H. A. Scandrett (ex-North Star; renamed SS Hamina) 81:3
H. H. Hess, USNS, 136:40
H. J. Powell (schooner), 49:5
H. L. Hunley, CSS (Confederate submarine), 74:8, 75:33, 79:37, 94:40, 95:18, 95:18, 99:39, 103:10, 107:36, 136:42, 136:42, 158:17–21, 158:16, 158:21, 156:9, 156:25
H. Lee White Maine Museum, 29:31
Haakon VII (king of Norway), 84:16, 177:16
HABS/HAER program (Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record, National Park Service), 165:42, 165:44
Habsburg empire, 48:18
Hackensack (tugboat), 80:21, 80:22, 80:22
Hackett, David H. III
“Seguin: She Towed the Henry B. Hyde, the Shenandoah and Our Own Kaiulani to Sea—and Outlived Them All,” 25:26–27
Hackfield, A., 9:20
Hadley, John, 153:14
Haefner, Scott
“Ghost Ships of the Mothball Fleet,” 136:38–40
haenyeo (abalone divers), 177:41–43
Haerry, Raymond Jr., 159:42–43
Haff, Hank, 158:23
Hagan, John G.
“Commentary on John Prentiss Benson Paintings,” 106:31–32
Hagelund, William A.
“Ivanhoe and Master: Two Towboats of British Columbia,” 40:22–23
Haggett, Ida Minott, 9:7–8
Hagleberg, Erika, 85:55
Haguro (heavy cruiser), 71:16
Hahn, Kurt, 51:29
Hai (patrol boat), 30:10
Hai Chang (ex-Chief Joseph; Liberty ship), 11:22
Hai Chu (ex-Heather ex-Lieutenant Rene Guillon) (motorship, former barquentine), 3:6
Haida, HMCS (destroyer), 5:30, 12:28, 107:35
Haida canoes, 43:32, 148:30. See also canoes
“Hail the Juan Sebastian de Elcano,” 54:14
Haiti, Republic of, 164:19
Haiti Victory, SS (Victory ship), 97:14
Haitian marine art, 130:0, 130:38, 131:4
Hajewski, Thomas J.
“Otto Hersing Was the First,” 74:8–9
“With U-53 to America: Part I,” 55:44–45
“With U-53 to America: Part II,” 56:44–45
Hakluyt Society, 79:40
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 74:21
Hale, Thomas
“Sail, Martha’s Vineyard,” 84:43
“Tuns, Tons and Barrels of Wine,” 58:10–11
“Wasa Triumphant: The Sinking, Search and Salvage of a 17th Century Warship,” 27:22–27
“Whither the Dainty?” 30:11
Hales Trophy, 87:41
Halewood (near-sistership to Wavertree), 26:10
Haley, Hattie, 183:50
Half Moon (Hudson’s ship), 37:47, 64:33, 129:22–23. See also Halve Maen
Half Moon (Hudson’s ship replica), 8:17, 17:26–27, 17:27, 61:39, 68:33, 72:35, 73:32, 151:42, 151:42. See also Halve Maen
Halford, William, 112:10, 112:10, 112:11
halibut, 128:40
Halibut (submarine), 35:26
Halifax Harbor explosion, 160:14–18
Haliskalkavan (ex-Baron Graham) (tramp steamer), 26:29
Halsey (American tanker), 180:28, 180:29
Haiti, 164:19
Hall, Bobby, 120:11
Hall, Charles Francis, 166:24–25
Hall, Frank, 178:45
Hall, Howell G. “Pete,” 72:38
Hall, Leon, 36:3
Hall, Parker, 42:14
Hall, Wilburn, 132:12
Hallam, Beverly, 169:38
Halley, Edmund, 83:12
Halliday, Ken, 162:33
Hallie K. (bugeye), 5:5
Hallock, Byron, 30:24
“Halls of Honor” (DVD), 119:36
Halsall, William Formby (artist), 126:28
Halsey, Brenton S., 75:34
Halsey, Silas Clowden, 141:20
Halsey, William F. Jr., 71:14, 71:17–18, 72:4
Halve Maen (Henry Hudson’s ship), 13:10, 58:0, 58:19, 77:4. See also Half Moon
Halve Maen (Hudson’s ship replica), 49:35, 76:36. See also Half Moon
Ham, William, 181:36–37
Hamann, Carol (artist), 28:25
Hambidge, Roger, 96:13
Hambleton, Samuel, 1:31, 144:16
Hamburg (barque), 147:5, 147:5
Hamburg class destroyers, 30:10
Hamburg Maritime Foundation, 173:40
Hamburg–Amerika Line, 129:34
“Hamburg’s New International Maritime Museum,” 125:26–27
Hamdoun, Leila, 168:13
Hamdoun, Meriem, 168:13
Hamilton, Aaron S., 175:35
Hamilton, Alexander, 153:27, 166:11
Hamilton, Christopher E., 51:7, 54:9, 54:9, 138:33
“Managing Shipwrecks as Cultural Resources,” 52:8–9
Hamilton, Donny, 181:20
Hamilton, Gabrielle M.
“Decorative Carvings on Dredge Boats of Chesapeake Bay,” 86:24–27
Hamilton, George, 121:24
Hamilton, James, 96:46, 97:8, 143:32
Hamilton, Ronald, 71:5
Hamilton and Scourge Foundation, 22:37–38
Hamilton (cutter), 114:6
Hamilton, USS (ex-Diana) (schooner), 8:24, 19:38, 22:6, 22:37–38, 24:34, 138:23
Hamilton class cutters, 66:12
“The Hamilton is Refloated,” 9:14
Hamina, SS (ex-H. A. Scandrett; ex-North Star), 81:3
Hamlet, Oscar, 180:30–31, 180:31
Hammonia (liner), 67:46
Hamond, Snape, 98:10
Hampton Mariners Museum, 12:41, 21:32, 22:39, 23:24, 24:30
Hampton Roads, Battle of, 109:34, 131:30
Hampton Roads Maritime Museum, 148:33
Hampton Roads Naval Museum, 96:32, 118:38, 136:43, 155:50
Hanceri, Dennis J. (artist), 35:39, 46:26–27
Hancock (renamed Iris) (Royal Navy brig), 61:25, 61:32, 103:13, 103:14, 103:15, 103:15, 103:16
Hancock, USS, 34:38
Hand, William H. Jr., 155:39
Handel (ex-Diane Chris; now Sagamore), 40:2–3, 42:35
Handelman, Walter J., 72:8, 127:42
Handicapped Boaters Association, 21:29
Handlen, Frank (artist), 16:47, 19:29, 35:35, 62:30
“Hands on History,” 51:23
Hanks, Consuelo Eames (artist), 108:36–37
Hanks, Douglas, 32:11
Hanlon, Christine (author/artist), 125:36, 133:0, 133:26–30
Hann, Nancy, 177:45
Hannah (schooner, first US warship), 14:50–51, 14:50, 178:46, 179:5–6, 179:6, 181:31, 182:5–6
Hannah (fishing schooner), 58:39, 147:5, 147:5–6
Hannibal (whaleship), 74:20, 74:21, 168:21
Hannover (renamed HMS Audacity) (escort carrier), 67:10
Hanora (motor yacht), 55:11
Hanover Square Art Gallery, 29:38
Hans (now Tango; gambling barge), 15:52, 60:13, 60:14
Hanse Cog, 99:36
Hansell, Nils, 40:10, 52:36, 53:40, 182:38
Hansen, Axel, 121:10
Hansen, Elly, 36:23
Hansen, Frederick “Fighting,” 121:10, 121:13, 121:13
Hansen, Ian (artist), 102:24
Hansen, Knud, 36:22
Hansen, Lars Henning, 129:45, 129:45
Hansen, P., 124:33
Hansen, Vilhelm, 36:22–23
Hanson, H.C., 27:38
Hanson, William (artist), 149:27
Hanssen, Helmer, 156:54
Hansson, Jim, 170:50
Hansteen (Norwegian iron ship), 68:34, 68:34, 133:34, 133:34, 133:37
Hanway, Jonas, 24:26, 25:3, 85:11
Harald (renamed Norlandia) (three-masted topsail schooner), 3:8
Harbinger (racing cat) 168:38
Harbor Maintenance Tax, 145:56
Harborfest, 63:36
“A Hard Look at Wind Propulsion for Commercial Ships,” 20:7
hard tack, 119:23
Harden, Ben, 182:34
Harden, Charles, 97:13
Hardin, Mel, 155:13
“Jack’s Last Port,” 29:18–20
Harding, Ephraim, 138:19–20
Harding, Seth, 36:13
Harding, Warren G., 178:28
Harding, USS (destroyer), 167:24–25
Hardison, Micaiah (artist), 175:26–27, 175:30
“California Dreaming––Riding the Waves of Surf Art,” 175:24–31
Hardisty, Nicolas, 175:48
“A Ship, Youth, and the Sea: Black Pearl’s Role in American Sail Training,” 182:36–39
Hardy, Charles, 141:20
Hardy, Robert, 38:13
Hardy, Rufus, 169:14
Hare, Frederick P., 49:5
Harker, Thomas, 175:44
Harkins, Matt, 147:27
Harle Tief (schooner; renamed De Tukker), 178:52
Harlem (steamboat), 80:26
Harmon, Al, 38:13–14
Harmony (ex-Lorna Doone), 101:16
Harmony (whaler), 179:38–39
Harold K. Acker, 57:36
Harpe, Neil (artist), 62:30
Harper, Emery, 117:8
Harrell, Michael (artist), 91:22
Harriet (trow), 32:41
Harriet Lane, USCG Revenue Cutter (renamed USS Harriet Lane), 155:6, 163:17–19, 163:17–19
Harriet Lane II, USCG Revenue Cutter, 163:19–20, 163:20
Harriet Lane III (WMEC-903), 163:20, 163:20
Harriet Lane, USS (ex-USCG Harriet Lane), 163:17–19, 163:17–19
Harriet Tubman Institute, 143:48
Harriman, Florence “Daisy,” 159:14, 159:14
Harrington, James (artist), 46:28
Harrington, Michael, 169:18, 169:20–22
Harris, Dick, 50:23
Harris, Edward, 163:13, 163:13
Harris, John, 131:9
Harris, Kamala, 175:44, 175:44, 175:47
Harris, Lawren S. (artist), 125:30
Harris, Ryan, 166:27
Harrison, Basil F., 85:7, 87:3, 87:41
Harrison, John B., 66:22–23, 66:27, 153:12–14, 154:22, 154:22
Harrison, John Henry, 108:8
Harrison, Michael, 163:13
“The Origins of Nantucket’s Rainbow Fleet,” 171:32–35
Harrison, Moody, 38:5
Harrison, William Henry, 134:11–12, 136:11–12, 138:24
Harry F. Sinclair, 68:12
Harry L. Belden (fishing schooner), 49:14
model, 49:36
Harry Lee, USS (transport ship), 166:29, 166:29, 166:30
“Harry Lundeberg Has Been Heard From,” 18:36–38
Harry W. Adams (Gloucester fishing schooner), 5:29, 6:6, 8:28, 13:48, 13:48
Harshman, Verne W., 178:31
Hart, Cooper, 61:27
Hart, March, 175:17
Hart, Robert, 21:7
Hart, Simpson, 147:25
Hart Nautical Museum, 8:23, 23:21
Hartford (US Navy steam frigate), 36:47, 36:47, 67:7
Hartford, USS (Civil–War flagship), 22:31, 25:46, 133:22, 157:32, 157:33, 176:28–33, 176:28–33, 176:44, 177:6, 177:6, 178:5, 178:5
Hartford, USS (model sloop-of-war), 137:44
Hartford, USS (square-rigged sailing ship), 108:8, 108:8
Hartford, Connecticut, 36:0
Hartley, 150:11
Harvest Moon, SS, 157:5, 157:5, 166:34, 166:37
“Harvesting the Inland Seas: Great Lakes Commercial Fishing,” 82:15–16
Harvey, Fred, 152:29–30
Harvey, John C., 115:37, 134:8, 134:8, 135:8, 135:8
Harvey, Moses, 166:48, 166:48, 166:49
Harvey Gamage (schooner; sail training ship), 5:21, 7:11, 7:11, 7:13, 7:13, 7:14, 8:18, 20:39, 23:22, 57:18, 58:5, 61:38, 63:35, 78:26, 84:56, 87:6, 92:13–14, 93:38, 105:38, 107:4, 115:34, 116:38, 127:44–45, 142:50, 142:50, 150:5, 152:50, 152:50, 158:9, 158:9, 160:12, 165:24, 168:4, 168:4
Harvey W. Smith Watercraft Center, 109:14
Harwood, Andrew, 156:24
Hasbritt, Mary, 172:12
Hasbrouck, Raymond D., 161:21
Haskell, Roger, 121:39
Hasker, Charles, 158:19
Hasselbach, Gunter, 46:9
Hassett, Thomas, 169:18, 169:20–22
Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph, 120:32, 120:32, 120:34
Hassler (Coast Survey ship), 120:35
Hastreiter, Sara, 152:44–45
Haswell, Robert, 86:11–12
Hatfield, Fred, 49:35
Hathaway, Harold F., 181:47
HathiTrust, 158:50
Hathorn, Stacye, 168:48
Hattendorf, John B., 154:9, 154:9, 157:4, 157:4, 172:8
Hatteras (Civil War gunboat), 8:25
Hattie J. Phillips (schooner), 131:9, 131:9, 131:10
Hattie Nickerson (schooner), 50:7
Hatton, Christopher, 143:17
Haugen, Tom, 22:11
Hauk (patrol boat), 30:10
Hauppauge (schooner), 181:13
Havana, SS (renamed USNS Comfort, AH-3; renamed Yucatán; renamed Agwileon; renamed Shamrock)), 171:23–25, 171:23–24
“Have You Ever Tried to Draw a Crocodile?” 84:30–34
Haven, USS (AH12) (hospital ship), 173:7
Havengore (London launch/Churchill’s funeral barge), 99:2, 101:7, 101:7, 103:2
Havengore Education and Leadership Mission (HELM), 101:9
Havengore Trust, 99:2
Haverstraw Brick Museum, 127:7
Havre de Grace Maritime Museum, 70:37, 97:40, 97:41
“Havsvind” (Ullberg), 155:46
Hawaii (barquentine), 39:44
Hawaii Maritime Center (HMC), 44:36–37, 46:45, 81:32–33, 123:40
Hawaiian canoes, 73:38. See also canoes
Hawaiian Chief (topsail ketch), 146:25
Hawaiian Chieftain (square topsail ketch) (ex-Spirit of Larinda), 79:24, 125:54, 177:44–45, 177:44
Hawaiian Citizen (C-3 merchantman), 16:6, 16:34
Hawaiian Islands Bird Reservation, 180:31, 180:33
Hawaiian Isles (ex-Abraham Rydberg; renamed Seven Seas) (four-masted barque), 32:28, 41:2, 93:31, 114:12, 123:14–15, 123:14, 123:15, 124:6
Hawai’iloa (Polynesian voyaging canoe), 70:31, 74:35
Hawk (ketch), 32:15
Hawk (merchant sloop), 81:38
Hawkins, Benjamin Newton, 174:40, 174:43
Hawkins, Fred C., 125:50
Hawkins, George M., 174:40
Hawkins, John, 80:9, 107:23, 143:16
Hawley, Clarke C. “Doc,” 67:36
The Hawsepipe (newsletter of the Marine Workers’ Historical Association), 89:4
Haworth, Walter, 172:33
Hay-De (ex-New York Central No. 13) (steam tug/tow converted to diesel), 8:14, 8:16, 103:36
Hayden, Amelia Prudence, 36:11, 36:11, 55:7
Hayden, Edward L.
“The Battle Won By Civilians,” 29:6–8, 68:9
Hayden, Frank T., 74:6
Hayden, Nehemiah, 36:16
Hayden, Sterling, 41:34, 42:4, 43:5
Hayden, Uriah, 36:13
Haydon, Kevin, 69:20–21, 72:8, 72:8, 85:28
“Beyond the Spectacle,” 81:19–21
“Captain Cook’s Endeavour,” 74:30–31
“Convoy ’94,” 69:30
“Druzhba Brings US-Soviet Crew ‘Back to the Basics,’” 55:31
“Early Encounters on the Hudson,” 58:19–22
“Exploring Maritime Sydney,” 67:31–33
“Historical Marine Art of the Pacific Northwest,” 61:24–27
“Marine Archaeology: Going Beyond the Abandoned Shipwreck Act,” 68:14, 68:16
“The Marine Watercolors of Ian Marshall,” 71:24–26
“No Na Mamo,” 70:30–31
“The Orange Feeling,” 63:30–31
“Society Co-publishes International Register of Historic Ships,” 67:6–7
“Trials and Rewards of John Harrison, the Inventor of the Marine Chronometer,” 66:22–23
“What’s Happening in 1992,” 59:10
Hayward, Charlie, 162:27
Hayward, Thomas, 121:24
Hazard, USS (minesweeper), 73:17
Hazell, Jay, 32:32
Hazen, William Babcock, 121:15
HC-130 Hercules aircraft, 138:42–43, 138:43
“He Couldn’t Have Done It Without Her—Exy Johnson’s Seafaring Legacy,” 152:16–20
“He Sank Them in the Lowlands Low!” 77:10–12
Head, Fred, 131:9
“A Head of Steam,” 7:22
Headwaters to Ocean (H2O), 89:41
healthcare legislation, 153:24–31
Healy, Michael A.“Hell Roarin,” 146:28–30, 146:29, 146:32, 178:20–21, 178:20
Healy, USCGC (icebreaker), 125:52, 125:52, 139:29, 151:5
Heaphy, Sandy, 183:11
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 96:11
Heath, Mary, 14:40–41
Heath, William, 98:9
Heather, William, 163:37
Heather (ex-Lieutenant Rene Guillon; renamed Hai Chu) (motorship, former barquentine), 3:6
Heaver, Stephen Jr.
“The Chief Wawatam Must Be Saved,” 47:44–45
heaving-to, 52:32
Hebe (Dutch freighter), 68:12
Hebe III (yacht), 95:34
Heceta, Bruno, 61:46
Hecla (ketch), 25:47
Hecla (square-rigged ship), 121:12
Hector, 36:16
Hector (reconstruction), 93:40
Hector, USS (AR 7), 178:41
Heed, Sam, 175:5–6, 179:53, 183:71
“The Final Voyage of the Kalmar Nyckel: Epitaph for an Exceptional Ship,” 174:30–35
Heermann (destroyer), 71:16
Heerssen, Wes, 163:42–43, 163:42
Hefron, Buzz, 10:23
Heifer International, 177:27, 177:28
Heimland (whaleship), 177:14
Heitman, Florida Schultz, 172:47
Heitzmann, William Ray, 9:13, 10:19–20, 14:39
Held, Jack, 97:14
Held, Judy, 97:14
Helen (Cape Verde packet), 8:19
Helen & Violet (bawley), 29:47
Helen F. Riley (now Gertrude L. Dailey) (canal boat), 4:22, 4:22
Helena (Dutch iron sailing barge), 90:39
Helena, USS, 166:50
Helgesen, Henry N., 130:29
“Sailing for All: Joe Lee and American’s First Public Community Sailing Program,” 130:26–29
“Wireless Goes to Sea: Marconi’s Radio and SS Ponce,” 122:20–23
Helgesen, Nels, 122:23, 122:23, 123:5, 130:28, 130:28
Helgeson, Henry, 123:5
Heliopolis (snag boat), 40:35, 74:12
Helisara (Maxi yacht), 180:23
“Hell With the Lid Off!—Lt. Hobson and the Sinking of the Merrimac at Santiago, Cuba, 1898,” 155:32–37
Hellenic Institute for the Preservation of Nautical Tradition, 29:30
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, 156:51
Helmerson, Karen, 122:13, 141:9
Helms, Jesse, 96:15
Helot (launch), 82:3
Helsel, Paul, 83:40
Hemingway, Ernest, 147:38–39, 147:39, 148:48–49
“Hemingway’s Sharks,” 147:38–39
Henderson, Graham, 16:19–20, 153:18
Hendley, Joseph, 36:16
Hendley, William, 36:16
Hendon (tugboat), 16:14
Hendrick Hudson (Hudson River Day Line steamer), 10:9, 37:23, 58:25, 149:41
Hendrickson, Herman, 159:19
Henkel, Robert F., 173:4, 173:4
Hennechin, Sigvard, 180:28–29
Hennessey, Maureen, 165:8
Henri Grace a Dieu (Henry VIII’s ship), 30:8, 71:12
Henrietta (yacht), 9:33, 89:23, 89:24–25, 131:23, 163:39
Henrietta Marie (slave ship), 156:29
Henrietta Simmons (schooner), 50:7
Henrik (prince of Denmark), 38:32
Henrique, Arnaldo, 7:20–21
Henry the Navigator, 77:15–16, 78:10, 80:30
Henry VII (king of England), 48:18–19
Henry VIII (king of England), 48:19
Henry, John, 103:15
Henry, John Frazier
“Art Historians of the American Northwest,” 33:38–40
Henry A. Kent (schooner-barge), 183:25
Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard, 49:20, 96:16, 168:47, 176:53
Henry B. Hyde (Downeaster), 25:27, 53:6, 114:15
Henry Chisholm (freighter), 47:30–31
Henry Clay (Hudson River steamer), 10:6
Henry Failing, 15:52
Henry Ford (Gloucester fishing schooner), 82:24, 82:24, 101:30, 152:5, 174:12
Henry Ford Museum, 172:22
Henry Grace a Dieu, 42:22
Henry J. Dornbos (renamed Urger) (tugboat), 58:4, 58:7–8, 58:7, 58:8, 59:5, 68:6, 80:3, 82:4
Henry Kneeland, 74:21
Henry L. Marshall (Gloucester schooner), 85:17, 169:43
Henry L. Peckham (renamed Pricilla L. Ray) (four-masted schooner), 42:5
Henry R. Mallory (troopship), 143:28
Henry Rutowski, 56:29
Henry Steinbrenner (steamer), 44:3
Henry Villard, 8:6
Henry W. Adams (schooner), 25:46
Henryk Rutkowski (brigantine), 71:40, 83:50
Henshaw, Henry, 180:30
Henson, Matthew, 117:34–37, 117:34–35, 144:36–37, 144:37, 173:30–31, 173:31, 175:40–42, 175:41–43
Herald (British sloop-of-war), 142:24–25, 142:26, 142:28
Herald of the Morning (clipper), 88:13
“Herb Hewitt, Marine Artist,” 39:28–29
Herbert, Karen, 152:29
Herbert, Robert G., 4:20, 49:11, 57:9, 62:38, 63:39–40, 63:40, 152:29
“A Matter of Restoration: the Saloon of S.S. China,” 21:18–21
Herbert L. Rawling (four-master), 92:3
Herbert Norkus (training ship), 58:30
Hercules (British merchant vessel), 42:17
Hercules (ocean steam tug), 2:31, 4:26, 5:28, 8:13, 8:14, 10:23, 10:23, 11:35, 25:18, 25:18, 38:11, 58:39, 58:39, 63:37, 144:35, 148:30, 148:30
Herdendorf, Charles E.
“The Steamship Central America and Her Era,” 64:26–30
Heredia (freighter), 155:30
Heretic (sloop), 169:49
Heritage (coasting schooner), 16:37, 28:30
Heritage (coasting schooner replica), 17:35
Heritage Research Permit (Canada), 52:9
Heritage Ship Guild of the Port of Philadelphia, 4:35, 25:45
Heritage Shipcraft Guild, 23:23
Herman Melville (Liberty ship), 29:7
hermaphrodite brigs, 63:5
Hermes (renamed Lanikai) (German schooner), 52:15, 52:15, 52:16
Hermes (whaler), 125:16, 127:23, 127:25
Hermes, HMS (aircraft carrier), 33:33
“Hermes’s Destiny,” 52:16
Hermione (French frigate), 30:8, 151:0, 151:16–17, 183:70–71, 183:70
Hermione (French frigate replica), 90:40, 147:41, 147:41, 151:16, 151:16, 151:17–20, 152:6, 152:8
Hermione-Lafayette Association, 183:70–71
hermit cookies, 119:23
Herndon, William Lewis, 64:27, 64:28
Hero (arctic research vessel), 26:9
Hero (brig), 115:12
Hero (ex-John Amos) (tugboat), 25:18
Hero (sealing sloop), 24:5, 88:9
Heroes of the Hudson, 128:29, 129:8, 172:12, 172:12
“Heroes of the Sailing Navy”
James Lawrence, 114:26–30
Steven Decatur Jr., 116:10–14
William Bainbridge, 112:12–15
William Henry Allen, 110:28–31
Herr, (Admiral), 177:13–16
Herreshoff, Halsey C.
“America’s Cup Racing—The Oldest Competition in Sport,” 116:20–23
Herreshoff, John Brown “J. B.,” 89:18, 116:21, 144:32
Herreshoff, L. Francis, 63:28
Herreshoff, Nathanael Greene “Nat,” 28:30–31, 89:18, 90:6, 98:24, 116:21, 116:21, 116:22, 144:32, 158:23, 158:24
Herreshoff Marine Museum, 89:18, 90:6, 98:25, 115:38, 124:36, 134:41, 137:42–43, 164:26
Herreshoff S-Class sloop, 170:16
Herrman, Augustine (artist), 15:55
Herrmann, Ned, 6:21
Herself (tugboat), 37:38
Hersilia (barque), 137:22–24
Hertfordshire, HMS (trawler), 68:12
Herzogin Cecilie (four masted barque), 18:58, 32:16, 33:12, 52:3, 93:17, 100:36
Hesper (four-masted schooner), 4:33, 4:33, 14:43, 19:4, 22:4, 22:25
Hess, Hans Georg, 105:18–19, 105:18
Hessa, KNM (subchaser), 84:18–19
Hesse-Low, Carolyn (artist), 175:27, 175:30
Hetty Thom (schooner), 75:8
Hetzel (Coast Survey steam vessel), 120:32
Heuston, George F.
“Torpedoed!” 23:44–45
Hewer, David, 65:47
Hewitt, H. Kent, 166:29, 166:31
Hewitt, Herb (artist), 39:28–29
Hewitt, Nick
“Resurrection of LCT 7074, a D-Day Survivor,” 150:34–35
Hewlett, James Monroe (artist), 120:40
Hewson, Dana, 96:13, 115:6, 121:8, 131:14, 132:41, 132:41, 133:8, 133:8, 144:38, 159:9, 159:9
“The Birth and Rebirth of the L. A. Dunton,” 49:20
Hexum, Gunnar, 75:36
“Two Half Hitches are Enough!” 38:18–19
Heyen, Gerhard, 20:42
Heyer, John, 121:25
Heyerdahl, Thor, 11:10
Hibbard, Aldro, 179:26
Hickson, Chip, 51:15
Hiddensee (Soviet missile corvette), 78:26, 80:36
Hiei (Japanese battleship), 166:50
Higgins, Andrew Jackson, 70:40, 130:47
Higgins, Brian, 170:18, 170:19, 172:9, 178:34, 178:34, 180:17
Higginson, F. J., 158:20
“High-Tech Goes to Sea: the RCRV Project,” 167:42–43
Highflyer (HMS), 160:17
Highland Light (cutter), 47:8
Highland Princess (Royal Mail Lines), 168:12
Highlander (ex-Bridgeport), side wheeler, 21:14
Highlander (steamer), 21:13
Highlander, HMS (destroyer), 29:7
Highlander Sea (ex-Pilot; ex-Star Pilot) (Gloucester schooner), 79:24, 79:25, 79:26, 93:13, 103:36, 103:36
Hightower, John B., 19:17, 67:36, 145:9, 145:9
Highway, Mary, 85:42–43
Hi’ialakai (NOAA ship), 125:15, 125:19, 127:24
Hikianalia (voyaging canoe), 157:40
Hilda (diesel yacht), 5:3
Hilda Norling (ketch), 61:4. See also Hildanoring
Hildanoring (ketch), 59:44, 59:46. See also Hilda Norling
Hildebrand, David, 139:8
“War Reporting in 1812—Through Song,” 139:16–21
Hildebrand, Ginger, 139:8
Hildreth, Robert, 182:20
Hildreth, Stanley, 35:13
Hill, Dempsey, 179:53
Hill, Harry, 121:12
Hill, Howard, 183:10
Hill, Norbert S. Jr., 55:7
Hill, Richard, 36:16
Hillary Ann (deadrise), 127:31
Hiller, Benjamin, 122:4, 122:24–27
Hiller, Joseph, 122:25
Hillmar, K. E., 18:32–34
Hillyar, James, 136:13, 137:10
Hilston (British full-rigger), 15:40
Hilton, George, 169:30
Himalaya (ex-Star of Peru; now Bougainville) (screw steamer), 14:36, 23:4, 27:28, 90:3
Hinckle, Warren, 38:16
Hindman, Elisha, 103:15
Hinemoa (ex-Joyfarer, ex-Dolores renamed Amphitrite) (barquentine), 3:5
Hines, Blaikie (artist), 38:29
Hinnoy (Norwegian freighter), 18:32
Hinton, John, 169:52
Hipparchus (steamer), 13:39, 13:39, 65:34, 67:5
Hipparchus of Rhodes, 66:18–19
Hipper (German cruiser), 62:15, 66:11
Hiryu (Japanese aircraft carrier), 102:11, 102:11, 102:12
Hirzel, David
“The Essential Sailor on Ice: Tom Crean,” 142:30–33
“Rough Weather All Day: A Firsthand Account of the Jeanette Search Expedition, 1881–1882,” 150:10–14
Hissem, USS, 127:5
Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), 60:18, 145:43, 145:44, 145:46
historic graffiti, 82:33
Historic Naval museums and ships, 44:37
Historic Naval Ships Association (HNSA), 47:40, 65:38, 72:34, 85:55, 94:20, 94:21, 96:32, 112:36, 132:9, 148:26
“Historic Reproductions,” 17:26–27
“Historic River, Bay & Island Steamers Surviving in the Northeast United States: A Partial List,” 10:13
“Historic Ship Profile: My Commander,” 75:19
“Historic Ships as World Heritage Sites, a World Ship Trust 2007 Resolution,” 119:34
Historic Ships Conference II (1994), 76:38
Historic Ships Database, 74:39
Historic Ships in Baltimore fleet, 172:54, 178:56
“Historic Ships in South American Waters,” 13:38–42
“Historic Ships in the US,” 4:19
“Historic Ships Off a Lee Shore,” 146:10–13
Historic Ships Register, 30:40, 31:53
“Historic Steam Tugs and Towboats Surviving in the U.S. and Canada: A Partial List,” 8:14–16
“Historic Warships of the World,” 12:27–29
“Historical Marine Art of the Pacific Northwest,” 61:24–27
Historical Maritime Group of New England (HMGNE), 107:19–21, 107:27
“History and Reminiscence on the John W. Brown,” 95:28–29
“History as the Enemy,” 73:8
“A History in Ivory,” 78:22–23
“History in the Palm of Your Hand: Recreating the Figureheads of the US Navy in Miniature,” 139:22–24
“History is in the Air at Sagres,” 80:30–31
History of Containerization Foundation, 114:39
“History of Sail Training Races”
Part I, 37:33
Part II, 38:30
“A History of the ‘Honorable and Ancient’ Cutter Bear,” 146:28–33
“History of the ‘Racing Stripe’ Emblem and Brand Identity for World Sea Services and Coast Guards”
Part I: The United States Coast Guard, 139:28–29
Part II The Rest of the World, 139:31–33
“History of War: At the Imperial War Museum,” 70:19
Hitchcock, Larry, 51:14, 102:34
Hitchinson, Ian
“OpSail ’92 by way of Cape Horn,” 100:31–33
Hitra, KNM (subchaser), 84:16–20, 84:19, 84:20, 87:3, 87:3, 89:3
Hizen (Japanese cruiser), 52:15, 52:16
Hjemkomst (Gokstad ship replica), 19:41, 19:41, 24:32, 24:32
HM Bark Endeavour Foundation, 69:37
“HM Prison Dartmoor––A Paradox in Devon, England,” 165:18–21
“HM Schooner Pickle: a Little Vessel of Colossal Importance,” 163:34–35
H-Maritime listserv, 114:40
“HMS Beagle, 1820–1870: Voyages Summarized, Research and Reconstruction,” 31:27–38
“HMS Beagle Revisited,” 83:44–47
“HMS Belfast: A Fighting Ship Preserved,” 27:8–10
HMS Bounty Organization, 97:38
“HMS Ontario Back to Life: A Collaboration of Science, Technology, and Art,” 173:24–28
HMS Rose Foundation, 41:31, 42:35, 95:5
HMS Victory Museum, 136:16, 136:16, 136:18
“HMS Warrior Takes Up Her Station,” 44:22–25
Hobbs, Alexander, 165:15–16
Hobbs, David, 178:30
Hobbs, Kermit, 169:55
Hobby (Norwegian steamer), 177:12–16, 177:12, 177:14, 177:17, 181:24, 181:24
Hoboken (steamboat), 10:9
Hoboken Southern Waterfront Project, 77:36
Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 155:32–35, 155:33, 156:5, 156:5
Hobson, (DD-464), 167:23
Hochberg, Eric, 169:54
Hocker, Fred, 153:4
Hodgdon Brothers Shipyard, 155:39
Hodge, Allison, 160:41
Hodge, John, 98:12
Hodges, William (artist), 83:17, 108:37
Hodson Trust Fellowship, 157:46
Hoege, Howard H., 182:8
Hoel, Adolf, 181:26
Hoel (destroyer), 71:16
Hoffman, Frank, 34:37
Hoffman, Will, 182:8
Hog Island (steamer), 15:41
Hog Islander ships, 15:5, 52:3
Hoga, USS (renamed City of Oakland) (tug/fireboat), 74:35, 75:3, 94:21, 158:5, 158:5
Hogan, Martin, 169:18, 169:20–22
Hogan, Michael Francis, 45:5
Hogansen, Henning, 83:41
Hoge, Moses, 176:16
Hohenzollern (Imperial yacht), 141:25
Hoie, Claus (artist), 74:29
Hoist, USS (ARS 40), 178:41
“Hoisting the Sails as They Did a Century Ago—the Schooner Adventuress Turns 100,” 142:34–35
Hoke, Daryel, 160:37
Hokoku Maru (Japanese armed merchant cruiser), 94:2–3
Hokule’a (double-hulled Polynesian voyaging canoe), 17:25, 70:30–31, 74:35, 81:32, 81:32, 84:12, 157:40, 157:40, 157:42, 158:4, 158:4
Holbrook, Josiah, 9:13
Holbus, Josh, 94:5
Holden, Charles, 130:15, 130:16
Holder, Henry, 181:37
“Holding Out Hope for the Falls of Clyde,” 123:40–43
Holigost (from Henry V’s fleet), 153:48
Holland, Bill, 147:45
Holland, F. Ross Jr., 19:22–23
Holland, John, 95:18–19
Holland America Line, 64:33
Holland I (British submarine), 24:27, 95:18–19, 100:42, 104:41, 104:41
Holland VI (submarine), 95:19, 95:19
Hollander, Neil, 35:32
“Sailing with the Last Sailors: Part I,” 35:32–34
“Sailing with the Last Sailors: Part II,” 36:24–26
Hollett (schooner), 181:12
Holloway, James L. III, 126:43
Holly, H. Hobart, 80:38
Holm, Astrup, 177:14
Holmes, Matthew J., CBE DSO, 168:52, 168:52
Holmes, Tommy, 81:32
Holmkvist, Klara, 162:33
Holmquist, Lance, 139:45
Holmquist, Susan, 139:45
Holsatia (German steamer), 52:16
Holsopple, Wayne (sculptor), 46:28
Holst, Alex, 172:33
Holyoke, 150:11
Home (1843; Wisconsin shipwreck), 177:47
Homer, Winslow (artist), 39:30, 40:36, 41:32, 75:21
Homer W. Dixon (schooner), 26:30
Honda Point disaster, 109:4
“Hong Kong Dragon Boat Races,” 79:30–31
Hong Kong Maritime Museum (HKMM), 143:42, 143:42, 152:4
“Honolulu Sees First Action in World War I,” 52:15
Honor, MV (Ro-Ro), 163:43
Honour (brig), 36:13
Hood, Ted, 47:8
Hood (battle cruiser), 65:32
Hood, HMS, 100:44, 152:48–49, 152:49
Hook, David Llewellyn, 92:46–47
Hook, Simeon M., 7:24
Hook Mountain (ex-Machigonne; ex-Block Island; now Yankee) (steamer), 10:13
Hooker, Joseph, 170:48
Hooker (brig), 59:26
Hooper, Marci, 69:30
Hooper Strait Lighthouse, 1:31, 14:10–11, 115:34, 115:34, 122:16
Hope, Brian H. (artist), 34:34, 69:30
Hope, David, 135:12
Hope, Robert Burmeister, 22:18
“Honolulu Sees First Action in World War I,” 52:15
“Sailing in the Last Pacific Lumber Schooners with the Likes of Matt Peasley,” 22:18–19
Hope, Ronald, “The Blind Beak of Bow Street and The Marine Society,” 24:26
Hope (barque), 176:14
Hope (oyster sloop), 23:22, 50:17
Hope (schooner), 112:12
Hope, USS (hospital ship AH–7; ex-USS Consolation), 171:25, 172:6–7
Hopkin, Robert (artist), 47:36
Hopkins, Caspar T., 10:22
Hopkins, Esek, 152:36
Hopkins, Harry, 101:8–9
Hopkins, Stephen, 41:46
Hoppen, Edward Hill, 38:4
Hopper, Edward, 169:38
Hopper, Grace Murray, 168:24–27, 168:24, 168:25, 168:26, 169:5
Hopper, USS (destroyer) 168:24, 168:27
Hopsonn, Thomas, 177:21, 177:22
Horatio (corvette), 164:20–21
Horatio G. Wright (snagboat), 74:12
Horizon Reliance (container ship), 160:29
Horizont (barquentine), 3:6
Horka, Archie, 15:40–42, 70:12, 89:8–9, 90:2, 91:2, 152:29–30, 155:12
(pictures), 1:30, 2:21, 6:2, 15:40, 15:41, 15:42
letter, 6:2
log of the Skaregrøm, part 2, 2:16–26
photo with map of voyage, 1:30
ship’s log of the Skaregrøm, conclusion, 3:14–22
Skaregrøm Log, 1:12–30
Horn Island, 127:7
Hornblower, Alix
“Elissa Sails!” 40:14–15
Hornblower, Henry, 171:21
Hornet (brig), 116:12, 135:11, 135:14
model, 20:39
proposed replica, 163:47
Hornet (yacht), 155:34
Hornet, USS (aircraft carrier), 96:15, 102:9, 102:10–11, 102:12, 107:2–3, 109:30, 109:30, 110:4, 110:4, 166:50, 166:50
Hornet, USS (ship rigged sloop), 114:27, 114:27, 114:28, 129:19, 134:14, 136:13, 149:31
Hornor, Townsend, 70:6, 78:4, 113:8
Horse Latitudes, 134:36, 173:39
Horseshoe crab, 143:36–37
Horst Wessel. See Eagle (ex-Horst Wessel) (USCG three-masted barque),
Horton, Max, 29:7–8
Horton’s Point Lighthouse, 8:28
Hoseltine, William S. (artist), 15:55
Hoshi, 37:33
Hosmer, Chester C., 149:20–21
hospital ships, 171:22–27, 171:22–26, 173:7
Hossarn, Childe (artist), 15:55
Hotchkiss, Stuart, 156:6
Hough, Louis, 85:54
Houghton, Rodney Norman, 122:44, 172:12, 172:12, 179:4
Hougomont (four-masted barque), 18:59, 32:16, 152:6, 152:6
Hougoumont (three-masted square rigger), 169:18
Houqua (packet), 88:10
Housatonic, USS (Civil War sloop), 74:8, 75:33, 94:40, 95:18, 136:42, 156:25, 158:20–21, 158:20, 171:13
Housatonic River, 50:18
Houston, Alan
“Through the Hawsepipe—Marshall Johnson’s Path from Fo’c’sle Hand to Master Painter,” 126:28–33
“Uncommon Companions—a Rat, a Seal, and Miners on San Francisco Bay’s Blossom Rock,” 140:28–31
Houston, Fraser, 150:28–32
Houston, John, 68:18
Houston, Jourdan, 150:28–32
Houston, USS, 16:47, 122:34, 158:48
Houston Maritime Museum, 98:38
Houtz, Jamie, 115:38
“How a Tyneside Tug Was Reborn for the Sea,” 76:46–47
“How an Old Wooden Ship Earns Her Living,” 72:11–12
“How an Ugly Duckling Fought Back and Sank Her Assailant,” 35:22
“How Lowly Archers Won the Naval Battle that Launched the Hundred Years’ War,” 101:20–22
“How Sail Fueled the Industrial Revolution––Sailing Colliers and the Steamship Fleet,” 179:30–31
“How the America’s Cup Became the World’s Most Famous Trophy,” 98:21–25
“How the Hell Do You Think I Got Here?” 48:33
“How the O’Brien Returned to the D-Day Beaches,” 104:12
“How the Races of Mankind Came Together in the Immense Mixing Bowl of the Pacific,” 84:10–15
“How the Royal Navy Beat the U-Boat,” 67:10–11
“How the Tall Ships Sail Today for Our Tomorrows,” 82:10–11
“How to Save the United States,” 127:10–11
“How We Closed the Port of New York,” 44:50–51
“How We Lost the Kaiulani—and What We’ve Been Doing About It!” 71:6
“How We Sail the Libertad,” 22:34–35
“How We Saved the Liberty Ship Jeremiah O’Brien,” 46:16–17
Howard, Doug, 173:34
Howard, Frederick, 49:19
Howard, Grenville, 5:22
Howard, James, 74:19
Howard, Michelle, 134:47, 134:47
Howard Hughes Corporation (HHC), 146:42–43
Howard Shipyard, 74:19
Howarth, George, 5:22
Howe, Richard, 98:10
Howe, Nathaniel
“Making the Call—The Decision to Deconstruct Wawona,” 145:42–47
Howell, Susan P., 33:29
Howell, Thomas, 165:36–37
Howes, Malcolm
“The Wianno Senior: 75 Years Young!” 51:12
howitzer (field), 156:21
Howland Hook Terminal, 65:14
Hoyne, Thomas (artist), 21:37–38, 30:21, 46:27, 49:0, 49:23–26, 49:36–37, 50:34, 111:38, 112:0, 112:30–34
Hoyt, Sherman, 98:25
HU-75 (midget submarine), 12:28
Huang Tiejian, 154:15
Huascar (brig-rigged seagoing turret ship), 3:6, 12:27, 12:27, 13:39, 65:34, 94:15–19, 94:15, 96:4
as Chilean ship, 94:18–19
as Peruvian ship, 94:15–18
“Huascar Shows What the Turret Ship Can Do!” 94:15–19
Hubbard, Charles J., 101:11
Hubbard, Harlan, 51:15
Huchthausen, Peter A.
“Shadow Voyage—Escape of German Liner SS Bremen,” 110:14–17
Hudson, Alice
“‘In thy map securely saile,’” 87:22–25
Hudson, Henry (Hendrick), 13:10, 37:10–11, 50:15, 58:0, 58:19, 129:22–23, 129:22, 129:23, 156:33
at Jamaica Bay, 164:32
mermaids sighted by, 68:45
Hudson, Kathleen (artist), 178:18
Hudson (renamed Katie D. Seavey) (sloop), 77:29, 153:34
Hudson (tug), 98:26
Hudson (whaleship), 168:20
Hudson, USRC (revenue cutter), 157:16–18, 157:16, 157:18, 157:16, 157:18–19
Hudson, USS, 31:49
Hudson Belle (oyster schooner), 4:43
Hudson River, 37:9–11, 38:3, 58:0, 98:0, 174:12
architecture along, 37:18–19
Heroes of the Hudson, 128:29, 129:8, 172:12, 172:12
Indian life on, 58:17–18
map, 37:10
Miracle on the Hudson, 183:40
port of Rondout, 37:12–15
Hudson River Day Line, 149:41
Hudson River Maritime Academy. See American Maritime Academy
Hudson River Maritime Center, 21:32, 25:47, 27:39, 29:31, 30:40, 31:58, 37:11, 37:17–18, 37:38, 45:5, 46:7
“The Hudson River Maritime Center,” 37:17–18
Hudson River Maritime Museum (HRMM) (Kingston, NY), 53:42, 93:28, 107:35, 166:54, 179:31, 181:13
Hudson River Museum (Yonkers), 93:28
Hudson River Park Conservancy, 72:8
“The Hudson River Port of Rondout,” 37:12–15
Hudson River Renaissance, 37:20
Hudson River Rowing Regatta, 56:35
Hudson River School, 37:23, 50:25, 80:27, 138:45–46
Hudson River Sloop Restoration, Inc., 7:11
Hudson River Steamers, 10:0, 37:0
Hudson River Waterfront, 37:38
Hudson River Waterfront Museum, 52:5
Hudson’s Bay Company, 47:18
Hudson’s Bay Company canoes, 99:19
Hue City, USS, 145:52
Huebner (Maj. Gen.), 167:25
Huerto, Francisco del, 181:16
Huge, Jurgen Friedrich (artist), 15:55
Huggins, Jen, 90:20, 90:21, 90:21, 90:22
Hughes, John (artist), 75:27
Hughes, Neal (artist), 156:34–37, 157:14, 162:13, 170:14, 170:17, 172:35, 172:36, 174:13, 178:18
Hughes Mining Barge, 23:24
Hughsen, Jimmy, 95:29
Hugill, Stan, 48:39, 62:39, 64:5–6
Hulett iron ore unloaders, 93:38
Hull, Dave
remembrance of Karl Kortum, 80:15
“Writer, Painter, Seafarer: The Captain John J. Bertonccini Collection,” 90:24–26
Hull, Isaac, 24:11, 28:31, 44:14, 44:15–16, 97:35, 105:12, 116:12, 134:13, 134:13, 135:11, 159:16–17
Hull, William, 134:10–11, 134:11
Hull Lifesaving Museum, 37:39, 86:5
Hull Maritime Society, 22:37
“Hull Speed on the Schooner Zodiac,” 72:29
“Humanitas,” 119:36
Humanité (Bantry Bay gig), 103:31
“Humanity After Victory: How Nelson’s Victory at Trafalgar Changed the Course of History,” 112:27–29
Humber Ferry service, 22:37
Humber Keel & Sloop Preservation Society, 17:35, 24:27, 33:32, 39:35
Humboldt, Alexander von, 156:32
Humboldt Bay Maritime Museum, 7:33
humpback whales, 123:37, 169:26
Humphreys, Assheton, 150:16
Humphreys, Joshua, 69:24, 81:40, 103:13, 128:12, 129:5, 170:26, 176:4
Humphries, Susan, 164:10–11, 164:11
Humphries, Willie, 43:14
Hundred Years’ War, 101:20–22
Hungnam Evacuation, 113:3
Hunley, Horace L., 75:33, 95:18, 158:16–17, 158:17, 158:19
Hunley, CSS (also CSS H. L. Hunley, submarine), 74:8, 75:33, 79:37, 94:40, 95:18, 95:18, 99:39, 103:10, 107:36, 136:42, 136:42, 158:17–21, 158:16, 158:21, 156:9, 156:25, 171:13
Hunt, Freeman, 156:33
Hunt, Geoff (artist), 91:21
Hunt, Rex, 38:32
Hunt, Richard W., 144:53
Hunter, Charles, 157:32–33, 157:32
Hunter, Richard
“Victoria Restored,” 94:32–33
Hunter Liggett, USS (attack transport), 166:29
“The Hunting of the Haggis,” 9:46–52
Huntington, Henry, 175:25
Huntington, Robert, 144:24
Huntington (tugboat), 76:12, 76:15
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII), Ingalls Shipbuilding division, 138:43–44
Hurd, Donald P., 121:32
Hurd, Jessie, 36:15
Hurdle, Philip
“Herb Hewitt, Marine Artist,” 39:28–29
hurdy-gurdy, 53:5
Hurlbut, John, 176:37
Hurley, Edward N., 158:29–30, 169:13
Hurley, Frank, 179:41–42, 179:42
Huron (barque), 46:20
Huron (lightship), 5:29
Huron, USS (ex-SS Friedrich der Grosse; renamed City of Honolulu) (ocean liner), 161:20, 161:22
Hurricane Island Outward Bound School (HIOBS), 51:28–29, 110:9, 112:40. See also Outward Bound Schools
“Hurricane Island Outward Bound School: ‘An Undefeatable Spirit,’” 51:28–29
Hurst, Alex A., 10:31–33, 13:50–53, 38:4, 91:40
“Derek Gardner, Marine Artist,” 56:26–28
“‘Enough to Clutch at the Heart:’ The Fribergs, Marine Artists,” 26:34–37
guest editorial, 26:38–39
“Jan Rynink, Marine Artist,” 29:34–36
“John Groves, Marine Artist,” 38:24–26
“The RSMA Annual Exhibition—1984,” 35:36–39
“Running Hard,” 52:25
“A Splendor of Ships, People and Their Voyaging,” 41:24–27
Huskinsson, Thomas, 139:11
Hussar IV (renamed Vema; renamed Mandalay) (yacht), 4:35, 20:36–37, 76:3, 76:30, 80:3, 89:36–37, 89:36–37, 90:3, 113:4, 113:4, 114:3
Hussar V (renamed Sea Cloud; renamed Angelita; renamed Patria; renamed Antarna) (yacht), 2:11, 2:12, 4:18, 16:34, 19:39, 31:3, 38:36–37, 39:6, 89:36–37, 89:36–37, 90:3, 114:3, 131:16–20, 131:16–20, 133:6, 155:6, 178:55
Husted, Eston A., 143:5
Hustwick, C. (artist), 75:24–25
Hutchinson, Ian
“Op Sail ’92 by way of Cape Horn,” 62:18–20
Hutchinson, John (artist), 21:38
Hutchison, Alan D., 38:11, 49:34, 95:7, 142:12, 142:13, 142:14, 155:13
“An Early History of the National Maritime Historical Society and the Kaiulani Project: Part 1,” 94:6–7
“An Early History of the National Maritime Historical Society and the Kaiulani Project: Part 2,” 95:7–9
Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 159:24
Hutton, E. F., 73:18, 131:16–17
Huxley, T. H. 171:37
Huycke, Harold D., 20:45–47, 20:49, 64:39, 119:11
“Master Mariners’ Written Histories, A Proposal,” 41:20
“The Wawona Is Waiting,” 21:24–28
“The Wawona is Waiting: Part II,” 22:9–13
“The Wawona Is Waiting: Part III,” 25:8–9
Hvitebjorn (ex-Godthaab) (Polar exploration ship), 28:30
Hwang, Dwight, 169:54
Hwang, Justina, 164:6
HX 355 (convoy), 69:4
HX-156 (convoy), 87:34, 87:36–37
Hyde, Benjamin D.
“Fast Convoy Duty,” 35:23
hydrofoil, 18:44
hydrography, 148:47
hydrologic cycle, 148:46
hydrophones, 100:15
Hyman, Steven A., 90:20, 117:28
remembrance of Karl Kortum, 80:14
“‘Roving Band of Riggers & Shipwrights’ Refits the Balclutha and Moves On,” 90:20–23
Hynes, Leo, 121:31, 121:31, 121:32
Hynson, Joseph, 152:37–38
Hyons, Nathan A.
“The Victorine: A Well Known Hudson River Sloop,” 43:22–23
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Ulsan Shipyard, 169:12