Hauling a Ship Over the Mountains of New England

In 1776, during the Revolutionary War, General Carleton of the British military needed ships to fight the American gunboats on Lake Champlain. British soldiers in Canada dismantled HMS Inflexible and two smaller ships Maria and Carleton and carried them in sections through the forests.

It took the British months to build and transport the ships, but just 28 days to reassemble them. Carleton and his soldiers launched the ships on the shore of Lake Champlain just in time to fight the battle of Valcour Island against a small fleet of American gunboats in October 1776. This was the first time that American forces fought a British fleet.

Image: October 11, 1776 the Battle of Valcour Island.

Did You Know?

Seal With Plastic Bottle

Marine animals consume plastic when they confuse it for food.

Small plastics and floating objects often look like food to aquatic animals and sea birds. When they eat plastic, it often gets stuck in their digestive system, making them feel full and unable to eat proper food.

What can YOU do?
Learn more at Getting Rid of Marine Debris