Texas Seaport Museum Exhibit to Celebrate Sea Shanties

A New Exhibit at the Texas Seaport Museum:
Keeping Rhythm on the Sea—A History of Sea Shanties

shanty-750x400Galveston Historical Foundation’s Texas Seaport Museum will highlight sea shanties—songs that helped sailors keep rhythm together and work as one—at a new exhibit, Keeping Rhythm on the Sea – A History of Sea Shanties. The exhibit will debut onboard the 1877 barque Elissa on Friday, 13 November, during a special Galveston Historical Foundation member’s preview. The exhibit will be open to the general public beginning Saturday, 14 November, at the Texas Seaport Museum,  located at Pier 22 and Harborside in Galveston, Texas.

This new exhibit, donated to Texas Seaport Museum by Texas A&M Galveston Maritime Studies program, highlights the historical and contemporary life of the sea shanty and the men who sang them. Video and audio clips of shanties being sung aboard Elissa add to the experience of being on board while under sail.
