Category: News


Resource for Naval Veterans Seeking Asbestos Information

The for-profit asbestos-advocacy organization The Mesothelioma Center has made available on its website a searchable database for naval veterans. Visitors to the site can search individual US Navy ships for further information on that ship’s use of asbestos in its…


The National Maritime Alliance Needs Your Help!

Over one year ago, the National Maritime Alliance asked for our help to lobby for passage of the Ships to Be Recycled in the States (STORIS) Act, an attempt to reverse language in the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act that…


Success! Maritime Heritage Grant Program Restored

We’re happy to bring you this letter from Tim Runyan, chair of the National Maritime Alliance Good News! Language to amend the National Maritime Heritage Act was included in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017 (the Defense bill) that…


Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Receives $80K Grant

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Maryland, has received an $80,000 grant from the Maryland Historical Trust’s Maryland Heritage Areas Authority program. The grant will help fund a new Small Craft Heritage Center project, projected to begin in…


Time Running Out for Historic Falls of Clyde

The historic ship Falls of Clyde, long a fixture of the Honolulu waterfront, is awaiting a miracle. The ship, the world’s only surviving four-masted, full-rigged ship and the only surviving sailing oil tanker afloat, has been impounded by the Hawaii…


Griffiths Headstone Unveiled

  On 23 July the headstone for the grave of legendary naval architect John W. Griffiths (October 6, 1809–March 30, 1882), designer of steamships, war vessels, and the record-setting clippers Sea Witch and Rainbow, at Linden Hill United Methodist Cemetery…


In the Pages of Sea History 154

Here’s what’s in the pages of Sea History 154:    The 2016 National Maritime Awards Dinner NMHS and the Naval Historical Foundation present the 2016 National Maritime Awards Dinner. Join us for our annual gala event at the National Press…


Nauticus to Purchase Schooner Virginia

The Norfolk City Council voted on Tuesday to approve a plan for the Nauticus Foundation to buy the schooner Virginia. Under the proposed plan, Virginia would be docked next to the battleship Wisconsin and used for educational programming. Nauticus, an…


CBMM Announces Boat Auction

The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) is holding its very first sealed-bid boat auction. Due to a large number of recent boat donations, up to 20 in-the-water boats—ranging in size and performance from cabin cruisers and sport fisherman to sailing…


Looking for an Organization to Take On Historic Ferry

The custodian of the ferryboat Binghamton is searching for someone to take possession of the vessel. One of six steam-powered screw-propeller, double-ended ferryboats built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock for the Hoboken Ferryboat Company in 1905, Binghamton…


Fiddlers' Green, Peter Stanford

January 16, 1927–March 24, 2016 … The trustees and staff of the National Maritime Historical Society mourn the loss of Peter Stanford, NMHS president emeritus, longtime friend, and generous benefactor. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife, Norma, and…


South Street Receives $4.84 Million for Community Education Space

The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) and the South Street Seaport Museum (SSSM) have announced $4.8 million in federal funds for the renovation of SSSM’s Water Street properties as an education and community space. The proposed allocation is made possible…


NOAA Announces Discovery of USS Conestoga

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Navy have announced the discovery of the wreck of USS Conestoga (AT-54), lost in 1921 en route to Pearl Harbor. Launched in 1903 from Baltimore’s Sparrows Point shipyard, Conestoga towed…


Checking in with Columbia

We reported on the excursion steamer Columbia one year ago in Sea History 149 (Winter 2014–15). Believed to be the oldest intact remaining passenger steamer in the country, the veteran of nearly 90 years of ferrying passengers back and forth…


Remembering the "Ship of Miracles"

In February of 2013, Rear Admiral Robert Lunney presented a talk for the NMHS Charles Point Council seminar series, The Hungnam Evacuation and the Ship of Miracles in the Korean War. RADM Lunney, a longtime friend of NMHS and former…