Sea History Index

Sea History, Volumes 1–185


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Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.  |   Index prepared by MLM Indexing Service.


QE2. See Queen Elizabeth 2

quarantine flag, 171:8

Quarm, Roger

“‘The Great Age of Sail’: A Remarkable Sampling of the World’s Great Marine Art from England’s National Maritime Museum Will Come to America in 1992,” 60:22–29

Quartel, Rob

“The American Flag at Sea: A Shipper’s Perspective,” 78:6–7

Quarter Pounder (yacht), 168:10

Quasi-War with France, 113:16–19, 122:24, 153:32–36, 170:26

Quebec City, 31:51, 32:42

Quebec Steamship Company, 64:33

Queen Anne’s Revenge (Blackbeard’s ship, formerly slave ship), 96:15, 111:36, 145:52, 145:54, 156:29

Queen Anne’s Revenge Shipwreck Conservation Laboratory, 106:36

Queen Charlotte, HMS, 43:25, 48:37, 128:8, 136:11, 138:31, 138:31

at the Battle of Lake Erie, 144:15, 144:16–19

Queen Elizabeth, HMS (aircraft carrier), 156:55

Queen Elizabeth, RMS (Cunard liner), 55:33, 65:14, 65:22, 95:13, 144:48

(picture), 65:15

on postage stamps, 59:30

during World War II, 95:15–16

Queen Elizabeth 2 (“QE2”) (Cunard liner), 11:35, 26:28, 65:32, 95:13, 95:14, 98:33, 121:4

(pictures), 26:28, 95:14, 122:12, 163:46, 163:46, 163:48

Queen Elizabeth class (Royal Navy), 31:8

Queen Frederica (ex-Malolo, ex-Atlantic, ex-Matsonia) (ocean liner), 7:22

Queen Hatshepsut’s Punt ship, ivory model, 78:22

Queen Mary, RMS (Cunard ocean liner), 5:28, 13:49, 20:29, 23:21, 31:55, 55:33, 63:38, 63:38, 64:34, 65:14–15, 65:21, 65:22, 77:36, 95:11, 104:38, 144:48, 153:52–53, 156:50, 159:41–42, 176:46, 178:52, 178:52, 182:51–52, 183:19

(pictures), 65:15, 95:16, 98:33, 121:12, 153:53, 159:41, 176:46, 182:51

art of, 73:28

during World War II, 95:15–16

Queen Mary 2, 95:13, 121:4, 122:12, 144:48

Queen of Nassau (ex-CCGS Canada) (steamer), 102:38

Queen of the Fleet (ex-Governor Stone) (two-masted Gulf cargo schooner), 165:32

Queen of the Ocean (cutter yacht), 150:29–30

Queen Victoria (Cunard liner), 121:4, 122:12, 144:48

“The Queens at War,” 95:15–16

Queens Victory, 177:29

Queensland Maritime Museum, 23:27

Queensland Museum, 21:29

Queenstown Association, 99:910, 100:3

Quentin Roosevelt (destroyer), 177:13

Quesir, Zapher (“Gasseyr”), 175:18

Quest (dragger), 4:35, 6:30, 7:31

Quest (former fishing schooner), 5:29

Quest (motor ship), 177:14

Quest (trawler), 101:11

“The Quest for the Truth of the Ernestina/Morrissey,” 34:13

“The Quest for the Truth of the Wavertree,” 26:9–12

“The Quest of the Gloucester Schooner,” 49:11–12

Quester Gallery, 50:27, 69:32, 73:29, 78:25

Quester Maritime Collection, 37:27, 47:39

Quiberon Bay, Battle of, 56:26

Quick, Richard, 28:46–47

Quickstep II (ex-Lily), 14:63, 14:63, 60:8

Quinalt Victory (Victory ship), 88:34

Quinby, Jack, 76:40

Quinlan Visual Arts Center, 156:39

Quinn, David Beers, 103:38

Quinn, Paul

“How the Royal Navy Beat the U-Boat,” 67:10–11

Huascar Shows What the Turret Ship Can Do!” 94:15–19

Quinnipiac oyster barge, 107:13

Quinnipiack, 63:35, 87:6

Quistconck (merchant marine ship), 169:13

“‘Quite a Curiosity’: The Project to Recover the U.S.S. Monitor,” 9:10–12

Quonset (ex-Elizabeth Monroe Smith; ex-Bojangles) (steamer), 10:13