Sea History Index

Sea History, Volumes 1–185


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Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.  |   Index prepared by MLM Indexing Service.


“I Couldn’t Take My Eyes off Cook’s Endeavour,” 32:36–39

“‘I Shall Bring Home Two Frigates’: Captain Charles Stewart and the Last Sea Battle of the War of 1812,” 150:16–18

I-52 (Japanese submarine), 76:36

Ibbett, V. J. G., 85:28

Ibn Battuta, 183:58–60

Icarus, USCG (cutter), 10:42, 68:12

iceboats, 106:27

Ida May (dredge boat), 86:26

Ideal X, SS (containership), 114:9, 115:6

Idler (schooner), 47:5

Idlewild (renamed Belle of Louisville) (sternwheel passenger steamboat), 5:28, 10:26, 57:26, 7:28, 64:34, 74:18, 78:28, 145:48, 145:48, 148:30, 148:30

“‘If Boat Is Going Down’––Bikes, Boats, and Robert Pirsig,” 173:12–19

“If Columbus Were Still Around,” 53:7

“Igniting a Child’s Imagination,” 50:14

Ikra (yacht), 180:23

Il Moro Di Venezia (yacht), 113:37

Ile de France (French ocean liner), 20:29, 65:15, 65:20, 65:22, 95:13, 98:33

Ilik, Cumhur, 68:20

Illingworth, John, 37:33, 57:4

Illinois (whaling ship), 174:36, 174:39

Illinois, USS (battleship), 73:31, 73:31, 74:4, 172:29

Illinois-Michigan Canal, 28:34

Illiria (motor ship), 59:37

Illustrious, HMS (aircraft carrier), 56:13, 56:14

Illyria (renamed Madalan) (steel yacht), 7:20, 9:28, 9:30

Imagine! (schooner), 92:12

Imbat, Mehmet, 68:21

imbatche reed boat, 39:34

Imi Loa (pinnace), 124:47

Imi Loa (yawl-rigged open boat), 171:12

Immaculate Conception (Gloucester fishing dragger), 32:29

immigration, 164:6

background documents, 164:48

See also Ellis Island

Imo (Norwegian ship), 160:14–16, 160:16

Imperator, USS (CTF ship), 161:21

Imperatrice Eugenie, 30:8

Imperial Eagle, 61:24

Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 173:32, 179:41

Imperial War Museum (London), 27:10, 70:19

Imperialist (now Vine Branch) (steamer; turret ship), 22:4

Implacable, HMS (ex-Duguay Trouin; line-of-battle ship), 7:16–18, 7:17, 7:18, 16:9, 83:51

“Impossible Black Tulip” map, 130:41, 130:41

“Impressionists on the Water,” 145:26–30

impressment, 150:21–22, 150:23, 153:24, 166:46–47

“In Essex, Massachusetts, History Surrounds Students,” 64:8

IN EXTREMIS project (Van Hemmen), 141:41

In the Heart of the Sea (film), 150:50, 153:54

“In the Landlocked Heart of Our America,” 47:35–38

“In the Shadow of the Bridge: ‘A Restoration of Spirit,’” 28:29

“In the Wake of Bounty: A Voyage of Recovery,” 121:20–25, 179:4

“In the Wake of the Golden Hind,” 81:12–15

“‘In thy map securely saile,’” 87:22–25

Inaugural, USS (minesweeper), 5:29, 68:32

Inca (ex-Ciudad de Inca; renamed White Witch) (brig), 21:29, 28:42, 29:26

Inca (steamer), 41:6, 72:36

Inchcliffe Castle, SS, 9:46–52

Incidents of a Whaling Voyage (Olmstead), 164:39

“An Incredible Hulk: The Storeship Globe,” 38:20

Indefatigable (training frigate), 19:13, 145:35–36

Indefatigable, HMS, 112:12

Independence, model, 44:41

Independence (American Export Lines liner), 16:21, 65:22

Independence (light cruiser), 73:5

Independence (motor vessel), 14:1011, 14:10

Independence (sailing yacht), 182:53

Independence (ship-of-the-line), 112:14

Independence (topsail schooner), 3:6

Independence, USS, 56:27, 150:11

Independence Seaport Museum (ISM), 73:36, 76:37, 85:21–22, 94:13, 102:36, 108:40, 110:36, 111:36, 111:38, 112:36, 114:36, 127:34, 132:4, 132:5, 132:45–46, 133:20, 134:45, 135:4, 135:30, 135:40, 144:12, 147:42, 169:11, 170:8, 170:9, 170:26–27, 170:26, 170:27, 170:56, 175:9. See also Philadelphia Maritime Museum

art exhibits at, 83:43, 111:38, 127:34, 142:46, 176:9, 181:51

River Alive! exhibition, 162:47

“Independence Seaport Museum: ‘Home Port Philadelphia,’” 85:21–22

Independence-class aircraft carriers, 33:24

Independencia (ex-Curacio) (corvette), 164:20–21

Independencia (ex-USS Bellatrix; Peruvian Navy training ship), 94:17, 151:6

Index to Ships in Books, 105:40

India, 46:5

India House Club, 103:6

Indian, HMS (brig), 139:11

“Indian Life on the Hudson River,” 58:17–18

Indian Queen (schooner), 114:33

Indiana (merchant ship), 62:5

Indiana (Sampson’s battleship), 86:19

Indiana (steamer), 181:22, 181:22

Indiana (wooden propeller steamer), 16:37

Indiana War Memorial, 172:53

Indianapolis, USS (cruiser), 161:52, 161:52, 163:54, 170:52, 172:52–53, 172:53

“The Indomitable Mr. Pepys,” 135:24–27

Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America, 144:35

Industry (steamer), 73:31, 73:31

Industry (whaleship), 108:3, 172:19, 172:21, 179:38–40, 179:39

Industry and Endurance: Two Recent Shipwreck Discoveries in Two Remarkable Weeks,” 179:38–43

Industry in the Gulf of Mexico, a 207-Year-Old Whaling Ship Found on the Seafloor,” 179:38–40

“Infernal Machines: Submarine and Torpedo Warfare in the War of 1812,” 141:18–22

Inferno (Dante), 96:10

Inflexible, HMS (British quarterdeck ship-sloop), 53:30, 53:31, 104:37, 117:14, 117:17, 117:18–19

Ingalls, David S., 178:31

Ingalls Shipbuilding, 160:29

Ingersoll, O. K., 178:17

Ingham, USCG (cutter), 29:8, 75:3, 133:21, 133:21, 143:26–29, 143:26, 143:28, 145:6

Inglis, John, 125:22–23

Ingraham, Joseph, 61:32

Ingve (or Yngve; ex-Lindø; renamed Alexandria) (three-masted topsail schooner), 18:18–19, 21:2, 36:22, 36:37, 45:8–10, 45:8, 57:36, 63:38, 65:37, 69:37, 72:38, 79:36, 80:2, 80:36, 80:36, 143:7

Inland (towboat), 43:18, 43:19

inland canals, 147:11–12

Inland Seas Maritime Museum, 110:36, 131:37

Inland Seas (schooner), 69:34, 164:30, 166:45

Inland Waterways Maritime Museum, 63:37, 64:37

Inman, William, 132:10, 132:10, 132:11–13

Innes, Ralph Hammond

“Knight Errant of Historic Ships: A Memorial Service Address in Celebration of the Life of Frank G. G. Carr,” 60:8

“The Institute for Exploration and Deepwater Archaeology,” 84:5

Institute for Exploration (IFE), 84:5, 88:38

Institute for Shipboard Education, 115:34

Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA), 15:30, 22:36, 22:38, 47:41, 31:54, 36:34, 48:38, 68:19, 88:38, 153:18, 175:10

Insurgent, USS (frigate), 153:35

Integrité (Bantry Bay gig), 103:30

Intelligent Whale (submarine), 12:28

Intercept, Operation, 167:28

Interlake Steamship Company, 170:51, 172:52

International Association of Cape Horners, 7:3, 7:5

International Commission for Maritime History, 48:33

International Commission for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF), 82:21

International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS), 147:47

International Conference of Maritime Museums (ICMM), 2015, 152:4

International Congress of Maritime Museums (ICOMM), 8:22, 47:47, 67:34, 68:14, 154:12–15, 169:4

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), 182:33

International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, 128:36

International Festival of Sea Images, 90:41

International Festival of the Sea, 77:36, 103:37

International Geographical Congress (IGC), 66:21

International Great River Road Association, 31:58

International Guild of Knot Tyers, 74:5

International Journal of Naval History, 103:38

International Lifeboat Race, 36:34

International Maritime Bicentennial (1992), 61:14–15

International Maritime Conference (1890), 177:31

International Maritime Heritage Year (1992), 50:34, 57:4–5

International Maritime Museum (Hamburg), 125:26–27

International Maritime Organization (IMO), 130:44

International Measurement System (IMS), 47:10

International Offshore Rule (IOR), 47:10

International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, 17:37, 69:37

International Refugee Organization (IRO), 177:26

International Register of Historic Ships, 41:31, 42:35, 46:45, 67:6–7, 91:6

International Sail Training Association (ISTA), 77:37, 80:38

International Sail Training Races, 5:20–21, 21:43, 33:33

International Sailing Craft Association (ISCA), 33:10–11, 100:34

International Sailing Summit, 12th (2013), 143:48

International Ship Preservation Conference, 4th (2001), 95:40

International Ships-in-Bottles Association, 24:28

International Shipwreck Protection, 72:36

International Small Craft Center, 105:38

International Tug Lovers Club, 25:17

International Wooden Boat Festival (Chicago), 36:35

International Yacht Restoration School (IYRS), 71:35, 72:9, 76:24, 109:35, 117:38, 130:43, 133:44–45, 149:42, 156:11, 156:11, 164:10, 164:24, 164:25, 168:6, 175:4, 175:4

Internet research

academic library “pathfinders”—art and art history, 114:31

adaptive sailing 168:46

advanced Google searching, 169:58

apps for maritime history, 143:38

bibliographic data management, 134:50

buying used books online, 125:46

competitive rowing, 133:50

digital humanities tools, 145:50

digital resources at Mystic Seaport, 118:36

discovery layers, 151:50

discussion lists, 116:18

e-books, 117:20, 144:50

finding articles from citations, 150:41

finding free books online, 135:50

finding information about individuals, 123:23

finding lost things on the Web, 120:20

finding manuscript collections with ArchiveGrid, 154:58

genealogy, 155:58

Google Earth and Google Skechup, 124:42

Google News and Google Alerts, 132:44

guide to, 106:35

identifying reliable information, 167:46

Institutional Repositories (iRs), 148:50

legislative history, 163:54, 164:48, 165:48

library books, 110:18

locating maritime images, 121:26

locating new books using RSS feeds, 161:58

nautical art, 140:38

navigation, 109:18

online book sites, 158:50

online resources at the National Maritime Museum, 126:34

online safety, 157:38

Open Access and scholarly publishing, 166:56–57

passenger manifests, 118:42

pirates and piracy, 111:30, 131:34

preserving historic vessels, 127:40

researching patents, 149:50

researching the poles, 162:50

sea music, 115:30

search engines and directories, 112:18

searching for geographic information, 139:50

searching for statistics, 138:39

searching for—and with—images, 137:38

searching in languages you don’t speak, 122:42

searching museum collections, 159:39, 129:50

ShipIndex: The Roebuck Society Volumes, 170:28

“Ships on the Shore,” 136:44

ships’ primary documents, 142:48, 130:40

social networking, 141:38

text mining, 145:50

tracking and following ships, 136:50

tugboat websites, 153:58

useful and licensable maritime images, 146:38

using browser extensions, 160:58

using Operators for Advanced Googliing, 148:50

using Wikis, 156:58

USS Monitor and the Civil War, 108:31

Web 2.0, 119:30

webcams, 152:56

weblogs, photoblogs, and podcasts, 113:33

whaling extracts, 107:33

women in maritime history, 128:43

“Into the Lifeboats––Abandoning the Packet Ship John Rutledge,” 165:12–16

Intrepid (sailboat), 128:38, 176:11, 176:11

Intrepid (ship-of-the-line), 56:27

Intrepid (trading ship), 105:12, 116:10

Intrepid (tugboat), 80:20

Intrepid (yacht), 115:34, 116:22

Intrepid, USS (aircraft carrier), 5:30, 12:29, 23:23, 25:44, 29:3, 29:3, 30:5, 30:5, 31:4–5, 33:24–26, 33:24–25, 35:3, 35:41, 53:11, 64:9, 66:14, 73:17, 84:29, 90:39, 96:15, 107:2–3, 117:41, 117:41, 121:44, 121:44, 124:7, 125:48, 125:48, 128:38, 133:24, 133:24, 148:29

Intrepid, USS (fireboat), 105:9, 142:8

Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, 23:23, 59:35, 62:37, 65:36, 65:38, 72:8, 73:36, 92:54, 109:34, 111:36, 117:41

Intrepid Tugboat Challenge, second annual (1994), 71:38

Inuit Dog Sled Association, 144:37

Inuit Heritage Trust, 163:46, 166:26–27

Inverarity, R. Bruce, 4:1, 4:13, 84:26

Inveruglas (renamed Tusitala) (iron ship), 1:34, 4:43, 5:8, 7:7, 14:45, 96:18, 122:7, 123:32, 125:5, 125:5

Investigator, HMS, 156:33, 176:44

Invincible (radeau), 63:18

Invincible (steamer), 20:15

Invincible, HMS (Royal Navy warship), 170:51–52, 170:52, 179:46, 181:54

Iolaire/Iolare (cutter), 54:4, 77:14, 79:8, 85:13, 93:6–7, 93:6, 155:10

Iowa, USS (battleship), 10:23, 65:4, 86:19, 94:21, 98:36, 134:42, 134:42, 136:40, 136:40, 139:42, 139:42, 155:36

Iowa class battleships, 31:8, 65:32

Iphigénie (French frigate), 174:28

Iranian (four-masted barque), 106:22

Iraq War, Military Sealift Command (MSC), 112:17

Ireland, Richard, 85:43

“Ireland’s Last Merchant Sailing Ship,” 60:46–47

Irene (ex-Banshee; ex-T.L. Smallwood), 171:28–30

Irene (ketch), 26:28

Irene (Swedish steamer), 82:10

Irion, Jack B.

“The Case for the Privateer Rapid,” 142:24–28

Iris (racing cat), 168:38

Iris (ex-Hancock) (Royal Navy brig), 61:25, 61:32, 103:13, 103:14, 103:15, 103:15, 103:16

Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), 169:18

iron ballast bars, 156:27, 156:28

Iron Duke (Jellicoe’s flagship), 71:25

“Iron from the Deep: USS Monitor,” 108:24–27

Ironton (schooner barge), 183:23–26, 183:23, 183:2728, 183:28

“Ironton and Ohio—A Wrecking Event Revealed on the Bottom of Lake Huron,” 183:22–29

Ironwood, USCGC, 75:2

Iroquois, USS (steamer), 124:17–19

Iroquoise (renamed HMS Anson), 77:40

Irvin, William Adolph, 169:54

Irvine, Paul, 160:35

Irving Birch (seagoing tug), 146:32, 178:21

Irving Johnson (brigantine), 94:37, 94:37, 95:20–22, 101:34, 107:34, 111:37, 115:34, 128:44, 128:44, 152:19

aground, 111:0, 111:37

Irwin, Christopher, 153:14

“Is New York City Turning its Back on its Maritime Roots?” 115:39

“Is the History of the Mariners of World War II to Go Missing Without Trace?” 35:10

Isaac Brock, HM (sloop-of-war), 144:14

Isaac C. Kidd, USS (destroyer), 35:27, 35:27

Isaac H., Evans (Maine windjammer schooner), 11:30, 34:4, 60:17, 93:22

Isaac Newton (steamer), 48:5

Isaac Van Zandt, SS, 149:15

Isabella (queen of Spain), 54:18

Isabella (schooner), 183:62

Isallt (schooner), 60:46

Isbrandtsen, Jakob, 13:12, 20:36, 28:29, 34:7, 34:8, 34:9, 34:37, 49:12, 52:36, 52:37, 53:42–43, 55:7, 91:12, 99:13, 113:6, 117:29, 117:29, 136:8, 145:9, 152:29–30, 155:18, 164:10, 182:39, 183:10

obituary, 164:13, 164:13

Iselin, C. Oliver, 158:23, 158:24

Iskra, Darlene, 178:41, 178:41

Iskra (Polish barquentine), 48:16, 55:34, 56:29, 62:24, 62:21, 70:23

Isla Bella (container ship), 161:8

Isla de Cuba, 94:12

Islamount (ex-Clarastella; ex-Glenlee; renamed Galatea) (jubilee rigged barque), 2:8, 65:38, 66:25, 76:38, 96:13

Island Bird (log canoe), 32:11, 154:26, 154:33

Island Blossom (log canoe), 32:10–11, 154:23, 154:25, 154:26

Island Institute, 71:35

Island Lark (log canoe), 32:10

Islander (now Martha’s Vineyard) (Hudson River steam ferry), 10:10–11, 10:10, 10:13, 11:8, 14:42, 23:21

“Islands in the Stream of History,” 42:7

Istalena (K-class sloop), 147:34

“Istanbul’un Buharli Gemileri: The Steamboats of Istanbul,” 45:23–25

Isthmian (towboat), 43:18, 43:19

“It Looked Like Every Ship in the World Was Coming,” 69:22–23, 69:42

“It Seems Moses Caught the Fever—He Was Never the Same Again,” 134:23–25

Italia (airship), 177:12–13, 177:13

Italia expedition, 177:12, 177:13

Italian navy, sail training ships, 85:54

Italian seafaring, 53:0, 73:12–13, 77:14–15

Itasca, USCG, 145:6–7

Itzel, Paul, 182:53

Ivanhoe (tugboat), 40:22–23

Ivanhoe and Master: Two Towboats of British Columbia,” 40:22–23

Ivanhoe Heritage Foundation, 40:22

Ivernia (Cunard liner), 33:35, 95:12

Ives, Burl, 75:37, 75:37, 155:11, 182:38

Ixion (Blue Funnel Line steamer), 65:0, 65:26

Izikko Museums of South Africa, 156:27, 156:28