, 163:18, 163:19
Fauntleroy, USCS (brig), 120:33
Favorite (Great Lakes salvage vessel), 26:31
Fearless (ex-Rockwing; ex-Tapline; ex-Abqaiq) (tugboat), 25:19
Fearnot (privateer), 180:20–21
Federal (tanker), 155:26–27
Federal Act of 1874, 57:12–14
Federal Art Project, 128:22
Federal Constitution (miniature ship), 54:37
Federal Hill, 5:5
Federal Maritime Commission, 156:48
Federal Maritime Commission Authorization Act (HR 4009), 57:35
Federalist (recreation), 76:22
“Feeding the Ship’s Crew: Provisioning for an Ocean Voyage,” 178:51
Fegell, David, 103:5
Fehler, Johann-Heinrich, 142:16–22, 142:16, 142:19
Fehrman, Second Battle of, 41:26
Feininger, Lyonel (artist), 15:55
Felice, 61:46
Felice Corne, Michele (artist), 21:37
Felice Manin (leudo), 39:34, 40:16–19, 40:16–17
“Felice Manin: A Ligurian Trader of the Nineteenth Century,” 40:16–19
Felicité (Bantry Bay gig), 103:30, 103:31
Felicity Ann (sailboat), 169:48–49
feluccas, 51:10, 51:14, 102:32–35, 102:32–33
Fenian Brotherhood (Clan na Gael), 95:18–19, 117:13, 169:18, 169:19
Fenian Ram (submarine), 12:28, 95:19
Fennia (renamed Champigny) (barquentine), 2:8, 4:30, 8:13, 11:29, 12:36, 13:38, 15:13, 16:17, 38:13, 46:7, 70:14, 93:15
Ferdinand R. Hassler (coastal mapping vessel), 121:44
Ferenca Ferdinand Foherczeg (ex-Rigo; ex-Leanyfalu; renamed Kossuth) (paddle steamer), 26:29
Ferguson, John, 166:34–38, 173:22
Ferguson, Kathi
“Lisa Egeli: Life and Art at the Water’s Edge,” 170:38–42
“Through the Eyes of a Waterman—The Art of William E. Cummings,” 152:40–43
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, 93:7, 93:7
Fernando II e Gloria (frigate), 26:29
Ferre (ex-Decoy) (destroyer), 31:2
Ferreira. See Cutty Sark (ex-Ferreira) (China clipper)
Ferreiro, Larrie D.
“Measure of the Earth: Navigation, Science, and the War of Jenkins’s Ear,” 137:18–21
Ferriero, David, 141:40
car ferries 29:5
Humber Ferry service, 22:37
Staten Island ferry, 10:10
Ferry Sloops, Inc., 20:42
Fessenden, USRC (side paddlewheel steamer), 130:34
Fetes de Pors Beach, 24:27
Fetesoff, Barbara, 10:22–23
Fewtrell, Richard, 29:5
Ficksman, Samantha, 90:20, 90:21
Fiddler’s Green, 101:29, 122:39
Fidelio (ocean racer), 156:11, 156:11
Fieffer, R. J. (custom container ship), 65:8
Field, Cyrus, 156:33
Field, Henry, 34:9
Field, Martha (Catharine Cole), 155:44–45, 156:43
Field, Hamilton Easter, 169:38
Fielding, John, 24:26
Fields, William S.
“The Forgotten War Power: Letters of Marque and Reprisal and the United States Constitution,” 59:26–27
Fife, William, 98:24
Fife, William III, 180:24
Fife, USS, 145:52
“A Fifty-Year Building Program,” 44:40–41
“Fighting Head Winds, Not Windshields,” 169:30–34
The Fighting Sullivans (film), 163:54, 168:52
figureheads, 81:27–29, 85:40, 96:22–25, 100:22, 101:15–18, 104:18–21, 114:18, 115:3
in miniature, 139:22–24
Queen Victoria, 94:32–33
Files, Richard “Kip,” 93:22, 146:11, 146:11
“The Final Voyage of the Kalmar Nyckel: Epitaph for an Exceptional Ship,” 174:30–35
Finamore, Daniel, 93:7, 111:2, 138:8, 138:8, 175:37
“Across the Western Ocean: American Ships by Liverpool Artists,” 75:22–29
“Impressionists on the Water,” 145:26–30
Finance (SL-7 container ship), 12:30
Finback, USS (submarine), 10:10
Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding, 170:51, 172:52
Finch, HMS (gunboat sloop), 137:12, 148:21, 148:22
“Finding and Saving the Last Antique Freighters,” 44:42
“Finding Jack Tar—USS Constitution’s Crew,” 138:34–35
“The Finding of Wavertree,” 20:18–23
Fingal (barque), 64:6
Finio, Matthew, 168:9
Finisterre (ocean racer/yawl), 47:8, 47:8, 47:10, 131:29, 156:11
Finland (barque), 93:16
Finland, USACT (US Army Chartered Transport), 161:20
Finlay, John K. Beekman, 97:8
Finley, Skip, 176:8
“Freedom and Whaling on Nantucket,” 172:16–21
“John Mashow (1805–1893): From Slavery to Master Shipbuilder and Designer,” 174:20–25, 179:4
Finn, Julian, 164:47
Finnerty, Peter J., 113:6, 119:10
Fir (wherry), 17:21
“Fire at Christmas,” 26:46–47
Fire Fighter (firefighting boat), 126:17, 126:18, 143:43, 143:44, 181:51
Fire Island (lightship), 100:20
Fire King (fire-float) (renamed Sarah Elizabeth Banks), 135:6
“Fireboat Duwamish,” 109:31
Fireboat Fire Fighter Museum, 181:51
Fireboat McKean Preservation Project Inc. (FMPP), 183:40
Firefighter (fireboat), 149:6
Firefly (sloop), 173:22–23
Firestone, Harvey, 169:31
“The First and Last Voyage of the St. Mary”
Part I, 9:6–9
Part II, 10:14–17
First Anglo-Dutch War, 174:30, 174:33
“First Lady Harriet Rebecca Lane and the Cutters That Have Borne Her Name,” 163:16–20
“First Light on the Reefs,” 39:15–16
“First Maritime Preservation Conference Is Held Amid a Festival of Ships in Baltimore, June 24,” 8:22–23
First USA Riverfront Arts Center, 96:26
Firth, Tom, 49:35
Fischer, Anton Otto (artist), 13:50–53, 15:54, 16:0, 16:5, 17:9, 28:3, 30:12, 45:31, 64:31, 66:0, 70:14
Fischer, George, 181:19
Fish, Hamilton Jr., 59:4, 156:33
Fish, John, 107:19
fish. See sea animals
Fisher, George, 47:25
Fisher, John Arbuthnot “Jackie,” 65:32
Fisherman’s Memorial (Gloucester), 152:5
Fishers Island (ex-Block Island) (steamer converted to diesel), 10:13
Fishers Island (ex-Col. John E. Baxter), 11:8
Fishery Conservation Zone, 16:21
“Fishing America’s Coasts,” 82:14
“‘Fishing for a Living’ at the Vancouver Maritime Museum,” 82:18–19
fishing industry, 82:14, 166:8
in British Columbia, 82:18–19
on Cape Ann, 82:20–21
codfish, 22:10–12
in the Great Lakes, 82:15–16
shrimp, 156:42–43
Fishing With Paper and Ink (exhibit), 169:54, 169:54
Fitch, Aubrey Wray “Jake,” 178:31
Fitch, John, 40:33, 64:12, 87:14
Fitch (DD-462), 167:23
Fitzgerald, Richard, 166:42
FitzRoy, Robert, 90:11
Five Fathom (lightship), 5:29
Five Fathom Lightship and Museum, 16:37
Five Fathoms Bank lightship, 54:32
Fixed Seat/Open Water rowing, 56:32–33
Fjeld (now Elissa; ex-Gustav; ex-Christophoros; ex-Achaios; ex-Pioneer) (barque). See Elissa
fjordsteamers, 64:46–47
Flach, Commander [Carl-Gustaf], 170:36–37, 170:37
Fladen (ex-Olandsrev) (lightship), 2:33
flag signals, 19:4–5
Flagg, Thomas, “New York Central No. 16,” 116:36
flag-of-convenience ships, 77:9
Flagship Niagara League, 143:47
Flagship Olympia Foundation, 170:9
Flaherty (destroyer escort), 37:4
Flamborough Head, HMS (renamed Cape Breton) (Canadian Victory ship), 72:34, 72:34, 75:3, 100:45, 100:45
Flanagan, Sue Morrow, 54:9
“Igniting a Child’s Imagination,” 50:14
“Long Island Sound: Past to Present,” 50:22–23
Flanders, Richard, 174:25
Flaneur (yawl), 172:35
Flanner, Joseph, 176:16
Flansburg, Christopher, 121:40, 159:35
Flapper (catboat), 171:34, 171:35
Flatow, Bernard, 101:36
Flavia (passenger ship), 156:12, 156:12
Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization (FRAM) refits, 100:17
Fleetwing (Welsh brig), 13:41, 25:42
Fleetwing (yacht), 9:33, 89:24
Fleetwood, William C. Jr., 154:34–36
Flemming, Robert, 158:20–21
“Fleshing Out a Disconcerting History: The Hidden Years of the Ship Katherine Jackson,” 165:22–23
Fletcher, Anne, 183:11
Fletcher, Francis, 143:17
Fletcher, Frank, 102:9, 102:12
Fletcher, Mike, 171:13
Fletcher, USS (destroyer), 100:17
Fletcher-class destroyers, 100:16, 157:16
Fleurt Je (schooner), 180:23
Flight (American merchantman), 139:12
Flight (schooner), 181:34–38, 181:37
flightless cormorant, 142:42–43
Flinders, Matthew, 166:5–6, 166:5–6, 170:5, 176:44, 176:44
Flint, Charles R., 144:32–33
FLIP (non-propelled research vessel), 117:43, 117:43
Floating Foundation of Photography, 7:33
Floating the Apple, 86:5
“Flogging Wasn’t the Worst of It—Protecting America’s Seamen in the Waning Days of Sail,” 121:10–13
Florence (dragger), 29:31
Florence & Lillian (schooner), 50:7
Florence Griswold Museum, 36:38
“The Florence Griswold Museum,” 36:38
Flores (ex-Santo Andre; ex-Rickmer Rickmers; ex-Max; renamed Sagres) (sail training ship; three-masted full-rigged ship; re-rigged as a barque), 2:10, 26:29, 29:31, 32:21, 45:18–20, 45:18–19, 52:23, 52:23, 77:37, 91:12
Floria Elsie (sloop), 5:5
Florida (car ferry), 6:30
Florida (lightship), 39:16
Florida (paddler), 37:23
Florida (pilot schooner), 136:26
Florida (whaleship), 94:39
Florida (wooden steamboat), 73:37
Florida, CSS (Civil war shipwreck), 68:14, 68:33, 72:36, 171:29
Florida Keys
coastal traffic along, 39:15–16
and the Key West Maritime Historical Society, 39:19
National Marine Sanctuary, 62:37
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 62:37, 179:13, 179:16–17
Florida Maritime Museum, 23:24
Florida Purchase Treaty, 173:21
“Florida’s Underwater Archaeological Preserves: History Beneath the Waves,” 138:36–38
Flotow (ex-Gamecock, ex-Arnoldus Vinnen, ex-Alsterkamp, renamed Chillicothe) (hulk, former full-rigged ship), 2:7
Flow (trawler), 101:11
Flower Tugs of Amsterdam, 57:35
“The Flowering of a Hidden Agenda,” 17:47
Floyd, Dave, 162:24
Floyd, Dick, 162:24
Floyd Bennett Field (NY), 164:34–35, 164:34
Flyer (renamed Alaska Eagle), 37:32
Flying Bridge, 144:25–26, 144:26
Flying Clipper (ex-Sunbeam II; renamed Eugene Eugenides) (three-masted topsail schooner), 3:6, 37:33
Flying Cloud (clipper ship), 6:17, 30:35, 31:53, 38:9, 38:10, 52:26, 52:29, 53:11, 54:25, 70:13, 88:12, 88:13, 88:25, 102:41, 103:10, 123:28, 143:35, 143:35, 154:0, 154:6, 164:22, 168:28, 168:30, 176:36, 183:36, 183:38, 183:38
Flying Cloud (ex-Buckingham; renamed Muscoota; four-masted barque), 15:52
Flying Cloud (ex-Oiseau des Iles; three-masted auxiliary schooner), 16:17
Flying Cloud II replica, 8:17
Flying Cloud (log canoe), 32:11, 148:51, 148:51, 154:24–25, 154:24–25, 154:26, 154:27
Flying Cloud (clipper ship replica, half size), 17:29
Flying Colours (sailboat), 182:25
Flying Enterprise, SS (C1–B ship), 167:0, 167:14, 167:14
Flying Entrprise II, 179:57
flying fish, 132:36–37
Flying Fish (McKay clipper), 26:34
Flying Fulmar (ex-Empire Ash; renamed Sea Alarm) (tugboat), 25:18
Flying Mist, 88:34
Flying-P Liners, (See also Laeisz Line) 89:30, 156:17, 156:18, 159:28–29
Flynn, Patrick, 175:9, 176:9, 176:9
Foley, Brendan, 156:51, 156:52, 156:52, 156:53
Folger, Elisha, 172:18
Folger, Mayhew, 42:16–17, 42:16
“The Folk Art of Ships-in-Bottles,” 70:34–36
Folker, Frederick W., 130:28
folklife, maritime, 51:10–11
Follansbee, Joe
“Schooner Wawona,” 106:18
Follansbee, 181:30
Folly Cove Fine Art Gallery, 179:25, 179:29
Fonson Ship, 28:20–22
Fontaneda, Hernando D’Escalante, 107:23
Fontenoy, Paul, 121:8
Foote, Percy Wright, 161:21
Foote, Shelby, 71:33
Foote, Timothy, 5:12–15
Foote, USS (renamed HMS Roxborough), 66:10, 66:10
Foote-class torpedo boats, 157:18
“‘For the Gallant Men of the Merchant Marine’: Wartime Training at the Seamen’s Church Institute’s Merchant Marine School,” 144:24–27
Forbes, Alexander, 101:10, 101:12–13, 168:8
Forbes, Lyles
“A Unique Concours d’Elegance of Canoes,” 99:18–21
Forbes, Robert B., 31:50
Forbes, Robert Bennett, 176:35, 176:36
“Forbidden to Sail: The Steamship Portland, 1890–1898,” 107:16–18
Forceful (steam tugboat), 23:27, 25:19
Ford, Edsel, 172:22
Ford, Henry, 169:31
Foreman, Isaac, 175:21
Foresight (English warship), 48:24
Forest City (steamship), 107:16
Forest Dream four-masted barquentine), 6:2, 15:41, 70:12, 89:9
“A Forest of Assassins: The US Merchant Marine Under Fire During the Vietnam War,” 140:10–13
Forest Prince (working catboat), 174:14
Forester (lumber schooner), 75:21
“Forging a Crew to Sail ‘Old Ironsides,’” 83:21–22
“The Forgotten War Power: Letters of Marque and Reprisal and the United States Constitution,” 59:26
“Former Pilot Schooners Set Sail in Puget Sound,” 72:28–29
Formidable, HMS, 81:29, 149:28
Forrestal, James, 112:16, 166:29
Forrestal, USS (super carrier), 5:14, 94:21
Forrester, C. S., adaptations of Horatio Hornblower stories for movies, 88:39
Forrester, HMS (cruizer-class), 142:25
Forsythe, Henry, 31:57
Forsythe, James A., 17:20–21, 19:18, 19:18
Fort Bragg (steam schooner), 124:12
Fort Chimo, 101:11
Fort Independence, 158:34, 158:34
Fort Laramie (six-masted schooner), 1:34, 15:52
Fort Mandan, USS (LSD 21), 178:54
Fort McHenry, 87:15, 88:30, 140:17, 140:17, 140:18, 140:32
Fort Miami Heritage Society, 110:36
Fort Schuyler Maritime Alumni Association, 123:12
Fort Washington, Battle of, 98:7
Fort Winfield Scott, 129:6, 129:6
Forten, James, 116:16–17
Fortes, Alexander, 7:21
Fortier, Norman (photographer), 107:37
Fortuna (tugboat), 25:19, 25:19
“Forty Years a Riverman,” 43:18–19
Forward, 70:39
Fosen Mekaniske Verksteder, 101:32–33
Foss, C. Arthur, 72:22
Foss, Charles, 22:11
Foss, John C.
“The Schooner American Eagle,” 49:22
Foss Maritime, 161:8
Foster, Benjamin, 123:25, 123:26–27
Foster, Gerald Sargent (artist), 128:24
Foster, Gregory
“Northwest Maritime Revival,” 61:16–19
Foster, Ken (artist), 20:46
Foster, Kevin J., 111:2
“Banshee: A New Kind of Blockade Runner,” 171:28–30
“Perilous Waters for Historic Ships,” 133:20–24
Foster, Queene Hooper
“James Gordon Bennett Leads Yachting onto the TransAtlantic Scene,” 89:23–27
Foster, Stephen S., 172:20
Foster, Ted, 115:6
Foster, William, 168:48, 168:49
Foto (launch), 47:10
Foudroyant (ex-HMS Trincomalee) (frigate), 2:12, 2:14, 3:29, 7:17, 12:27, 23:21, 48:10, 54:37, 54:37, 99:36
Fougueuse (French privateer), 153:34
Foulke, Patricia
“Hong Kong Dragon Boat Races,” 79:30–31
“Sail Amsterdam 1990,” 56:30–31
Foulke, Robert
“Hong Kong Dragon Boat Races,” 79:30–31
“Odysseus’s Oar,” 96:9–12
“Sail Amsterdam 1990,” 56:30–31
Foundation for Coast Guard History, 91:38
Foundation for Underway Experiential Learning (FUEL), 177:49
Four Sisters Project, 54:15, 63:36
“The Four Sisters,” 54:15
“Fourth of July aboard ‘Old Ironsides,’” 120:10–11
Fowey Rocks Lighthouse, 39:16
Fowke, Edith, 47:26
Fowler, David, 113:6, 115:6, 117:8, 141:8, 153:51
Fox, Nicolas (artist), 167:9, 169:8, 174:11
Fox, George, 172:16
Fox, George L., 65:18
Fox, Gustavus V., 156:23
Fox, Nicolas (artist), 172:36, 177:37, 183:12
Fox, Sydney, 160:41
Fox, Uffa, 98:25
Fox, Walter, 95:28
“‘For the Benefit of Any Friends.Who May Be Unaquainted with Shipboard Life’: John O. Falkenburg’s 1867 Diary from Sea, USS Iroquois,” 124:16–19
Fox (ex-Allen A.), 22:12
Fox (Nelson’s ship) (frigate), 79:19, 79:20, 103:15
Fox (schooner-rigged steam yacht), 166:24, 166:27
Fracasso, Stephanie (artist), 112:35
Fram (Amundsen’s ship; barquentine), 3:6, 5:9, 121:14, 133:37, 156:53
France, SS (renamed Norway) (Atlantic liner/cruise ship), 16:34, 19:38, 20:29, 52:3, 64:33, 104:38, 128:5
on postage stames, 59:30
France II (yacht), 180:23
Frances Elizabeth (pilot schooner), 104:38
Francis (tugboat), 80:21
Francis, Lesley Lee
“A Poet’s Daughter at Sea: the ‘Wander Bird’”, 129:10–15
Francis, Peter, 112:10
“Francis Drake at Cape Horn,” 80:12–13
“Francis Drake Sails for Freedom,” 80:8–11, 143:14–18
Francis Gelaldine (Gloucester schooner), 6:6
Francis J. Torrence (paddlewheeler), 11:37
Francis Scott Key (Liberty ship), 98:35
Francis Scott Key (submarine), 30:10
Francis Skiddy (Hudson River steamer), 10:10, 37:31
Franconia (Cunard liner), 65:20, 65:20, 67:46, 95:12
Francy (sloop), 24:30
Frank, Stuart M., 51:33
interview with Bill Gilkerson, 84:30–34
Frank, William P., 36:36
“Key West Maritime Historical Society for the Florida Keys,” 39:19
Frank A. Palmer (coal schooner), 139:26
Frank Bernard (Cape Verde schooner), 9:28
Frank Brainerd (three-masted schooner), 36:46
Frank Braynard (Cape Verde schooner), 9:29, 9:30
Frank D. Stout (renamed Cottoneva), 38:18–19
Frank F. Penny boatshop, 14:44
Frank Leaming (schooner), 50:7
Frankford, USS (destroyer), 167:24, 167:24
Franklin, Benjamin, 153:24, 180:18–21, 180:18, 180:20
Franklin, Eleanor Porden (Mrs. John), 166:22
Franklin, Jane Griffin (Mrs. John), 166:22, 166:23–24, 166:23
Franklin, John, 156:30, 156:31, 156:32, 156:33, 166:22–23, 166:22, 173:30
Franklin (CCG polar icebreaker), 139:31
Franklin (tugboat), 80:21
Franklin (whaleship), 79:12
Franklin, USS (aircraft carrier), 65:16, 72:5
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 30:9
Franklin D. Roosevelt Institute for Maritime and General Studies, 144:27
Franklin Expedition, 149:42, 159:40
“A Bluenose on the Lakes: The J. T. Wing,” 47:24–25
artifacts from shipwrecks, 166:26–27
Death on the Ice exhibit, 166:26–27
information from Inuits, 166:24–25
Inuit ship model, 166:25
Lady Franklin commissions new searchers, 166:24
location of lost ships, 166:25–26
map of McClintock’s search, with location of wrecks, 166:24
search parties organized, 166:23
setting out, 166:23
Victory Point note, 166:25
Franklin Reinauer (tugboat), 80:22
“Franklin’s Privateers,” 180:18–21
Frantz, David, 84:26–27
“Gazela of Philadelphia: A Bacalhoeiro Sails America’s East Coast,” 84:26–27, 84:51
Franzen, Anders, 27:24–25
Fraser, Alexander V., 168:14, 168:15–17
Fraser, HMCS, 74:41
Fraser-Lee, Robert
“A Bluenose on the Lakes: The J. T. Wing,” 47:24–25
Frassinelli, Graham, 136:7
Fraternité (launch), 51:9
Frayler, John
“Friendship Promises New Life for the Salem Waterfront,” 72:32–33
Frazer, Alan, l, 81:46
Frazer, West (artist), 38:29
Frazier, George, 174:38, 174:39
Frazier, Solomon, 147:19, 147:21
Freas, Camille
“Operation Education,” 41:30
“Fred Freeman: A distinguished artist and historian casts a loving look at life along the banks of the Connecticut River,” 36:28–30
“Fred Freeman: In Pursuit of the Deeper Satisfactions in the Truth,” 27:32–34
Fredensborg (slave ship), 156:29
Frederick Douglass Isaac Myers Maritime Park, 119:39
Frederick Funston (army transport troopship), 41:19
Frederick Lundy, M/V, 76:2
Fredericks, Morgan, 132:13
Fredericksburg, CSS (ironclad), 70:40
Fredonia (Gloucester fishing schooner), 49:30
Freedom (schooner), 4:17
Freedom (yacht), 116:22
“Freedom and Whaling on Nantucket,” 172:16–21
Freeman, Frederick W. Jr. (artist), 6:10–11, 16:45, 16:48, 27:32–34, 30:21, 36:28–30, 43:48, 49:34
Freeman, Katie, 36:29
Freeman, O. H. “Doc,” 142:34
Freeman, Ralph, 57:9
“The Manchester Ship Canal,” 53:34–35
“Memories of the Liner Era,” 65:20–22
Freeman, Tom (artist), 99:26
Freer Gallery of Art, 113:34
Freeth, George, 175:25, 175:25
Freiburg (landing craft), 30:10
freight forwarders, 175:13
freight tonnage, 58:11
Fremantle Prison, 169:18–22, 169:19
French, Dave, 115:6
French Commission of Maritime History, 42:37
French Revolution, 85:12–13, 88:18
French Spoilation Cases, 113:19
Fresnel, Augustine-Jean, 126:36, 142:49
Fresnel lens, 142:49
Frey, Donald A.
“Treasures of the Sponge Divers,” 68:18–22
Friberg, Handel, 26:34–37
Friberg, Maggie, 26:34–37
Fricka (J-class racing yacht), 105:37
Frickers, Gordon (artist), 163:34
Fridtjof Nansen (three-masted topsail schooner), 68:33, 69:5
Frieda (ex-Sjoborgin; renamed William McCann; renamed City of Edinburgh) (sailing trawler), 19:41, 22:36
Friedman, Elizebeth Smith, 172:48, 172:48
Friedman, Robert
“Amsterdam II,” 50:38–39
Friedman, Thomas L., 158:10, 159:8, 174:8
Friedrich (ex-Sam; renamed Merry) (ketch, formerly topsail schooner), 3:8
Friedrich der Grosse, SS (renamed USS Huron; renamed City of Honolulu) (ocean liner), 161:20, 161:22
“The Friendly Connecticut: My Favorite River in the Whole United States,” 36:45–47
Friendly Forrester (lifeboat), 18:46
Friends Good Will (topsail sloop), 143:48
Friends Good Will (topsail sloop replica), 107:34–35, 164:30, 166:45
Friends of Alma and Historic Ships, 22:40, 23:24, 31:57
Friends of Boeckling, 27:39
Friends of Eppleton Hall, 8:9, 11:35
Friends of Ernestina, 18:15
Friends of Ernestina/Morrissey, 10:28, 13:44, 15:48, 24:27
Friends of Nobska, 13:45, 14:42, 23:21
Friends of Nobska Light, 161:52–53
Friends of Operation Drake, 13:35
Friends of the Alma, 8:13
Friends of the Boeckling, 20:42, 25:47
Friends of the Chesapeake National Water Trail, 111:34
Friends of the Cruiser Olympia, 133:20
Friends of the Falls of Clyde, 133:37, 157:47, 164:53, 166:52
Friends of the Gaff Sail, 29:47
Friends of the Governor Stone, 165:32, 168:55
Friends of the Hubbards, 51:15
Friends of the Kit Jones, Inc., 159:6, 168:47
Friends of the Maritime Trust, 25:43
Friends of the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, 177:50
Friends of the South Street Seaport Museum, 13:12, 155:10, 156:13
Friends of the Wavertree, 23:23, 34:11
Friends of the Wicasset Schooners, 14:43, 19:4
Friendship, 11:13
Friendship (renamed Black Prince) (cutter), 180:18–19, 180:19
Friendship (East Indiaman replica), 72:32–33, 74:35, 79:37, 86:36, 86:36, 167:51
model, 72:33
Friendship (whaleship), 172:18
“Friendship Promises New Life for the Salem Waterfront,” 72:32–33
Friesner, William Shields, 180:54
frigatebirds, 129:28–29
Amazon class, 30:9
Bremen class, 30:10
Frisius, Gemma, 66:18
Fritsch, Jim, 111:7
Friz, Ottmar H., 98:38
Frobisher, Martin, 55:24
Frolic (speedboat), 121:4
Frolic, USS, 137:10
Frolic, USS (ex-Lord Clyde; ex-Ad-Vance), 176:14–18, 176:15–18
Frölich, Alfred, 172:33
“From Pilot to President: Captain John Ainsworth & the Oregon Steam Navigation Company,” 179:18–22
“From Sea Scout to Master Mariner, Captain Arthur Kimberly Before his Romance,” 123:14–16
“From the Lakes to the World’s Oceans: Great Lakes Ships in Ocean Service,” 22:23–25
“From Ugly Duckling to Museum Ship,” 46:18–19
“From Weather Deck to Easel: Oswald Brett’s Sea Paintings,” 140:24–27
Frömsdorf, Helmut, 175:32, 175:32, 175:33, 175:35
Frontiera, Mike, 140:46
Frost, Lesley, 129:10–11, 129:11, 129:13–14
Frost, Mark Edwin, 136:16–17, 136:16
frozen food industry, 82:20
Fruehauf Trailer, 169:31
Fryderyk Chopin (sail training brig), 62:22, 62:27, 62:28, 62:36, 63:34, 63:34, 77:37, 77:37
Frye Art Museum, 81:30
Frying Pan (tugboat), 80:22
Fugitive Slave Acts, 172:21, 175:23
Fugro, 183:69
Fugro Equator (hydrographic survey vessel), 183:69
fu-junk, 43:31. See also junks
Full Sea, Inc, 20:39, 24:29, 27:38
Fuller, Buckminster, 34:9
Fuller, John, 46:10, 146:13, 159:43
Fuller, Samuel, 171:19
Fuller Craft Museum, 170:44
Fulton, Robert, 10:6, 10:8, 10:10, 64:13, 64:14, 87:14–15, 88:13, 105:26, 114:27, 119:36, 134:23–25, 134:23, 141:18, 141:34, 163:30, 163:32, 164:18, 179:30. See also Clermont (aka North River Steamboat; Fulton’s steam prototype)
Fulton, USS (1837, side-wheel steamer), 162:16
Fulton (steamboat), 4:19, 74:16
Fulton (three-masted schooner), 3:31
Fulton I (ex-Demologos) (steamship), 64:14
Fulton Ferry Landing, 25:4, 25:42
Fulton Ferry Landing Museum, 20:39, 32:43
Fulton Fish Market, 49:11, 109:34
Fulton Projects, Inc., 107:37, 109:37
Fulton-Hudson-Champlain Quadricentenial celebration, 119:8
“Fulton’s Steamboat at Clermont, 1807: A Glimpse into the Artist’s Process,” 163:30–32
Fulwood (full-rigger; sistership to Wavertree), 20:2, 20:2, 26:10, 152:29
“Funding America’s Maritime Heritage––A New Proposal” (Runyan), 164:49
“Funding for America’s Maritime Heritage: Rounding the Bases,” 157:26–27
funerary boat of Pharaoh Cheops, 21:10
fur trade, 58:20
“A Furious Sky––The Great Hurricane of 1635,” 174:16–18
Furley Beeches (ex-Elm Branch; ex-Wisla; ex-Ellen Jensen) (steamer; turret ship), 22:4
Furniss, William P., 143:30
Furor, 156:5
Furuseth, Andrew, 121:11, 121:11, 121:12, 121:13, 160:30
Fusaro, Maria, 141:46
Fuss, Charles M. Jr.
“SS American Victory: The Making of a Mariners’ Memorial,” 97:13–14