G. A. Boeckling (steam sidewheel passenger ferry), 23:26, 25:47, 47:42, 52:41
G. D. Kennedy (ex-Dunboyne; renamed AF Chapman) (full-rigged merchant vessel), 2:7
G. W. Blunt White Library, 118:42
G. W. G. (catboat), 171:34
Gabel, Gernot U.
“Germany’s Sail Training Ship Gorch Fock Returns to Sea,” 177:23
“Hamburg’s New International Maritime Museum,” 125:26–27
Gaby, James, 9:1, 9:4, 7:44–45
Gadal, Louis Stephan (artist), 133:32, 134:31, 145:32, 146:22–26
Gade, Harold, 83:40
Gaia (Viking ship/Gokstad ship replica), 58:36, 58:36, 64:34, 64:34
Gainard, Joseph A., 159:10–14, 159:11, 160:5
Gainard, USS (destroyer; DD-706), 159:14, 160:5
Gaines, Edmund, 137:11
Gainey, Laura, 118:4, 118:4, 122:10, 122:11, 123:9, 123:10
Galapagos tortoise, 131:32–33
Galatea (ex-Clarastella, ex-Islamount, ex-Glenlee) (jubilee rigged barque), 2:8, 65:38, 66:25, 72:0, 76:38, 96:13
Galatea (painter Peter Egeli’s boat), 170:38, 170:38, 170:39
Galatea (plank-on-edge cutter), 98:24, 180:36, 180:40
Galatea (Spanish Navy training ship), 52:41
Galatea, HMS, 152:38
Gale, Dave, “USS Adirondack: Then & Now,” 76:34–35
Galeno, Ciro Jr., 165:8, 178:8
Galgan, Ig, 158:4
Galiano, Dionisio Alcalá, 61:33
Galilee Boat, 42:37
Galileo (Galilei), 66:19
Gallagher, Charles E., 4:18
Gallagher, Hugh, 18:38
Gallagher, Jerry, 137:6
Gallant (topsail schooner), 30:42
Gallant Planter (merchant ship), 38:24
Gallatin, Albert (US treasury secretary), 150:22, 151:22, 151:24, 153:30, 175:16
Gallatin (Coast Survey schooner), 120:32
Gallatin (US revenue cutter), 139:10
Galleons Lap (schooner), 4:17, 14:24
Gallery, Dan, 37:4
“Gallery of Steam,” 64:20–22
Gallinipper (schooner), 177:47
Galloway (SL-7 container ship), 12:30
Galluzzo, John
“National Marine Sanctuaries at 50!” 179:12–17
“Galveston When Elissa First Arrived,” 15:22–23
Galveston Bay, 10:4
Galveston Historical Foundation, 4:30, 8:25, 23:24, 24:31, 25:46
Galveston Historical Society (GHS), 7:5, 132:16
“Galveston Takes on the Elissa,” 4:30–32
Galway Hookers, 38:33, 38:33, 39:34
Gambia, HMS (cruiser), 27:10
Gambier Bay, USS (CVE-73), 71:15, 71:16, 71:16, 71:17
Gamecock (ex-Arnoldus Vinnen, ex-Alsterkamp, ex-Flowtow; renamed Chillicothe) (hulk, former full-rigged ship), 2:7
Ganges, USS (sloop), 114:26, 153:34
Gann, Conrad, 49:31
Gann, Ernest K., (artist), 20:47, 130:6
Gann, George K., 130:6
Gannet (ex-Mercury, ex-HMS President, ex-HMS Gannet) (full-rigged ship), 2:14, 3:29, 12:28, 65:34
Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway, 53:39
Garcia-Milian, Rolando, 148:18–19
Gardiner, Frank J. H. (artist), 35:38
Gardiner, Henry, 74:20
Gardiner, Polly Hubbard, 74:20–21
Gardner, Derek (artist), 35:38, 56:26–28
Gardner, G., 92:18
Gardner, John, 5:10, 5:10, 76:40
“Trust Youth, Give Them Room!” 24:5
Gardner, Sally, 172:20
Gardner, William, 116:22
Gardullo, Paul, 179:8
Garland, Joseph E., 6:7, 34:13, 49:35, 121:32, 137:7, 137:7
“The Gloucestermen,” 49:13–15
Garland (iron barque), 13:41, 13:41
Garlandstone (coastal trading ketch), 3:30, 25:44, 26:28
Garlington, Ernest A., 121:15
Garnett, Paul (artist), 121:0, 129:8, 143:5, 143:5
“As In a Mirror,” 99:23–25
Garrido, Jaime, 86:32
Garrison, William Lloyd, 97:17, 172:19–20
Garst, Perry, 112:10
Garthpool (four-masted barque), 1:13, 1:16, 1:17, 48:39, 63:5
Garvey, Marcus, 10:27
Garvey, Marianne
“The Duyfken Replica,” 102:16–20
Garvey, Patrick J., 85:7, 92:5, 92:5, 97:6
Garvey, Robert (photographer)
“The Duyfken Replica,” 102:16–20
Gasiorek, Chris, 182:18
Gaspé, 42:30
Gatechair, Francis, 173:22
Gates (unfinished galley), 53:31
Gateway National Recreation Area, 164:35, 164:36
Gaudio, Jennifer
“Eagle at 75,” 135:16–20
Gault, Howard, 76:14
Gavotte (ketch), 13:16
Gay, Winckworth Alan (artist), 150:29
Gay Head (whaling ship), 51:5
Gayford, Luke, 172:41
Gazela. See Gazela of Philadelphia; Gazela Primeiro
Gazela of Philadelphia/Gazela Primeiro; formerly Gazela) (Grand Banks three-masted barquentine), 3:5, 3:6, 5:15, 4:13, 4:35, 5:21, 5:31, 6:30, 7:31, 8:22, 8:26, 9:16, 9:17, 10:27, 11:33, 13:23, 13:47, 14:24, 14:43, 15:48, 15:50, 18:14, 18:21, 22:38–39, 23:23, 32:43, 33:33, 38:30, 39:34, 40:11, 47:11, 49:35, 51:35, 52:22, 53:42, 54:5, 55:34, 57:36, 60:38, 63:9, 63:34, 65:37, 69:37, 71:38, 73:32, 84:25, 84:26, 89:6, 91:12, 94:29, 97:36, 97:38, 116:37, 170:8, 175:4, 175:9, 176:4, 176:8, 176:9, 180:12, 183:11
(pictures), 11:33, 12:2, 13:23, 17:43–44, 42:28, 52:22, 62:26, 84:0, 84:51, 89:6, 94:29, 170:8, 175:9
“Gazela of Philadelphia: A Bacalhoeiro Sails America’s East Coast,” 84:26–27, 84:51
Gazela Primeiro. See Gazela of Philadelphia (formerly Gazela Primeiro; formerly Gazela) (Grand Banks three-masted barquentine)
Gazzola, John J., 132:45, 132:45
Gearing, USS (destroyer), 100:16
Geary Gallery (Darien, CT), 79:29
Gedney, Thomas R., 120:32
Gedney (Coast Survey ship), 120:35
Geer, George, 119:32
Geesje van Urk (ketch-rigged charter vessel), 40:3
Gefell, David, 103:5
Gefion (ex-Karen Sorensen; ex-Amelir) (topsail schooner), 3:6
Gelidonya wreck, 8:24, 39:8, 39:10, 68:19
Gelsthorpe, Thomas
“Celebrating 100 Years of the Cape Cod Canal,” 147:10–13
Gelychelig (brigantine), 153:39
Gemini (ex-Western Flyer, later renamed Western Flyer) (fishing vessel), 180:50, 180:50
Gen. Scott (brig), 36:16
General A. W. Greely, USS, 167:14, 167:15, 167:15
General Armstrong (schooner privateer), 59:26
General Average (concept in maritime law), 128:33, 175:12–15, 176:6
General Blake (British brig), 139:10
General Brown (ex-Warrior) (frigate), 164:19
General Butler (sailing canalboat), 52:12–13, 52:12, 111:21, 111:23, 121:42
General Butler (schooner), 179:49
General de Castlenau (renamed USS Elinor (freighter), 133:14, 133:15–18
General Edwin M Patrick, USAT, 146:6
General Greene, USCG cutter, 5:29, 98:3
General Greene, USS (frigate), 103:16, 153:36
General Harrison (Gold Rush storeship), 102:29–31, 102:29
“General Harrison: Portrait of a Gold Rush Storeship,” 102:29–31
General Harry Taylor (renamed General Hoyt S. Vanderberg), 128:7
General Hoyt S. Vanderberg (ex-USS General Harry Taylor), 128:7
General Hunter, 144:15, 144:17, 144:20
General Jackson, 74:19
General Matthews (Army mine planter), 33:3
General Nelson M. Walker, USNS, 140:11
General O. H. Ernst (steamer), 15:41
General Pickering (privateer), 59:26
General S. D. Sturgis, USAT, 177:27
General Slocum (steamer), 14:39
General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 171:17
General Squier, USAT, 177:26
General W. M. Black, USAT, 177:26, 177:26
General Washington (privateer), 81:38
General William L. Hart (ferry), 136:9
“The Genesis of Tugboat Annie,” 25:55
Genesta (yacht), 14:51, 74:28, 76:26, 89:27, 158:23
Geneva May (skipjack), 5:29, 8:28, 13:48, 23:23
Gennett, Clarence, 171:34
Gentleman (barque), 71:21
Geodesic Mission to the Equator, 137:18
Geohegan, John, 147:21
Georg Stage (renamed Joseph Conrad) (full-rigged ship). See Joseph Conrad (ex-Georg Stage) (full-rigged ship)
Georg Stage II (Danish sail training ship), 35:30, 35:30, 36:23, 37:33, 48:16, 48:17, 82:10–11, 82:11
George, Lloyd, 104:7
George, Mimi
“The Return of Lata: Building an Authentic Polynesian Voyaging Canoe,” 84:40–42
“George B. Douglas: A Passion for the Packard,” 56:8–11
George (brig), 153:34
George (renamed Enterprise) (sloop), 179:7
George B. McClellan (now B. Antonucci) (fireboat), 4:21
George B. McClellan (schooner), 8:19
George C. Markham (lumber hooker), 77:21
George E. Cluett (schooner), 155:39
George Gress (coasting schooner), 123:14
George Henry (whaling ship), 175:47
George L. Olson (ex-Ryder Hanify) (steam schooner), 124:12–13, 124:12
George Law (renamed SS Central America) (steamship), 52:10, 63:37, 64:26–30, 65:4, 65:37, 68:16, 126:6
George M. Barnard (ex-Art Union) (schoolship), 31:50
George Leygues (French cruiser), 167:22
George M. Cox (passenger steamer), 47:31
George M. Verity (ex-SS Thorpe) (sternwheel river tugboat/towboat), 5:28, 25:18, 68:32
George S. Allison (renamed Betty I. Conway) (Hudson River schooner converted to powerboat), 84:3
George Steers, 5:5
George Uhler, SS (Liberty ship), 72:5
George W. Campbell, USCG cutter, 110:16
George W. Collie (ex-Allegheny; renamed Norfolk) (skipjack), 14:24, 14:
George W. Elzey (coasting schooner), 15:41
George W. Roby (steamboat), 73:37
George W. Verity (sternwheel towboat), 8:14
George Washington (frigate), 112:12, 169:41
George Washington, M/V, 128:29
George Washington (privateer), 69:29
George Washington (submarine), 80:33
George Washington, USAT (formerly SS George Washington; renamed USS Catlin), 69:30, 104:12, 112:17, 117:5–6, 119:6, 161:21, 161:22
George Washington, USS (renamed USS Catlin), 161:22, 162:7
Georgetown Slavery Archive, 165:22
Georgetown University, 165:22
Georgette, SS (steamship), 117:13, 169:18, 169:20–21, 169:21
Georgia, CSS (Confederate ironclad), 16:37, 22:40
Georgia (square rigger), 18:17
Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, 145:32
Georgia Underwater Archaeology Program, 106:37
Georgian Bay ‘94 Maritime Heritage Festival, 69:34
Georgic (British liner), 20:29, 65:21
Georgic, MV, 66:5
Georgios F. Andreadis (ex-SS Michael Casey) (Liberty ship), 35:28
Georgiy Sedov (icebreaker), 177:13–14
Gerald R. Ford, USS (CVN 78), (aircraft carrier), 178:26, 178:41
Gerda III (Danish lighthouse tender), 82:36, 82:36
German, Andrew W.
“Seasoned and Weather-stained: How the Charles W. Morgan Lives at Age 150,” 60:10–12
German Küstenwache (Coast Guard), 139:31–32, 139:31
German navy, 31:10, 31:15. See also German U-boats
German Port Museum project, 156:16, 173:40
German Search and Rescue (SAR), 139:32, 139:32
German U-boats, 31:58, 35:12, 35:24, 142:17, 143:27, 148:29, 171:13
and the Battle of the Atlantic, 66:9
diagram, 67:12–13
protection from, 166:28
rockets fired from, 80:33
and the Royal Navy, 67:10–11
and sailing vessels, 181:10–13
Type IXC, 155:26
in World War I, 99:7–8
German U-boats by number
U-1, 12:28
U-9, 161:39
U-30, 159:10
U-50, 30:9
U-53, 55:44–45, 55:45, 56:44–45
U-58, 100:15–16
U-69, 36:4
U-85, 68:12
U-86, 161:21
U-90, 161:21
U-118, 66:15
U-123, 68:10
U-126, 36:4
U-140 (Kapitänleutnant Weddigen), 161:39–40, 161:39, 181:10
U-151, 161:39
U-152, 181:11
U-202, 65:17
U-215, 68:12
U-223, 65:18
U-234, 142:16–22, 142:20, 142:21
U-255, 92:3
U-234, 143:5
U-255, 92:3
U-333, 180:28
U-384, 143:5
U-402, 143:28
U-505, 5:28, 12:28, 35:41, 35:41, 37:4, 39:4, 68:5, 75:3, 148:29, 157:5–6, 157:6
U-506, 155:26, 155:26, 155:28–30
U-507, 155:26–30, 155:26, 155:30
U-558, 68:12
U-575, 159:14
U-604, 130:27
U-626, 143:27
U-652, 87:35
U-858, 142:18
U-861, 35:14, 35:15, 35:18, 35:18, 35:19
U-873, 142:21
U-873, 142:18
U-995, 105:18–19, 105:19, 113:13
U-1226, 66:25
U-1228, 142:18
U-1230, 176:5
U-2540 (renamed Wilhelm Bauer) 29:30, 32:42
German Wasserzoll (Federal Customs Service), 139:31
Germania (packet ship), 165:13
Germanic, clipper card, 40:28
“Germany’s Sail Training Ship Gorch Fock Returns to Sea,” 177:23
Gerow, L. T., 167:25
Gerr, Dave, 166:54
Gerr, Stanley
“A Hard Look at Wind Propulsion for Commercial Ships,” 20:7
“The Language of Command in Sail,” 4:44–47
Sea Forum, 1:8–9
Gerson, Joe Ross, 113:9
Gertrude Abbott (schooner), 50:7
Gertrude DeCosta (schooner), 6:3
Gertrude L. Dailey (ex-Helen F. Riley) (canal boat), 4:22, 4:22
Gertrude L. Thebaud (Gloucester schooner), 18:58, 39:28, 41:34, 43:5, 49:16, 78:14, 82:25, 150:36
Gesner, Peter, 121:25
Gesto (ex-Bifrost; renamed Kapama) (Norwegian steamer), 56:44
“Getting Historic Ships Off a Lee Shore: A Better Approach for the 21st Century,” 111:32
Geudry, Jean, 178:36
Geudry, Jean Jr., 178:36
Geurts, James, 170:55
Ghibli (MARE research vessel), 100:39
“Ghost Ships of the Mothball Fleet,” 136:38–40
Ghosts of Cape Horn (film), 18:27, 19:19, 44:2, 77:4, 162:30
“Ghosts of Cape Horn Observed,” 16:11
“Ghosts of Cape Horn The Genesis of a New Film on the American Heritage in Sail,” 14:33
“Ghosts of Honor: Sea Trials for Columbus’s Ships,” 56:20
GI Improvement Bill (1977), 180:29
Giannotti, John (sculptor), 144:37, 144:37
Giannoulakis, Nikolas, 156:53
giant squid, 166:48–49, 166:48–49
Gibbs, Francis, 1:33
Gibbs, Frederick Herbert, 183:16, 183:17
Gibbs, George Jr., 146:32
Gibbs, Susan, 147:14, 147:14, 154:50–51, 165:25, 175:9, 176:9, 176:9
“Naval Architect William Francis Gibbs: ‘A Dream Deferred Never Died,’” 183:14–21
Gibbs, Vera (Mrs. William Francis), 183:19
Gibbs, William Francis, 147:14, 154:50, 176:9, 183:14–21, 183:15, 183:17, 183:20
Giblin, Jim, 4:20
Gibraltar (ex-CSS Sumter), 171:29
Gibson, Andrew E., 98:38
Gibson, Charles Dana, 35:12, 108:38, 179:6
“The Crystal Project,” 101:10–13
“Enemy Action Off Florida’s East Coast Hutchinson Islands––1942,” 180:28–29
“Is the History of the Mariners of World War II to Go Missing Without Trace?” 35:10
“The Origins of the Rules of the Road,” 177:31
“Tracing American Merchant Vessels, Pre-20th Century,” 84:48–49
Gibson, E. Kay, 108:38, 177:31, 179:6, 180:28
“Flogging Wasn’t the Worst of It—Protecting America’s Seamen in the Waning Days of Sail,” 121:10–13
Gibson, Jacob, 143:10–13
Gibson Archive, 146:40–41
Gidmark, Jill, 180:55
Giese, Otto, 67:12, 67:12, 67:14
Gifford, Sanford Robinson (artist), 37:23
Giglio Island Expedition, 34:37
Giglio Project, 67:16–20
gigs, Bantry Bay, 103:30–31
Gilchrist, John H., 54:36
Gilday, Linda, 178:40
Gilday, Mike, 178:40
Gildersleeve, Sylvester, 36:16
Gilkerson, William (author and artist), 12:0, 31:23, 38:29, 45:26–28, 88:3, 102:34
“Have You Ever Tried to Draw a Crocodile?” Interview with Stuart M. Frank, 84:30–34
“At Sea in the Pride of Baltimore,” 15:36–38
“The Ships of John Paul Jones,” 12:17–21
Gill, Ann M., 76:37
Gill, Huntley, 180:12
“SS John W. Brown: The Ship’s People Speak,” 41:13–14
Gillette, Mary, 164:23
Gillibrand, Kirsten, 170:18, 172:9
Gillmer, Thomas, 55:4, 76:5, 76:5
“Amending the Constitution,” 69:24–26
Gilpatric, Guy, 9:46–52
Gilt Dragon (misspelled as Guilt Dragon in text) (Vergulde Drae(c)k) (1656), shipwreck, 16:19, 20:42
Gimcrack (schooner), 97:8
Giorgio Cini (ex-Fantome II; ex-Belem) (barquentine, former barque), 2:6, 2:8, 10:29, 16:16–17, 16:16–17, 20:30, 20:35, 38:36, 39:34, 40:11, 42:29, 53:42
Giorgos Averoff (Greek armored cruiser), 148:26
Giovanni Batista (Italian passenger liner), 18:24
Gipsy (wherry), 17:21
Girard, Peter, 183:24–25
Girl Scouts of America, 18:20, 20:36
Gisbert, Francis, 177:14
Gitana (Maxi yacht), 180:23
Gjøa (Amundsen’s ship, gaff–rigged sloop), 129:26, 156:53, 156:54
Glacier, USS/USCGC (WAGB 4; icebreaker), 97:39, 136:38, 136:38, 173:34, 180:6, 180:6
Glacier Society, 97:39
Gladan (square rigger), 37:33, 83:50
Gladson, James “Jim,” 87:5, 87:5, 95:21, 172:10
Gladys (British barque), 61:27
Glasgow (British cruiser), 65:16
glass painting, 15:5
GlassBarge (canal barge), 163:52, 163:52
Glassford, William A., 100:2–3
Gleason, Joe (artist), 143:46–47
Gleason, Kelly, “Whaling Shipwrecks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: the 2008 Maritime Heritage Archaeological Expedition to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument,” 125:14–19
Gleason, Thomas W., 64:38
Gleaves, Albert, 161:18, 161:19, 161:20, 161:21, 171:23
Gledstanes (whaleship), 112:9, 125:15, 125:17, 127:22–26
Glenapp (freighter), 65:16–17
Glencannon, Colin, 9:46
Glencannon Collection, 109:34
Glencannon Society, 70:33
Glengowan (three-masted full-rigged ship), 133:35–36, 133:35
Glenlee (ex-Clarastella; ex-Islamount; renamed Galatea) (jubilee rigged barque), 2:8, 65:38, 66:25, 76:38, 96:13
Glenn L. Swetman (oyster schooner), 148:56
Gli Gli (Carib-built sailing dugout canoe), 124:39
Gliedman, Anthony (author), 13:14
“Globalization and the Golden Gate,” 117:22–25
Globe (privateer), 142:25
Globe (storeship), 38:20
Gloire (French cruiser), 65:16
Gloire (ironclad frigate), 44:22
Glomar Explorer (lifting vessel), 9:12
Gloria (Colombian navy sail training barque), 2:11, 4:11, 6:29, 18:17, 25:53, 38:30, 39:34, 40:11, 42:28, 52:23, 52:23, 54:15, 54:15, 62:21, 63:36
Gloriana (yacht), 115:27, 116:21
Glory (frigate), 99:31
Glory (schooner), 92:14
Glory of the Seas (clipper ship), 6:0, 6:15, 10:4, 30:17, 88:14–15, 88:15
figurehead, 104:19
Gloucester, USS (ex-Corsair) (yacht), 99:3, 180:52
Gloucester Adventure, Inc., 121:32, 159:22
Gloucester Fisheries Commission, 82:20
“Gloucester Fishermen Baited by Klondike Gold,” 131:8–11
Gloucester Fishermens Museum, 15:50, 21:31
Gloucester400, 182:55–56
Gloucester Harbor, 82:0, 172:24, 172:24
Gloucester International Dory Racing Committee (GIDRC), 140:46
Gloucester Maritime Rendezvous, 183:62–63
Gloucester Mining Company, 131:8–10
Gloucester Schooner Festival, 183:7, 183:63, 183:63
Gloucester Schooner Race, 105:38, 159:0
“Gloucester Ships and Fishermen, the Art of Thomas Hoyne,” 112:30–34
Gloucestermen, 49:13–15, 51:5, 82:0
“The Gloucestermen,” 49:13–15
“Gloucester’s Adventure,” 49:16, 121:30–33
Gloucester’s Fisherman’s Memorial, 152:5
Glover, John, 179:6
Glover, Russell, 178:43–44
Gluecksburg (landing craft), 30:10
Glückauf (tanker), 167:18, 167:18
Gneisenau (German battleship), 26:3
“‘Go to H—l you d—-d Yankee Son of a B—ch’: A Gold Rush Voyage Journal,” 149:20–24
Goat Island Museum, 23:27
Goben, Richard, 118:14, 118:14
Gochberg, Lettie, 57:9
Gochberg, Thomas J., 55:7, 57:9
Goddard, David, 33:10–11, 100:34
Godin des Odonais, Jean-Baptists, 137:20
Godinho, Jose, 8:19
Godown, Lester, 35:17
Godspeed (Jamestown ship), 14:23, 17:28, 40:6, 45:32, 121:4, 170:44
Godspeed (Jamestown barque recreation), 7:31, 8:17, 11:35, 14:23, 17:25, 17:28, 36:36, 39:33, 76:22, 77:41, 95:36, 108:40, 115:35, 115:35, 118:39–40, 118:39, 119:18–21, 119:18–21, 120:6, 131:36, 147:28, 152:6, 157:14
Godthaab (renamed Hvitebjorn) (Polar exploration ship), 28:30
Goethals, George, 158:29
Goin, Thomas, 31:49
Goings, Richard “Likeke,” 90:20, 90:21, 90:22
Gokstad Viking ship, 19:39, 19:41, 153:16, 157:23
Gokstad Viking ship replica, 17:26–27, 17:29, 157:23
Gold Rushes
Alaskan (Klondike), 131:8–11, 146:31
Australian, 154:40
Californian, 38:9, 38:14, 38:20, 88:36, 102:29–31, 117:23, 137:22–25, 143:30, 149:20–24, 154:40, 162:32
Goldcrest (minesweeper), 44:50
Golden Bear (training ship), 126:10, 154:32, 154:32
Golden Dubloon (ex-Astrid) (galleon replica), 17:29
Golden Gate Bridge, 117:0
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 22:41, 38:11
Golden Hind (renamed Annyah) (Scottish composite schooner), 30:22
Golden Hinde (ex-Pelican; Drake’s flagship), 3:13, 12:27, 15:25, 15:25, 15:26–27, 20:34, 38:3, 61:26, 70:12, 70:12, 80:8, 80:10–11, 80:11, 80:12, 81:12, 82:6, 97:16, 106:10–11, 106:10, 119:12, 119:14, 122:7, 143:14, 143:15, 143:16, 143:17–18, 143:17
Golden Hinde (Drake’s flagship replica), 8:17, 14:49, 20:34, 43:32, 17:25, 17:28, 17:29, 62:24, 80:8, 80:36, 143:14
Golden Plover (ex-Plover) (brigantine), 20:42
“Golden Vanity” (sea song), 77:10–12, 78:2–3
Golden Ray, MV, 176:46
Golden Vanity (yacht), 10:32
Goldenhorn, 58:38
Goldenrod (showboat), 5:29
Goldman, Robert, 160:32–34, 160:32
Goldwater-Nichols Act (1986), 170:36
Goliah. See also Goliath (square-rigged ship)
Goliah (sidewheeler tugboat), 10:22, 130:16
Goliath (square-rigged ship), 27:4, 27:44, 128:14
Goliath, HMS, 85:32, 85:62–63, 85:63, 141:28
Goliath, ST (ex-Eminent; ex-Empire Tessa) (tugboat), 25:18, 33:32
Gomes, John, 7:20
Gomez, Gregorio, 164:19, 164:20
Gondola (iron steamer), 19:41, 19:41
Gondola (yacht), 17:35
gondolas, 33:13, 43:30, 43:32, 90:28
goney birds, 136:36–37
Gonsalves, John T., 134:17
Gonzales, Elvira, 48:14
Goo, Ernie, 140:13
“‘Good Duty’: Robert G. Albion Recalled,” 33:8
Goode, Alexander D., 65:18
Goodeve, Charles Frederick, 71:5
Goodin, Edward, 170:5
Goodrich, A. E., 40:33–34
Goodrich, Caspar, 125:42
Goodrich Transit, 169:34
Goodspeed, William, 36:16
Goodtime (steamer), 55:29
Goodwill (yacht), 133:6
Goodwin, Deb, 169:25
Google searching, 169:58
GoogleBooks, 158:50
Goold-Adams, Richard, 64:17
Goos, Pieter, map, 87:22
gooseberries, 69:18–19
Goosen, Fritz (artist), 91:18
Gorch Fock (renamed Tovarishch) (three-masted barque) 2:7, 2:10, 2:12, 4:11, 5:20, 5:21, 6:29, 11:9, 16:28, 18:18–19, 28:40, 29:26, 33:28, 33:30, 33:33, 37:33, 38:30, 45:34, 52:23, 52:23, 52:46, 56:31, 58:30, 62:26, 63:35, 64:24–25, 70:23, 77:37, 88:32, 91:37–38, 95:34, 134:43–44, 134:43, 135:16, 135:17, 135:22, 135:22, 177:23
Gorch Fock II (three-masted barque), 33:28, 58:32, 70:20, 94:28
Gordon, Nathaniel, 126:5
Gordon, Stephani, 144:43, 144:43
“Gordon Hope Grant,” 116:26–29
Gore, John, 11:16
Gorgas, William, 148:19, 148:19
Gorgon, HMS, 121:24
Gorin, Henry Jerome (artist), 20:47
Gorman, Michael, 165:42
Gosbee, Fred, 181:6
Goslin, Wilfred, 41:13
Gosling, Donald, 140:22
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 42:8–10
“Gosnold Voyage of 1602: An Introduction,” 42:8–10
Gotham (tugboat), 71:38, 80:20, 80:21, 80:22, 80:22
Götheborg (East Indiaman replica), 76:36
Gothenburg Museum, 2:33
Gouda, Mohamed, 128:29
Gough, Barry, 77:41
Gould, Dorothea, 153:44
Goulder, Cindy, 155:14
Gov. Irwin, 150:11
Governor, MV, 159:31
Governor Fuller, 4:3
Governor Herbert H. Lehman (ferry), 178:55
Governor Stone (Gulf coast schooner), 4:9, 20:40, 47:5, 68:32, 68:32, 91:22, 165:32, 165:32, 168:55, 168:55
Governor Williams (lateen-rigged galley), 151:24–25
Governor’s Cup, 154:23, 154:25
Governors Island, 144:5–6
Grabowski Power Wagon, 169:31
Grace, William R., 144:32
Grace (peapod), 125:51
Grace (steam yacht), 150:52–53
Grace Bailey (windjammer schooner), 60:16, 60:17, 93:22
Grace D. Boehner (Gloucester schooner), 6:5, 5:30
Grace Dieu (shipwreck), 153:48
Grace Harwar (British three-master), 3:20, 3:21, 16:47, 18:58, 26:35, 32:17, 32:17, 32:26
Grace L. Fears (fishing schooner), 131:8
Grace Seymour (schooner), 36:16
Gracie S. (renamed Wanderer) (pilot schooner), 59:6, 86:3
Grady, John, 156:30–33
Graf Spee (battleship), 30:8
graffiti, historic, 82:33
Graham, Barbara, 118:13, 118:13
Graham, Calvin, 105:27
Graham, James W., 100:20, 101:3, 118:10–13, 118:13
Grahn, Dick, 163:10
grampus, 130:36–37
Grampus (plumb-stem research schooner), 49:11, 49:15
Grand Banks fishing vessels (Gloucestermen), 49:0, 84:0
Grand Banks Schooner Museum, 32:42
Grand Banks Schooner Trust, 150:39
Grand Canal (China), 147:11
Grand Central Art Galleries, 38:29
Grand Gulf, USS, 171:30, 171:30
Grand Luxe (megayacht), 121:46, 121:46
Grand Marshal (knockabout schooner), 18:58
Grand Panorama of a Whaling Voyage, ‘Round the World, 164:52–53, 164:53
Grand Republic (steamboat), 27:39
Grand Turk (privateer), 59:27
Grandee (downeaster), 72:22
“Grandfather and the ‘Mystery Ship’”, 90:29–31
Grant, Gordon Hope (artist), 51:5, 116:26–29
Grant, Patrick, 155:32–37
Grant, Stephen H.
“Captain Peter Strickland of New England: Trader and Consul in West Africa, 1864–1905,” 114:32–35
Grant, Ulysses S., 166:35, 171:18, 17:18
rowing skiff belonging to, 107:36–37
Grant, W. N., 131:10
Grant, USAT (ex-USS Madawaska), 161:19, 161:21, 161:22
Grantham (steamship; formerly Bussorah), 172:24, 172:24
Grasp, USS (ARS 51), 178:41
Grassby, Richard
“The Ships of James Edward Buttersworth,” 70:24–26
Grau, Miguel, 94:18
Graves, Donald E.
“Peter Rindlisbacher, Sailor and Master of Marine Art, Takes on the Battle of Lake Erie,” 144:20–22
Graves, James C., 130:23
Graves, Samuel, 123:24, 123:27
Graves of Arthur Kill (documentary), 155:56
Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, 182:55
Gray, Jack L. (artist), 76:0
Gray, Jim (artist), 19:31, 61:28
Gray, Mrs. Solomon, 74:20
Gray, Robert, 43:20, 61:16, 61:32, 61:32–33, 61:46, 86:11
Gray, Solomon, 74:20
Gray Point (British steamer), 169:44–45
Gray Ranger, SS (oiler), 64:4
Gray’s Harbor Historical Seaport (GHHS), 53:42, 64:36, 177:44–45
“Greasy Luck for the Charles W. Morgan: A New Idea—Doing Things the Old Way,” 96:16–17
Great Admiral (clipper), 114:16
“‘The Great Age of Sail’: A Remarkable Sampling of the World’s Great Marine Art from England’s National Maritime Museum Will Come to America in 1992,” 60:22–29
Great American (trimaran), 70:40
Great American II (trimaran sailboat), 104:32, 104:32, 104:34–35, 104:34, 107:6, 180:10
Great Auks, 151:40–41
Great Britain (full-rigged ship), 2:8, 2:9, 2:33, 4:5, 4:7, 5:27, 7:3, 15:13, 18:38, 20:18, 48:35, 59:30, 104:4
figurehead and trailboard decorations, 57:5
mizzenmast, 104:4
Great Britain (iron steamer), 3:30, 11:31, 13:38, 24:27, 46:14, 48:10–11, 51:36, 52:29, 64:12, 64:15, 64:15, 64:16–17, 67:5, 76:7, 76:38, 78:16, 80:4, 83:51, 88:13, 133:35
Great Britain (ocean liner), 38:13
Great Britain (steam clipper), 7:3
Great Britain II, 5:20
Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race, 89:39, 92:12–14, 113:35–36
Great Colonial Hurricane (1635), 174:16–18
Great Cove Square, 2:4–5, 2:4–5
Great Eastern (iron steamship), 2:33, 23:21, 32:41, 76:28
clipper card, 40:28
Great Hudson River Revival, 20:42
Great International Steamboat Flotilla, 28:34
Great Lakes, 121:35, 183:22–29, 183:22
early exploration, 47:17–20
Great Lakes Fishery, 82:15–16
Great Lakes fishing boats (schooners), 47:0, 101:0
“Great Lakes Ghost Ship: The Cornelia B. Windiate,” 121:35
Great Lakes Historic Ships Research Project (GLHSRP), 47:41–42
Great Lakes Historical Society, 75:34, 94:39, 113:35, 120:40, 120:43, 147:43
Great Lakes Lighthouse Museum, 88:39
Great Lakes Maritime Academy, 119:39, 157:27, 163:43
Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center (GLMHC), 90:39, 183:29, 183:29
Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center Project, 104:38
Great Lakes Maritime Museum, 40:35 47:46
“Great Lakes Maritime Music,” 47:28–29
Great Lakes shipping, 170:6
Great Lakes ships, 22:0, 22:23–25
Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society (GLSHS), 179:51–52, 181:52
Great Lakes Tall Ships Challenge, 143:47
Great Lakes Water Studies Institute, 183:26
Great Ocean Race, 89:0, 89:24–25, 89:24–25
Great Republic (clipper ship), 31:50, 71:12, 88:26, 130:46, 130:46, 155:21, 163:38, 168:28, 168:28, 168:29, 168:30, 168:30
Great Republic (four-masted barque), 88:13, 122:7
Great Republic (refrigerated freighter), 46:5
Great Republic (sloop), 4:3, 5:29, 6:3, 6:7, 6:7, 12:36, 21:31, 131:9
Great Republic (steamer), 57:29
“The Great Republic Will Not Die!” 6:7
Great Salt Lake State Park & Marina, 182:50
“The Great Steamboat Race of 1981,” 43:14–16
Great Transatlantic Race of 1866, 131:22–23, 131:22–23
Great Western (fishing sloop), 131:9
Great Western (steamship), 64:0, 64:14, 64:15, 64:16, 64:20, 88:13
Great White Fleet, 138:29
Greater Buffalo (Caribbean cruise ship), 40:34, 169:33
Greater Detroit, SS (Caribbean cruise ship), 40:34, 169:33
Greater Farallones National Maritime Sanctuary, 179:15–16
“Greatest Port That Never Was, The: The Environmental History of Jamaica Bay” (Vann), 164:22–26
“The Greatest Race of All,” 43:13
Grebe (minesweeper), 15:48
Grecian (Baltimore clipper), 14:53, 14:53
“Greece and the Sea,” 73:13
Greek merchant marine, 35:4
Greek sailing vessels, 70:39, 72:14–15, 73:10, 73:13
Greely, Adolphus, 121:14–18, 121:18, 146:28, 166:20
Greely Expedition, 122:5, 177:46, 180:30
Greely Expedition Rescue Mission, 178:6
Green, Adam, 175:8
Green, Burchenal, 97:6, 117:4, 117:4, 132:34, 138:44, 141:8, 144:8, 153:51, 154:12, 157:8, 161:10, 161:15, 161:15, 163:13, 165:8, 169:8, 169:9, 169:38, 171:10, 177:4, 179:9
retirement from NMHS, 180:4, 180:8, 180:8, 180:9, 181:5, 181:5, 181:8
tribute to Walter Rybka, 172:50
tribute to John Stobart, 183:10–12
“Great Lakes Ghost Ship: The Cornelia B. Windiate,” 121:35
Green, Edward Howland Robinson, 72:20, 119:5–6, 134:17
Green, Fitzhugh, 155:38
Green, Joseph C., 10:41, 10:42
Green, Peter, 172:19
Green, Philip S., 19:19, 19:19
Green, William Jackson, 176:8, 178:54, 178:54
Greenaway, Kristen L., 178:12, 178:13–14, 178:13–14, 178:52, 179:8–9, 179:8
Greendeer, Danielle, 179:45
Greene, Mark (artist), 6:17, 16:49, 19:32, 29:38, 41:29, 48:38
Greene, Mary (Becker), 53:36, 53:37
Greene, Mary L.
“The Society for Seamen’s Children,” 42:34
Greene, Nathanael, 98:12
Greene, Tom R., 53:36–38
Greene, William Stedman 169:14, 169:15, 169:16
Greenert, Jonathan W., 149:12, 150:43, 150:43, 151:9, 163:11, 163:11, 166:11, 167:8, 167:8, 167:9, 173:10, 174:8
Greeneville, USS (submarine), 164:8, 164:11
Greenfish, USS, 142:21
Greenhill, Basil, 40:26–27, 105:41
Greenhithe (barge), 34:24
Greenland Air Gap, 143:27
“Greenland Beckons: Explorer Louise Arner Boyd aboard the Veslekari,” 181:24–29
Greenland Patrol, 146:32
Greenpeace, 137:42
Greenport (ex-New Jersey; ex-Princess Anne), 11:8
Greentree, Walker, 145:39
Greenway, Ambrose Lord, 119:34, 121:8, 121:8
Greenwich (tugboat), 76:12, 76:14
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), 66:20
Greenwich Seamen’s Hospital, 135:26
Greenwich Workshop Gallery, 34:34
Greenwood (steam schooner), 79:14
Greer, USS (four-piper destroyer), 87:35–36
Gregg, John, 180:50
Gregor, George, 103:6
Greif (ex-Wilhelm Peck) (brigantine), 3:10, 3:10, 65:39
Grenada, 71:40
Grennell, Thomas, 98:12
Grenville, Richard, 55:24
Gretel (yacht), 158:25
Gretel II (yacht), 67:33
Grethe (renamed Romance) (brigantine), 3:9, 124:20–24, 124:27
Gribbins, Joe, 98:38
Gribble, Bernard R. (artist), 99:0
Gridley, Charles Vernon, 94:10, 94:12, 148:4
Griffin, Benjamin Tuthill, 174:40–43
Griffin, Rick (artist), 175:28, 175:29
Griffis, Nixon, 70:40–41
Griffith, Camillus, 172:21
Griffith, Edward (artist), 102:25
Griffith, Thomas, 165:36
Griffiths, Jim (artist), 91:22, 121:46, 147:34, 153:42
Griffiths, John Willis, 88:9, 89:3, 98:22, 104:33, 145:5, 146:6, 148:4, 156:8, 156:8
Griffon (LaSalle expedition), 47:17
Grille (Hitler’s yacht), 64:4
Grimes, James W., 156:23–24
Grimes, William, 175:22
Grimm, Michael G., 142:52
Grinnell, Henry, 156:32, 156:33, 166:23
Grinnell, Russell Jr., 7:12, 49:12
Grinnell Expeditions, 156:32, 156:33
Griswold, John, 36:11
Grönland (gaff-rigged cutter), 24:24
Groos, David, 15:14
Groote Beer (gaff-headed sloop), 22:41
Groseclose, Hugh, 95:28
Grosse Point Light Station, 88:39
Grossherzogin Elisabeth (now Duchess Anne; full-rigged ship) (1901), 2:10, 16:17, 16:17, 16:28, 98:36, 98:36
Grossherzogin Elisabeth (ex-San Antonio, ex-Ariadne) (1907) (schooner), 48:16
Grotius, Hugo, 128:34
“A Grounded Flight: The Harrowing Rescue of an American Blockade Runner in the Dark Days of War,” 181:34–38
Grover, Gretchen
“From Ugly Duckling to Museum Ship,” 46:18–19
Groves, Christopher (artist), 171:39
Groves, John (artist), 35:38, 38:24–26, 38:26
Growler, USS (guided missile submarine), 92:54, 117:41
Growler, USS (schooner), 138:23
Gruber, Elliott, 142:49, 142:49, 155:55
Grumman F4F “Wildcats,” 166:31
Grunion, USS (submarine), 117:41–42
Gruppe, Emile, 179:26
Grymes, Johnson, 154:24–25
Guadalcanal, Battle of, 65:37
Guadalcanal, USS (escort carrier, CVE 60), 37:4, 66:14, 66:14, 68:5, 73:36, 75:3, 157:5, 157:6
Guadlhorce (Spanish barque), 8:6
Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR), 163:50
guano, 163:36–40
Guano Islands Act, 163:37–38
Guard, USS, 57:14
The Guardian (film), 117:39
“The Guardian of St. George Reef,” 63:20–23
Guayas (Ecuadorian sail training barque), 18:17, 38:30, 39:34, 40:11, 54:15, 54:15, 62:21, 63:36, 71:38
Gudin, Théodore (artist), 174:26
Gudrun Maersk, MV (containership), 114:10
guerre de course, 139:11
Guerrière, HMS (frigate), 6:16, 28:31, 44:11, 44:16, 45:4, 46:4, 103:16, 112:14, 116:12, 124:35, 129:19, 133:12, 134:13, 134:12–13, 135:11–12, 147:50, 167:33, 167:33, 167:33, 169:41
Guide to American and Canadian Maritime Museums, 57:9
Guilbaud, René, 177:12, 177:15
Guild, Frederick Boyd, 93:20–21
Guild, William H., 144:33, 144:32
“A Guild for Small Craft” 51:19
Guinevere (schooner), 123:15
Gulf Coast History and Humanities Conference, 47:41
GulfQuest Take the Helm Theater, 153:52
Gulf Quest: The National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico (GQ), 127:41, 153:52
Gulli (ex-Victoria; ex-Aeroei; renamed Beaver), (Boston Tea Party brig replica), 3:5, 3:5, 8:17, 10:26, 17:29, 49:35
Gunabara. See Sagres II/ Sagres III
gunboats, 148:22–23, 147:18, 147:19
Gundel (ketch), 5:6
Guppy (submersible), 85:22
Gurcke, Karl, 111:7
“Gustaf Erikson: King of the Sailing Ships,” 93:15–18
Gustav III (king of Sweden), 153:38–39, 153:38, 153:41
Gustav (four-masted barque), 3:20, 15:41, 48:39
Gustav (now Elissa; ex-Fjeld; ex-Christophoros; ex-Achaios; ex-Pioneer) (barque). See Elissa
Gustav V (pocket battleship), 32:28
Guthrie, John Julius, 176:14
Gutiérrez, Antonio, 79:20–21
Gutknecht, Gil, 176:50
Guzelhisar (steamboat), 45:23
Gwarek (sailing cruise ship), 62:21, 62:22
Gwydyr Castle (Welsh barque), 16:5, 13:51, 13:53
Gyatt, USS (destroyer converted to missile ship), 100:17
gybing (wearing ship), 52:31–32
Gypsy Moth IV, 5:15
Gypsy Moth V, 5:20