Sea History Index

Sea History, Volumes 1–185


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Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.  |   Index prepared by MLM Indexing Service.


O. G. Grigoropoulos (L-161) (amphibious assault ship), 79:36

O. J. Walker (schooner), 179:49

O. M. Kellogg (schooner), 22:12

Oak (Thames sailing barge), 25:43

Oak Branch (steamer; turret ship), 22:4

“The Oaken Snuffbox,” 97:3435

Oaklands (barque), 18:37, 18:37, 18:38

Oakley Wood, SS (Liberty ship), 29:7

oarfish, 150:48–49

Oates, Laurence, 173:32

O’Bannon, Presley, 105:12–13

O’Bannon (destroyer), 85:22

Oberon, USS (transport ship), 112:16

Obinyan, Nolan, 160:40

Oboe (sailing canoe), 51:38

Obolensky, Serge, 122:35

O’Brian, Patrick (author), 85:40, 92:53, 182:22, 182:22

O’Brien, Barry, 131:14

O’Brien, Chris, op-ed letter, 115:39

O’Brien, Edward, 156:53

O’Brien, Jeremiah, 70:16, 123:25–27, 123:26–27

O’Brien, Patrick (artist), 121:46, 123:34, 123:34, 133:32, 134:30, 138:10, 138:10, 139:8, 141:31, 142:44, 148:44, 150:44, 150:52, 157:15, 162:12, 166:14–15, 166:14, 167:9, 167:9, 169:8, 169:10, 169:38, 170:14, 170:14, 174:12, 174:14, 178:12, 178:16, 182:10, 182:12, 182:14, 183:71, 183:71

“Art in the Family––Creating a Marine Art Gallery in Newport,” 168:34–38

“The Civil War at Sea,” 120:26–29

cover art, 120:0, 134:0, 138:0, 139:0, 162:0, 169:0

“Painting History with Artist Patrick O’Brien,” 138:28–31

“Washington Invitational Marine Art Exhibition,” 166:14–18

O’Brien, Robert R. Jr., 129:8

O’Brien, USS (destroyer), 162:16, 163:9

O’Brien, William, 75:34

“Observation, Memory, Imagination,” 94:22–24

Observation Island, USNS (ex-SS Empire State), 112:17, 112:17

Occidental (ship), 8:6

Ocean Classroom Foundation (OCF), 93:38, 93:40, 105:38, 107:4, 110:9, 110:37, 112:40, 115:36, 116:38, 119:37, 121:40, 122:48–49, 124:44, 127:44–45, 142:50, 165:24, 168:4

Ocean Exploration program (Sea Education Association), 174:54

Ocean Exploration Trust, 153:21, 183:26

Ocean Liner Museum Collection, 52:25

ocean liners, wartime paint schemes, 98:32–33

ocean literacy, 154:30–33, 180:47

Ocean Monarch, M/V, 128:5

Ocean Monarch (barque), 165:16

Ocean Monarch (packet ship), 150:28, 183:35–36, 183:35

burning of, 150:29–30, 150:30

Ocean Queen (clipper ship), 165:12

Ocean Quest Hawaii, 73:35

Ocean Research and Education Society, 4:35

Ocean Sceptre (fishing trawler), 10:25

Ocean Schools Foundation, 41:32

Ocean State Maritime Week (OSMW), 43:38

Ocean Technology Foundation, 113:37, 115:35

Ocean Vanguard, 88:34

Ocean Venture (staysail schooner), 71:40

Ocean Watch (sailboat), 129:0, 129:4, 129:24–25, 129:27, 130:41, 132:40

Oceana, 55:34

OceanBound, 110:37

OceanBound for History Program, 110:9, 113:7, 115:36, 117:40, 119:37

“OceanBound for History: School Teachers Trade the Classroom for a Ship,” 113:7

Oceania (diesel yacht), 5:3

Oceania (ex-British Isles) (river barge), 15:13, 20:18, 20:19, 70:13

Oceania (oceanographic ship), 62:21, 62:22

Oceanic (research vessel), 14:44, 15:50

Oceanic (steamer), 147:43

“clipper card” (trading card), 40:28

Oceanic Independence (passenger ship), 18:44

“The Oceanic Mission”

Part I: “Sea History and the Cause We Serve,” 93:6–7

Part II: “How Initiatives Bred Up in the Ocean World Led to the End of Slavery,” 97:16–19

Part III: “Heralds of the Morning,” 99:12–13

Part IV: “They Said of Winston Churchill, Not Since Francis Drake Had Such a Man Been on the River,” 101:7–9

Oceanics training programs, schools, 4:18, 15:50

Oceanographic Engineering Technician, 135:35

OceanQuest, 39:32

Oceans Act, 108:7, 154:30

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 115:35

O’Conor, C. P.

“Taranto: Britain’s Royal Navy Sinks Half the Italian Battlefleet in One Blow, November 1940,” 56:13–14

Octopus, MY (expedition ship), 152:49, 152:49

octopus squid, 157:36–37

Odak, Anthony, 76:39

Odin’s Raven (replica Gokstad ship), 19:39

“Odysseus’s Oar,” 96:9–12

Odyssey (Homer), 96:9–10

Odyssey (periauger), 109:15

Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMEX), 126:5

Odyssey Maritime Museum (Seattle), 65:36

Oesten, Jurgen, 35:16, 35:18–19, 35:19, 62:14, 62:16

“Of Time and Tide in New York’s East River,” 13:9–11

“Of Transom Sterns, Beam Trawls and Pinkies,” 41:23

“Of Whales and Teeth,” 128:16–20

“Off the Hook” The Fatal Fire Aboard the Dive Boat Conception and the Limitation of Liabiity Act,” 179:33–36, 138:45

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, 179:13. See also National Marine Sanctuaries (NMSs)

offshore wind turbines, 117:41

Ogden, Peter, 176:35

Ogden Yukon (supertanker), 32:42

Oget (steam tug/tow converted to diesel), 8:14

O’Grady (captain of Georgette), 169:21

Ogunquit Museum of American Art, 169:38

O’Hara, Edwin J., 35:22, 44:2, 45:5, 91:34, 92:2, 106:39

O’Higgins, Bernardo, 164:19

Ohio (steamship), 183:22, 183:23, 183:24–26, 183:29

O’Higgins (corvette), 94:17

Ohio (tanker), 92:45

Ohio, USS (1820, warship), 151:34, 171:38

Ohio and Erie Canal, 73:37

Ohio River, 57:28–29, 58:36

Ohio River Museum (Marietta, OH), 21:35, 43:41

“Ohio River Museum at Marietta, Ohio,” 43:41

“An Ohio River Window,” 57:28–29

Ohio Valley (steamboat), 90:41

Ohiyesa (yacht), 63:34

“Oil and Fishermen,” 10:25

Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), 167:18, 167:19–20, 182:33

Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, 167:19

oil spills, 128:35, 167:18–20

“The Oiler,” 127:12–16

Oiseau des Iles (renamed Flying Cloud) (three-masted auxiliary schooner), 16:17

Okeanos Explorer (NOAA ship), 153:20–21, 164:55, 179:17, 179:38, 179:38

O’Keeffe, Georgia (artist), 145:32

Okinawa, Battle of, 73:16

Okracoke Inlet, 151:22–23

Olad II (charter schooner), 17:17

Öland (Swedish ship), 41:24

Olandsrev (renamed Fladen) (lightship), 2:33

Olcott, Alfred Van Santvoord Jr., 54:36

Old Barge Cafe (floating oyster shucking house), 71:7

Old Ben (William Cummings’s father’s boat), 152:40

Old Caledonia (floating steamer restaurant), 20:34, 20:34

Old Dartmouth Historical Society, 80:38, 181:51

Old Gaffers Association, 29:46–47

“Old Gaffers Live Forever,” 29:46–47

The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway), 147:38–39

“Old Maps, Ships, & Sea Monsters: A Dangerous Combination,” 150:24–27

Old Point (crab dredger), 122:18

Old River Control, 167:5–6

“The Old Royal Observatory,” 66:17–18

Old Sardine Village Museum, 24:28

Old Weather Project, 169:28

Olden, Gottfried, 63:23

“The Oldest Ship in the War,” 44:7

O’Leary, Linda, 181:5

Olechnowicz, Theodore, 20:30

Olesen, Bill, 83:41

Olga (yacht), 42:5

Oliphant, Bryan, 63:28

Oliphant & Company, 50:27, 52:25, 69:32

Oliphant Gallery, 52:25, 63:28, 69:32

Olive (wherry yacht), 31:53

Olive Branch (Scottish supply ship), 15:26

Olivebank (four-masted barque), 20:44, 93:18

Oliver, Joseph F., 38:45

Oliver, Robert, 113:18

Oliver Cromwell, 36:11, 36:13

Oliver H. Perry (ex-Charles F. Gordon; ex- J. O. Webster; ex- and renamed J. T. Wing), 47:24–25, 47:24–25, 48:5

Oliver Hazard Perry, SSV (full-rigged ship), 30:10, 94:21, 125:49, 139:48, 139:48, 140:6, 141:5, 141:43, 141:43, 144:22, 146:44, 146:44, 146:46, 147:13, 152:49–50, 152:50, 154:8, 154:8, 159:43–44, 163:28

Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island (OHPRI), 141:43, 159:43–44

Oliver J. Wolcott (Revenue-Marine cutter), 178:42, 178:43–46, 178:44

Oliver’s Gift (log canoe), 154:26

Olivia Brown (schooner), 28:38

Ollanta (steamer), 41:6

Ollie (lighter), 82:4

Olmstead, Francis Allyn, 164:39, 164:42, 171:36

Olmstead, Nancy, remembrance of Karl Kortum, 80:15

Olmsted, Roger Robertson, 22:41

Olsen, Carol A.

“Dragon Racing: A 2000-Year-Old Tradition Flourishes in Hong Kong,” 50:36–37

“Literary Masterpieces in Wood,” 101:15–18

Olsen, Clarence E., 92:17, 92:18

Olsen, Gene, 105:6

Olsen, Hans, 132:14

Olsen, Johan, 181:26, 181:29

Olsen, John, 63:22–23

Olsen, Robert C. Jr., 112:40

Olsson, John

“A Day in the Life of a Bequian Whaler,” 40:44–46

Olstein, Erik K., 180:13, 181:8, 181:8

Olufsen, Oscar, 124:32

Olustee, CSS (ex-Atlanta; ex-CSS Tallahassee; renamed CSS Chameleon) (Confederate twin-engine steamer), 151:34–37, 151:34, 151:36

Olympic, RMS (ocean liner), 176:43

Olympia, USS (US Navy cruiser) (Dewey’s flagship at Manila Bay), 3:28, 4:35, 5:30, 6:30, 7:31, 10:26, 12:27, 12:36, 19:23, 41:4, 41:31, 65:34, 71:24, 71:36, 84:25, 84:29, 84:54, 85:21, 86:18, 94:8, 96:15, 102:36, 165:43, 167:4, 168:5, 169:11, 170:8, 170:20–25, 170:26, 170:27, 170:56, 171:5–6, 173:46, 175:9, 176:4, 176:8, 176:9, 179:9, 181:51

(pictures), 3:28, 31:19, 84:25, 94:0, 94:8, 94:9–11, 94:12, 94:13, 122:21, 132:4, 132:6, 133:23, 135:0, 135:4–5, 135:38–40, 144:12, 148:27, 152:26, 165:43, 169:11, 170:0, 170:8, 170:9, 170:20–25, 170:26, 170:27, 170:56, 171:5, 171:6, 175:9

campaign to save, 132:4, 133:5, 133:20, 133:22, 133:23, 132:5–6, 134:6, 135:4–5, 135:38–40, 136:4, 136:6, 141:41, 144:12–13, 147:41–42, 148:4

figurehead and stern ornamentation, 170:24

and the first wireless transmission, 122:20–23

as flagship at the Battle of Manila Bay, 94:12

at Independence Seaport Museum, 94:13, 134:45

preservation of, 170:9

“Queen of the Pacific,” 94:9–13

in ranking of historic ships, 148:26–27

in World War I, 94:11

Olympia: Icon of the American Navy,” 170:20–25

Olympia: Queen of the Pacific,” 94:9–13

Olympian (sidewheel steamship), 13:40, 13:40, 26:12, 67:6–7, 77:32

Olympias (trireme replica), 60:37

Olympic, RMS (White Star liner), 20:29, 54:31, 54:31, 65:20, 65:20, 65:22, 81:44, 126:0, 126:12, 127:5

Olympic Tall Ship Parade, 31:55

Omar (renamed Rhododendron) (tugboat), 5:28, 8:14, 25:18

Omega (four-masted barque), 32:14

Omnibus Maritime Bill (1979), 16:23

“On Looking Back,” 9:3

“On Station,” 54:30–32

“On the Riverfronts,” 43:11

“On Watch—SS United States Engineer Bob Sturm Still Serving the ‘Big U,’” 160:36–38

ON-24 (convoy), 87:36

Onato (Indian-header), 49:13

Onawa (yacht), 180:22, 180:22, 180:24, 180:26, 180:26, 182:22

Onaygorah (ex-Concretia) (barquentine), 26:31

“‘Once you’ve seen one ship painting, you’ve seen them all’ What We Can Learn from a Closer Look at Ship Portraiture,” 183:44–55

Ondina (Dutch Shell tanker), 94:2–3

Ondine (renamed Cisne Branco), 29:26, 33:33, 38:30, 94:28, 94:28, 94:29

“One Last Ocean Crossing: the 1911 Barque Peking Returns to Germany,” 159:28–29

O’Neal, Mick, 95:21

O’Neil, David, 166:52

O’Neil, David Alan, 76:39, 77:4, 108:6, 109:7, 160:48, 164:53, 172:11–12, 172:11

“The American Flag at Sea: Economics Alone Is Not the Answer,” 81:7–8

“The American Flag at Sea: Is Our Military Unwittingly Helping to Scuttle the US Merchant Marine?,” 80:6–7

“America’s Orphan: The US Flag Merchant Marine,” 77:6–9

“A One-Trip Command That Lasted Six Years”

Part I, 38:45–47

Part II, 39:44–46

O’Neil, Joanne, 165:8, 169:9

Oneonta (sidewheeler), 179:21

Onís y González-Vara, Luis de, 173:21, 173:21

Öniz, Hakan, 167:48

online research. See Internet research

Onrust (Restless) (yacht), 13:10, 36:13, 58:19

Onrust (reproduction vessel), 128:47, 128:47, 129:40

Ontario (sloop of war/snow brig), 31:50, 68:24, 155:29, 173:24–28, 173:25,

British Admiralty plans for, 173:24

Onteora (Hudson River steamer), 10:10, 27:39

“The Onus of Debt: William Henry Brown and the Building of the Schooner America,” 143:30–33

Onward (Union ship), 91:28

Ookuwatee canoe project, 55:22–23

Oosterland (Dutch East India Company vessel), 57:39

Oosterschelde (topsail schooner), 163:21, 163:28

Opal (destroyer), 30:9

O’Pecko, Paul, 132:35, 179:49

Open Access publishing, 166:56–57

Open Door Policy, 112:28

“Opening the Atlantic World,” 40:6–7

“Opening the Great Lakes,” 47:17–20

Operation Able Manner, 163:20

Operation CHASE (Cut Holes and Sink ‘Em), 149:14–15

Operation Darwin, 34:37

Operation Deep Freeze, 173:34

Operation Drake, 10:21, 20:34, 21:29, 25:11

“Operation Drake is Launched,” 13:35

“Operation Drake Sails On,” 15:26–27

Operation Education, 41:30, 42:4

“Operation Education,” 41:30

Operation Guarding Liberty, 103:5

“Operation Overlord,” 69:10–16

Operation Paukenschlag, 68:10

Operation Quick, 166:31

Operation Sail (OpSail), 52:0, 92:0, 182:38

Operation Sail 1964, 53:4–5, 65:36, 81:21, 83:30

Operation Sail 1976, 4:11–13, 5:16, 5:22, 52:23, 65:36, 7:23, 81:21, 84:26–27, 84:51, 89:31, 117:44, 125:21, 139:29

Beefeater guide to the ships, 4:24–25

aboard the Juan Sebastian de Elcano, 5:12–15

“Operation Sail 1976,” 4:11–13

Operation Sail 1984, 28:34

Operation Sail 1986, 39:34, 40:3, 40:10–11, 52:22–23, 65:36, 81:21, 93:9, 182:39

“Operation Sail 1986/Salute to Liberty,” 40:10–11, 171:10

Operation Sail 1992, 51:9, 52:20–24, 52:36–37, 53:4, 53:11, 61:36, 65:36, 81:21, 93:9

by way of Cape Horn, 62:18–20, 100:31–33

Coast Guard’s Extraordinary Eagle, 58:30–32

Druzhba Brings US-Soviet Crew ‘Back to the Basics,’” 55:31

Operation Sail 2000, 80:4, 80:38, 81:21, 81:16–17, 82:36, 94:28–30, 171:12–13, 180:5

“America’s Tall Ship,” 92:insert 9

“A Glimpse of the World’s Class A Fleet of Tall Ships, 92:insert 10–11

“Hanging Out on the High Seas,” 92:insert 13–16

international commitments to, 87:39

introduction to, 92:insert

letter from President Clinton, 81:18

“Musings on the School Ship Danmark,” 90:18

New London as Host City, 83:30–31

Official Port Cities, Part I, 83:29, 83:30–31

Official Port Cities (Baltimore), 88:30–32

Official Port Cities (Miami), 85:16–19

Official Port Cities (New York), 93:9–13

Official Port Cities (Norfolk), 86:20–21

Official Port Cities, (Philadelphia), 84:22–25

Official Port Cities (Portland, Maine), 92:41–43

Official Port Cities (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 91:15–16

“The Ships That Took Us to the Far Reaches of the World,” 92:insert 2–7

sponsorship, 83:29

“The Tall Ships of Operation Sail Are Not Just for Show,” 92:insert 8

“What Ship is That?” 92:insert 12

Operation Sail 2012, 137:46–47

essay and art contest, 139:47

“Operation Sail 2000: Those Unforgettable Tall Ships!” 94:28–30

“Operation Sail Aboard the Topsail Schooner Juan Sebastian de Elcano,” 5:12–15

Operation Sea Lion, 65:11

Operation Torch, 166:28

Operation Unified Response, 164:15

Ophelia (destroyer), 30:9

Opie, John Newton, 56:14

Oplag. See Moshulu (ex-Dreadnought; ex-Kurt; renamed Oplag) (four-masted barque)

Opliner ’79, 8:27

Opportune, USS (ARS 41; destroyer), 30:9, 178:41

“Opportunity in San Francisco,” 4:26–29

OpSail. See Operaton Sail (by year)

“OpSail & the Renaissance of Norfolk,” 86:20–21

“OpSail ’92 by way of Cape Horn,” 62:18–20, 100:31–33

“OpSail 2000 Miami,” 85:16–19

Oquendo, 156:5

Oracle (destroyer), 30:9

Oracle Team USA, 158:42

Orange (Hudson River ferry), 2:34, 10:11

Orange Branch (ex-Bullionist) (steamer; turret ship), 22:4

Orange County (CA) Marine Institute, 21:34, 65:6, 85:52

“The Orange Feeling,” 63:30–31

Orange II (catamaran), 116:41

Orbit (clipper ship), 8:4

Orca Adventure Lodge, 111:6

O’Regan, Deirdre, 105:2, 105:2, 154:12, 161:10, 161:10, 164:10, 165:24, 169:4, 173:11, 176:9, 179:4, 180:8, 180:9

“Around the Americas,” 129:24–25

“Blohm & Voss Shipyard (Est. 1877),” 135:22–23

“A Class Act—Sailing the Star of India,” 118:14–15

“Crossing the Pond in Eagle,” 136:20–22, 24

“The Curious Case of Henry Hudson,” 129:22–23

Elissa’s Background,” 132:16

“Escape aboard Catalpa,” 117:13

“Fourth of July aboard ‘Old Ironsides,’” 120:10–11

Industry and Endurance: Two Recent Shipwreck Discoveries in Two Remarkable Weeks,” 179:38

intro to “Say Again? A Look At Nautical Jargon,” 162:36

“Lignum Vitae: The Bosun’s Favorite Wood,” 119:17

“Managing Titanic,” 139:38

“Maritime Museum of San Diego,” 120:16–19

“New England’s Nineteenth-Century Sailmaker,” 109:32–33

“New Sails for an Old Ship––Building Sails for the Charles W. Morgan,” 147:24–28

“Sail to Steam in the Nineteenth Century,” 134:22

“Sailmaker James Forten,” 116:16–17

“Schooner Ernestina, ex-Effie M. Morrissey,” 106:16

“From Sea Scout to Master Mariner, Captain Arthur Kimberly Before his Romance,” 123:14–16

“‘She Floats!’ The Launch of the Charles W. Morgan,” 144:38–40

“Slave-ship Wrecked off Cape Town,” 156:26–29

“SS Catalina, Mayday,” 106:19

“SS Nobska,” 108:32

tribute to Walter Rybka, 172:51

“Whaler Charles W. Morgan,” 146:11–12

“Whaling Shipwrecks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: the 2008 Maritime Heritage Archaeological Expedition to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument,” 125:14–19

“What to Do with the Evelina M Goulart,” 131:12–14

O’Regan, Richard

Ironton and Ohio—A Wrecking Event Revealed on the Bottom of Lake Huron,” 183:22–29

Oregon (three-masted schooner), 22:9

Oregon, USS, 18:36, 86:19, 86:18, 125:44, 133:5, 133:5, 148:13, 178:45

Oregon Historical Society, 23:24

Oregon Maritime Center and Museum (Portland), 75:34, 76:36, 85:52

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, 64:37

Oregon Pine, 1:19

Oregon Shipbuilding Company, 169:14

Oregon Steam Navigation Company (OSN), 179:18–22, 179:21

Oregonian (steamboat), 179:21

O’Reilly, John Boyle, 117:13, 169:18–22, 169:19

Oresund, Battle of the, 41:25

Oriental (clipper), 7:35, 7:35, 88:13

Oriental (Down Easter), 8:11

Orietta (ex-Cadamosto, ex-Veri Amici, ex-Raffaela Madre) (motorship, former brigantine), 3:8

“The Origins of Nantucket’s Rainbow Fleet,” 171:32–35

“The Origins of the Rules of the Road,” 177:31

Oriole (Canadian Naval training ketch), 12:41, 38:30

Orion (ex- USS Vixen; renamed MTS Argonaut) (motor vessel), 17:33, 17:33, 134:14

Orion (schooner), 91:23

Orion (steam chaser-boat), 114:13

Orion (yawl), 148:0, 148:44

Orion, HMS, 31:11, 85:32

Orion class (Royal Navy), 31:8

Oriskany, USS (aircraft carrier), 62:34, 109:34, 109:34, 128:7

Orlando, HMS, 101:15

Orleans Historical Society, 23:21–22

Orleck, Joseph, 114:7, 181:49

Orleck, Robert L.

“USS Orleck DD 886,” 114:7

Orleck, USS (destroyer, DD–886; renamed TCG Yucetepe), 94:21, 114:7, 114:7, 117:38, 117:38, 176:55, 176:55, 181:49–50

Ormond, Duke of (James Butler), 177:18–21

Ornithology, 180:30–33

Orontes (Orient liner/troopship), 65:24, 67:5, 92:48

Orp Iskra (Polish training ship), 59:32, 62:21

Orpheus (Black Ball packet), 11:38, 87:0, 87:13, 103:9, 159:32

Orpheus, HMS (frigate), 137:10

Ortiz, Jorge, 159:17

oruwas, 36:24, 36:24

Osage (tugboat), 56:34, 57:28

Osborn, Fred III, 144:52

Oscar Huber, 21:29

Oscar W (tugboat), 25:19

Oscarsborg (Norwegian iron ship), 133:37, 133:37

Oseberg (Viking ship), 157:23

Oseberg (Viking ship replica), 58:36, 64:34, 64:34

Osgood, Samuel Stillman (artist), 150:28–29

O’Shaughnessy, Helen, 176:29

Oskard (Bermudan cutter), 71:40

Oslo, 30:10

Osmers, Henry

“They Were All Strangers: The Wreck of the John Milton at Montauk, New York,” 138:18–20

Osmundsen, William Barth, 46:25

Osprey (barquentine), 3:10

Osprey (ex-James Madison), 175:16–18

Osprey, USS, 167:23

Ossie (beach punt), 51:18

Ossie (Suffolk beach boat replica), 53:6

Ostermiller, Jerry, 124:46–47

Ostersehlte, Christian

“History of the ‘Racing Stripe’ Emblem and Brand Identity for World Sea Services and Coast Guards: Part II The Rest of the World,” 139:31–33

Ostler, Mychal

“From Pilot to President: Captain John Ainsworth & the Oregon Steam Navigation Company,” 179:18–22

“Steamboat Rivalry on the Columbia River: Captain Ernest Spencer vs. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Company,” 176:24–26

Ostlund, Kurt B., 41:14

Oswald, Julian, 77:41

Oswald, Ronald L., 97:6, 102:6, 103:6, 113:6, 115:6, 117:8, 121:8, 124:46, 127:8, 127:8, 129:8, 132:8, 132:8, 132:34, 135:8, 137:8, 139:8, 141:9, 144:8, 144:9, 148:52, 152:12, 152:12, 153:8–9, 153:9, 154:9, 156:8, 156:44, 157:8, 161:10, 161:11, 165:9, 165:9, 166:13, 167:8, 167:9, 168:10, 169:4, 169:8, 169:8, 169:9, 169:9, 170:9, 171:10, 172:13, 172:13, 174:9, 175:9, 176:4, 176:10, 177:4, 177:4, 178:10–11, 178:10

Oswego Maritime Foundation, 48:32

Otago (iron barque), 8:12–13, 12:41, 32:15

Othello (whaleship), 21:3

Otterburn (renamed Anna) (four-masted barque), 1:34, 6:34–38, 6:35, 6:36, 8:6, 14:33, 15:66, 75:45–47, 75:45

Ottinger, Douglas, 168:17, 168:17

Ottman, Jon, 158:14–15

“Otto Hersing Was the First,” 74:8–9

Ottoman empire, 48:18

Otton, Patrick

“USS Constitution Reborn,” 81:40–41

Otway, Larry

“The St. Brendan Project,” 43:33

Ou Loo, 144:30

Our Boys (oyster smack), 29:47

“Our Historic Ships: Not Just a Hobby—an Urgent Priority,” 96:14

Our Lady of Good Voyage (Gloucester schooner), 49:11

Our Son (three-masted schooner), 47:24

Our Svanen (barquentine), 26:41, 26:41

Out o’ Mystic Schooner Fleet, 33:35

Outerbridge, Arthur William, 163:8

Outerbridge, Jessie Halliday Woodward, 163:8

Outerbridge, William, 162:16, 163:8–9, 163:9

“The Outlook of American Yacht Racing,” 149:18–19

outrigger canoes, 36:24, 43:29–30, 83:14. See also canoes

Outward Bound Schools, 15:27, 51:28–29. See also Hurricane Island Outward Bound School (HIOBS)

“Overcoming Disease and Injury to Build the Panama Canal,” 148:18–19

Overfalls (lightship), 5:28

Overfield, Mike

“Echoes of World War I—Chemical Warfare Materials on the Atlantic Coast,” 133:14–18

Overijssel (Dutch ship), 174:35

Overland, Christian, 177:44

“Overland Relief Expedition, The––Saving Whalers 120 Years Ago Above the Arctic Circle” (Thiesen), 166:20–21

Overton, Henry, map, 87:24

Overton, John, map, 87:23

Ovid Butler, SS (Liberty ship), 13:4

Owana (passenger steamship), 169:30

Owen, George, 28:31, 116:22

Owens, E. L., 83:41

Owens, Yona, 178:40, 178:40

Oxenham, John, 80:9, 143:16

Oxford Ship Yards, 180:34

Oxford University. See Maritime Archaeological Research (MARE) (Oxford University)

“Oxford’s Nautical Archaeology Team: The First Ten Years of MARE,” 57:22, 100:39–41

oyster barges, 107:12, 116:5

oyster dredges, 48:7–8

oyster fishing, 164:33

Oyster Recovery Partnership (ORP), 182:11, 183:4

oyster shelling, 50:18–19