Category: News

Sea History 173 Featured Article: “If Boat is Going Down”—Bikes, Boats, and Robert Pirsig, by Paul F. Johnston

Best-selling author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Bob Pirsig spent a good portion of his adult life intimately involved with boats—from building to living aboard them, to cruising and, of course, maintaining them. His widow recently donated a…


Seminar Series: Mayflower Quadricentennial – 5 December 2020

Feature image: Mayflower II under sail 10 August 2020. Photo: Plimoth Patuxet Museums Register Here for the 5 December 2020 Seminar Series Live Zoom Event Welcome & Lecture at 11:00 AM ET, Q&A to Follow Please join us for the…


Seminar Series: Discovering Amistad with Jason Hine – 7 November 2020

Register Here >> Register Here for the 7 November 2020 Seminar Series Live Zoom Event Welcome & Lecture at 11:00 AM ET, Q&A to Follow Pre-registration is required and greatly appreciated. Admission is free and limited to the first 100…

“Ship Spermo Trying With Boats Among Whales On California 1821,” by J. Fisher, ca. 1823.

In the Pages of Sea History 172

Here’s what’s in the pages of Sea History 172:  NMHS Annual Awards Dinner—A VIRTUAL CELEBRATION ! We’re taking a look back at over five decades of excellence in the maritime heritage community, revisiting the people, organizations, and ships recognized with NMHS…


Seminar Series: James Nelson – 26 September 2020

Register >>Get the Book/E-Book >> Register Here for the 26 September 2020 Seminar Series Live Zoom Event Welcome & Lecture at 11:00 AM ET, Q&A to Follow Pre-registration is required and greatly appreciated. Admission is free and limited to the…


Seminar Series: Ahab’s Rolling Sea with Richard King – 17 June 2020

Register >>Get the Book/E-Book >>Watch the Seminar Video >> Register Here for the 17 June 2020 Seminar Series Live Zoom Event. Welcome at 6:15 PM, Presentation at 6:30 PM, Q&A to Follow Admission is free and limited to the first…

Mayflower Launch Day

In the Pages of Sea History 171

Here’s what’s in the pages of Sea History 171:  Fiddler’s Green “Wrap me up in me oilskins and jumper. No more on the docks I’ ll be seen. Just tell me old shipmates I’m taking a trip, mates, and I’…


Maritime Museums Get Creative with Virtual Resources

With a record number of people going online for information and entertainment, maritime museums the world over have gotten creative with providing resources to support and promote our seafaring heritage. The National Maritime Historical website has become an increasingly valuable…


The Howard Slotnick Leadership Fund: Celebrate Howard’s Legacy with a Gift

Match my Gift to the Howard Slotnick Leadership Fund   In April 2020 with heavy hearts we shared the sad news that Howard Slotnick, our dear friend, shipmate, chairman emeritus, treasurer and trustee since 1976, had died on 31 March…


Howard Slotnick (1930-2020)

Watch the Film      The trustees and staff of the National Maritime Historical Society mourn the loss of their dear friend and shipmate Howard Slotnick. A trustee of the Society since 1976 and our treasurer and chairman emeritus, Howard…

USS Olympia 1895-1901

In the Pages of Sea History 170

Here’s what’s in the pages of Sea History 170:  National Maritime Awards Dinner and Washington Invitational Marine Art Exhibition The National Coast Guard Museum Association joins NMHS for the 2020 gala, where three invaluable American maritime institutions will be honored…


Seminar Series: Lewis McIntyre – 22 February 2020

Watch the Seminar Recording >>Get the Book >> Register Here for the Seminar Welcome & Refreshments at 10:30 AM, Seminar at 11:00 AM; Casual Lunch to Follow Hendrick Hudson Free Library, 185 Kings Ferry Road, Montrose, NY Join us for an…


Fiddlers’ Green, Charles Robertson

The trustees and staff of the National Maritime Historical Society mourn the loss of Charles A. Robertson—their friend, former trustee and recipient of the 2016 NMHS Distinguished Service Award.  Charles was a true friend of the maritime heritage and he…

Lurline Launch Matson

In the Pages of Sea History 169

Here’s what’s in the pages of Sea History 169:  A Century of the Jones Act, by Salvatore R. Mercogliano, PhD Maritime historian and former merchant mariner Salvatore Mercogliano tells the story of the straits the US was in when foreign-flagged…


Seminar Series: Seafaring Songs with Charlie Zahm – 25 January 2020

Join us Saturday, 25 January 2020 for Seafaring Songs and Chanteys: Performance with Historian Singer Charlie Zahm Register Here for the Seminar Welcome & Refreshments at 10:30 AM, Performance at 11:00 AM; Casual Lunch to Follow Hendrick Hudson Free Library, 185…